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About vjmac

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill
  1. vjmac

    What should i do?

    Hi Kirstie, Not an easy decision for you to make! What I've found is that within the Scottish system , once your child is in mainstream it is very difficult to obtain a placement within a specialist unit if it's not working out. Having spoken to my girls Ed Psych I was informed the whole process could take up to a year, ( although this may have been to put me off!) as I already had a named school for her. It's really hard to try and anticipate what our little ones needs are going to be. They seem to be ever changing! Wouldn't it be great if the Christmas fairy waved her magic wand and allowed us to see that part of their future! Sorry not much help. Enquire should be able to help you on this one. Take care, and good luck with your decision. Vickixx
  2. vjmac

    Internet School

    Hi Tez, Had a look at the website but would probably want to know more about it. My girl is only 6 so I haven't thought that far ahead, although I probably should be. I suppose it could be a solution for those parents who don't know what else to do for their child who may be struggling at high school. Again though, all these things cost money and it's another added pressure for families. Vickixxx
  3. vjmac

    Good News

    Bid, I am absolutely delighted for you and Auriel. I had a big lump in my throat when I read your post, I know it's not been an easy time for either of you. Well done! Vickixx
  4. Kathryn, I am so sorry you are going through this right now. It's an awful time for you. I can't give you any advice as we haven't been through this, but Elefan is right though - don't let them defeat you! Someone emailed this quote to me which I have pinned to my desk.I look at it everytime I have to 'do battle' with the professionals and am left feeling like a neurotic/psychotic mother. (Which is quite often!): "Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity" You haven't done anything wrong. You are doing everything right by fighting to have your daughters needs met. Take care of yourself. Vicki
  5. vjmac

    Good News

    Bid, I am absolutely delighted for both you and Auriel. You're hard work has paid off and you both deserve this. If Auriel is happy then you will be too. Well done! Vicki
  6. vjmac

    Recommended book.

    Nellie, My first smilie in the text box! Am I thick or what !..... How easy was that. Vicki
  7. vjmac

    Recommended book.

    Hi Nellie, Have just ordered the book. Thanks for that. Vicki
  8. vjmac


    Hi Spike, You can learn so much from the others on this forum. Not only do people provide you with some brilliant information but they provide you with support and help you through the hard times. I'm sure both you and Melissa will get a lot from it. Take care Vicki
  9. Hi all, After several trips/phonecalls to the LEA, talking to MP's and councillors and asking them for help, you will not believe the type of assistance they have granted my daughter for afternoons. (She currently has an SEN aux for 10hrs per week in the morning but is struggling in the afternoon.) Anyway, they plan to bring in a teacher from another school who assists with learning difficulties (but not ASD)on Monday afternoon, a different one on Tuesday, no one for Wednesday and a different one again for Friday. Is it just me or are these people absolutely clueless? Back to the drawing board once again! Just when you think you're getting somewhere.....! Vicki
  10. vjmac


    Hi elaine1, Welcome to the site. i am pretty new to it and don't always post but it has been so much help to me just reading how other people are and what they go through. There is a wealth of information on this forum! I love how you use the term 'wobbly moments' and if you don't mind I shall add it to my own vocabulary! Good luck to you and your boy. Vicki
  11. Hi furby1, Ialso have my girl on a dairy free diet which I feel has improved her AS symptoms and sleep difficulties. It has also improved her eczema and asthma. I tend not to give her any fizzy juice or foods with additives and colourings and try to encourage lots of fruit and veg. (Lucky for me fruit has been one of her obsessions!). Tesco have started stocking a few dairy free snacks and have the most amazing soya ice cream. However these are all quite expensive. They also do all the dairy free marg/butter/yoghurts etc. Why not ask for a referral to a dietician. They have lists of all these sorts of diets. Good Luck Vicki PS Have just read through my post. My poor girl is so deprived! Just as well she's only 5 and doesn't know any better!
  12. Hi folks, Sorry I haven't replied to your posts before now but I have been out and about doing battle with various people. Sound familiar? I have now approached a couple of the local councillors to see if they can help. I doubt it but I will continue to explore every option! Helen and Nellie, thanks again for your help and support. You're both right I am not being taken seriously, but you know what , I feel stronger now than I did last week and will continue the fight! Feeling much more positive about things. Isn't it great when you have days like that! Take care Vicki
  13. Hi everyone, I would be so grateful if I could also use some of your postings to show to some of the professionals. ( I would make sure it was anonymous). I am so tired today fighting these people. I have just returned from a meeting with the Head of Special Needs for the LEA, only to be told that children with physical disabilities would normally have full-time SEN support. (My girl currently has 10hrs and is statemented) and that they don't actually have the funding to support my girl any further. The school feel she needs more support and have been fantastic but they only have so many staff and limited resources. Like you Helen I have so many negative feelings which go right back to the when my girl was at nursery and they failed to admit she had a problem. These feelings consume me, especially on days like today when the help and support still isn't there- and here was me thinking I was quite a positive person! I don't always post messages, as half the time I don't even know where to begin, but I read what everyone else writes and it is such a relief to know that other people are going through the same. ( That sounds really bad - hope you know where I'm coming from!) Thanks to you all. Vicki
  14. Hi Nellie, I have followed your advice and bought a diary as I have just arranged a meeting with the Head of Special Ed Needs. My girl does have a statement and currently has 10 hrs of SEN support per week, however when I collect her from school she kicks and tries to bite me on the way to the car. Also if any of the other children try to speak to her or call her name she sticks her tongue out or tries to hit them. Is this a reaction to a stressful day? I have actually considered getting a friend to videotape us leaving the school and in the house immediately afterwards to show to the Ed Dept. No amount of talking seems to work. I know it probably sounds like a really bad idea, but i'm running out of options! Any further advice would be much appreciated! Thanks Vicki
  15. Nellie Having just rambled on complaining of feeling sick & tired, my little darling has just popped out of my wardrobe with a pair of high heel boots which reach her thighs, my belt around her waist and my recently purchased lipstickall over her face! No matter how bad things seem they always seem to be able to put a smile on your face! Would you agree? Vicki
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