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Everything posted by smiley

  1. FIRMP firm...p....?? i have very rude typing fingers, lol... DCOAD Anyone..?
  2. Gotta Understand, Silly's Especially Wonderful............. INDCE
  3. Hmmmm ok, ok, i get it.........c**p idea...........
  4. Have had day from hell.... .....send help quick.... .....preferably in the form of............ Shut eyes, type 5 letters.....next person to make up sentence using 5 letters............. Oldie, but a goodie.... ......... pretty please - i'll share my baileys....... (honest ) KSERJ
  5. Can i play?? Pleeeaaassseee Fabulous day today - not.... My little man has had....the last day for classroom LSA .......school disco .........and last day for me for childminding, therefore, last day with 2 little extras in the house..............(although as far as he's concerned about the last one... )...........PLUS in the schools infinate wisdom lots of chocolate and blackcurrant juice.......... Total meltdown central here 'bout an hour ago.......... Make mine a booooomin' big glass (make that bucket...) of Baileys........ Lets get trashed and put on some Abba............
  6. I am an NT adult female with one son with AS xx
  7. Hi LizK, My son is 6 and has a diagnosis of Aspergers, his consultant also feels he has ADD and Tourettes (twitches etc). ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder - basically, ADHD without the 'H'. The problem with diagnosing other conditions alongside ASD's is that until the Autism is a bit more controlled, or managed better, and any underlying sensory problem, communication problems are eased it's hard to tell if it's a condition in itself - or a reaction/anxiety... Still a bit muddled - - i'll give you my consultants take on it... M finds it increadibly difficult to remember things, i can send him upstairs to get something......he will go to the top of the stairs and begin to wander about. Sometimes remembering he's up there for something but not sure what, sometimes he's totally forgotten he need to get something - just finds himself upstairs and a little confused! This follows through on all aspects of his life - the speech therapist will ask him to point to three things in a picture, M will remember 2, then 'get lost' in thought............. (problems with sequencing) The consultants / speech therapist 's take of this (and the tics) is that, he will have these problems present in AS, at the moment they are very obvious, therefore M may well have these conditions also. But they may also be a sign that he is overly stressed out and that we need to make sure he is less stressed ( huh?!) when a formal diagnosis of ADD/Tourettes is made. Just read through what i've written lol, i hope it makes sense! I think what i'm trying to say is that it can be difficult to diagnose for certain until the primary condition is more controlled........... Hope i've helped - and not just confused you more!!
  8. Oh my goog gawd yes!! My little monkey can and will talk endlessly about a tv characture or show, he will recite what was said, word-for-word, As a mummy, you learn to smile and nod -
  9. Reminds me of my little monkey - oh, the embarasment!! We eventually persuaded him to try to say 'oh, wow, it's just what ive always wanted!!' when opening prezzies from relatives, no matter what it was.........of course, the wink and grin and whispered 'i remembered mummy' after opening every pressie gave it away slightly.........
  10. Pleased to hear you call the police - something similar happened to us last year. Without going into too much detail - i'm very pleased we did. I think, even if youre proved wrong (though cant figure out how ) it would at least put your mind at rest
  11. Hi Jaded.... Don't think i have a children with disabilities team...or an asd/autism team for that matter!! I will have a look in my Pinpoint book but not holding out much hope - there is absoulutely no help by me, no support groups that i can get to - ie; evenings. Such a shame, i'm sure it would benefit me and my little man. Hense why i'm always on here, annoying you lot, lol.
  12. Thanks for the messages - good to hear it helps before i hit woolies! Mandyque - we don't have much of anything where i live! It would be excellent to try it out first. Kazzen - Our histroy with fish isn't great he wanted to stroke them !! But thanks for suggesting story tapes, i can see him enjoying that. Am coming over all Laurence Lewelin-Bowen (how the ? do you spell that?!) can feel a changing rooms attack over half term.......
  13. Hiya, My sons consultant has said i should try a sensory room to help my son deal with his anxiety levels. He is a passive child and alot of his anxiety goes inwards, self harm, very low self esteem etc.... She suggested this as a way for him to relax and for me to 'teach' him how to relax. She suggested one of those disco ball things or even better, something more soothing, poss lava lamp kind of thing. Nothing too over the top - all in his bedroom. Has anyone tried this out and if so, did it help their child??
  14. Yes, i did Faye. I saw a lot (bit too much if i'm honest ) of my son in the behaviour of Dan. I think it was well made.
  15. E=mc......that cat had us in hysterics!!
  16. That's worrying Mel. Porr little lad must be freezing.
  17. I;m going to tune in.......bit worried about the whole 'Aspergers and Murder' bit though. Hope it's done properly.....
