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Autism and immune system problems

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There was an article in the last issue of Looking Ahead about some recent research which has been done linking autism with an increased likelihood of problems with the immune system. Did anyone happen to read this article, or anything similar, and if so could you point me in the direction of the research please. Stupidly I read the article then threw away the magazine without remembering to cut it out. E has had a terrible skin condition since Easter, which doctors have been unable to diagnose, and it occurred to me that it may be some kind of auto-immune reaction, so I would like to be able to take some info about this research along with me when she sees the consultant again next week.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I cant help with the research youre talking about, but I have done some research of my own in this area but on a very small scale, ie the children I work with.


over the last 6 years out of the 12 ASD children Ive been observing 9 of them have had lower school attendance than 82% of their NT peers


not too scientific as some of these kids dont have a dx and there are other factors that i dissalowed e.g. broken limbs etc but it is something Ive suspected for a while

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Hi Emum,


Don't know the article you've mentioned but I'd be interested in this too.


Several times when my daughter was little - the Paed. mentioned that she had a poor immune system - and recently her doctor mentioned it again.


Take care,


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I heard the same and I do believe it to be true.


Robyn gets viruses , colds, ear infections etc quite a lot. She is starting senior school next week and I had a visit from the school board on Friday, asking if there were any problems as Robyns attendance in year 6 was less than 80%.


I told him of Robyns diagnosis and that she has lots of outside agencies involved, he seemed to be satisfied that we had cahms and social services on board.


It wasnt till I read this thread that I realised she has always been a sickly child and I certainly did'nt realise how much schooling she has missed due to being ill.


She is Iron difficient and wont take the medicine (mind you I dont blame her). She is very pale, this is probably is a factor why she is ill a lot.


Well roll on next week please wish us luck for her first week in senior school.



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In the end I googled it and came up with quite a few hits, and then mentioned it to consultant when I saw him. He was fairly neutral about whether this was likely or not, but given that he hasn't got a clue what could be causing the problem, he agreed to run some tests on her to see whether this might be it, at the same time as doing a skin biopsy. I'll report back if anything comes of this.

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