  18. smiley


    Sounds to me like you may have found yourself a great SENCO . We get so used to looking over our shoulders and fighting tooth-and-nail that when a good one comes along we go all Hopefully anyway...... ..........you've got me at it now!! xxxx <'>
  19. Hiya Virtualvisual and welcome. What a hard time your having hunni. <'> The support and advice on this site is amazing. <'> <'>
  20. Ok, will do. I've dug out a note book and will start it from the beginning of the term - put everything that has happened in it. The EP has only had M on her 'books' since the beginning of this term because she was full last year (the school didn't contact any outside help in YR) - we've had to wait to see her. I will call her and let her know the things she advised the school to put in place haven't happened. The CAMBS team came in to see him last year - said they couldn't do much without the EP onboard (though did say he needs to be statemented)...i'll try them again. I suppose i could speak to the speach therapist and pead - see if they will put something in writing for me. Blimey, isn't this depressing stuff. My little boy deserves better than this. He is as stressed out now - after only half a term - as he was at the end of the last school year. Very worried about him.
  21. Hi, M hasn't been statemented. Thus begins a veryyyy long story...will narrow it down.. Last year i knew very little about statements. Just that i thought it was for the schools to decide if one was needed. (bet you can guess what the school said...) This year, along with officail dx - the speech therapist and pead have told me to statement M myself...then came the meeting with Ed Psyc... I discussed statementing with her. As the school have nothing in place for M (he has been on school action plus since Nov 03??) she feels that the LEA would not statement him as stratigies to help M cope with school haven't been tried fist - hope your all keeping up.... - So, basically, i want to statement him, but without the backing of the Ed Psyc?? And school are absoulutely against it..surprise, surprise. Say he's getting funding on school action plus - which is about the same as statementing funding (my argument is - the statemented funding would be used for M and only M) Personally if feel that they are putting everything in my way to statement...the advert will be shown to LEA..."he's getting 1-2-1 help". Which i now know to be rubbish. No stratigies are in place...cynical me feels it is to put a halt to statementing - LEA will want things put in place to see if that helps M first. M is not being taught socail skills in school, he has no visual timetables (but uses them at home) he is basically treated as an NT child - EP suggested social skills to LSA - she said, 'i dont feel it's important...' They tell me M is happy at school. I know my son, he is very placid in nature, he doesn't get violet, argue or disrupt the class. If he can't cope, he shuts down, 'zones out' and therefore is no 'bother' to the class. If he gets overloaded (noise, smell, etc) he giggles hysterically, rocks, goes into himself - rather than wallop someone. Yesterday morning was a prime example...he was obviously very anxious..but the whole time her was saying, repeatedly, 'it's going to be fun at the common'. The school hear/see this behaviour and have decided he's 'happy'. It's increadibly frustrating.... The speach therapist even said - if he wacks someone he might get help
  22. Just a little add-on... This morning when i dropped M off, teacher (yes - she actually spoke to me!!!) asked me to remind her to fill in the home/school book at the beginning and end of the day. She appologised and said it should be done without me asking - but she's really busy.... She mentioned that the head has had a word with her ( - finally!) I don't think it is my job to remind her - but this is a huge improvement on her recent behaviour. Oh, and the 1-2-1 they have advertised for (says on the advert, for year 2 child with Aspergers - ie; M) is actually going to be helping three children - not just M. Gggrrrr. I'm taking all what happened this morning as a (little) positive step. I think the head has realised i mean buisness...... Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey...........
  23. Hi Phasmid, 1) No permission slip signed this morning. 2) He said it was cold - lol - he's quiet this evening, looks a bit tense, it usually takes a couple of days for anything to come out if he's stressed. But he seems ok at the moment, which is good. Head's going to be getting another letter! Reminds me - i need to chase up the other one. As always - thank you for the advice <'>
  24. Hi, I tried to explain to M about the trip last night, he seemed exited at first. M spent an hour and a half banging his head on the wall this morning. I had to help him get dressed because he was unable to do it himself (couldn't concentrate to put trousers round right way etc..), he found his sunglasses and wore them to school so 'no one can see me'. The whole time still optimistic and saying (obviously i know better) that he wanted to go to the common. It was heartbreaking. I had to go to work or otherwise i wouldn't have let him go to school today. I got to school, teacher has disapeared, spoke to the LSA saying i (nor M) had any warning about the trip. She said a letter had been sent home. I didn't recieve one. She was very 'oh, he'll be fine' and shooed me away. I went to the head and explained the situation and my complaints to her..she just said 'ok. i'll have a word with the teacher'. Then asked me to leave as she had a meeting (yeah, right..). I'm teying hard to be strong....but it's not easy..
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