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Everything posted by smiley

  1. smiley

    Greenwich Meetup

    Hev Bid SG Bard Mumble Soraya Me, friend L & Niknaks... Pearl & JP Warren Tally (and cake! )
  2. Oh yes - massage is a great idea. First time i went for an Indian head massage (blllliiiisssss) the lady wandered out of the room. Leaving me with plinky-plinky music, dimmed lights......i sobbed for twenty minutes solid! Very cathartic, & i did feel fabulous after (despite the snotty nose and red eyes! )- the stress leaves you.
  3. Hiya, Here's another goodie... http://www.autismtoolkit.com/home.htm If possible, could you take it into school before the end of this term? Something that also helps our little 'uns is photographs of the adults (teachers, 121, dinner lady) and photos of the classroom, cloakroom, hall, etc. You could smile sweetly and ask if the school are happy to do this.
  4. Feckling :notworthy: :notworthy: Laughing so much my jaw hurts! Will have to think up some myself now
  5. Sent out as we discussed....................two 'reviews' back so far... Lookin' good!
  6. smiley

    Greenwich Meetup

    Me to! So............who's going?? Hev Bid SG Bard Mumble Soraya Who else?
  7. Me too three A couple of passing days like that arn't too bad - but when it becomes weeks, and then months.. I feel guilt that i'm not doing all that i should - makes me feel worse - - which makes me less able - and around in the circle i go............. I just go for little and often. I don't do lists if i'm feeling like that, it overwhelms me too much and then i'll just frett about the looooong list. I often find after i've had the focus on M, (either with school, LA, or whatever) i need to take some time figuring out how to live without that pressure iyswim. Chin up chicken <'> >< <'> ><
  8. smiley

    Greenwich Meetup

    *waves back* Looking forward to seeing you at Greenwich. <'>
  9. Yup, woman of few words, me..................and occasionally they make sense! <'>
  10. Yes. Very. <'> We plod along through life quite happily. Then something as simple as a trip to the park can upset me. It's becomes so obvious how 'different' M is to other children. The majority of my friends have children with some kind of special need. I did worry for a time that it wasn't such a healthy thing to have - and that i should have a mixture of people around me.............. But, to be honest, the friends i did have, that have since disapeared (soon after M's dx!), are far from the true friends i have now. But, yes, sitting at home, dealing with behaviour, managing our routine, and sometimes restricted life...............very, very isolating. T'is why were all obsessed with the forum!!
  11. <'> >< <'> I've had the same happen. A parent went in to complain about M hitting her son - and she had a blazing row with the teacher infront of me and M. she was pointing at M. I've also had a parent say to me 'you are cruel for making him come to this school, he's obviously stressed out' ........... Party invites being handed out by parents, and them ignoring M.......... There are some of the playground-mums who are great, and happy to talk, completely understanding of M. There are the other mummy-mafia who i do my best to ignore. <'> >< Do you know what the HT said?? She's not allowed to go into detail about B's difficulties without consulting you.
  12. Parent Partnership Service You can also phone...... Advisory Center for Education http://www.ipsea.org.uk NAS
  13. Can you contact the LA and tell them how things are? Or are the school doing that? Does she have any help outside of school? <'> ><
  14. <'> >< <'> Can you have a call around other schools in your area, and see if they will be more supportive? Schools should help our children - but some of them won't, can't or just plain don't. I'm going to send you a personal message - not sure how familiar you are with forums , top right of the screen - it says new messages.... <'>
  15. <'> >< <'> Does she have a statement of special educational needs??
  16. smiley

    Horrible Day!

    Hun, the first thing that made me realise the stress in me had changed to depression was when i was out walking my dog. I accidently stepped out onto a road without looking, and was nearly hit. It gave me a terrible shock - but what frightened me the most was the feeling of wishing i had been hit. Because it was the only way i could see, that would give me a break from my life at that time . I took myself off to the GP to get help. I struggled with similar feelings for a while, thankfully they've gone now. Maybe you're just really, really stressed out <'> but if it carries on, go see your GP OK? <'>
  17. Hiya and welcome <'> I agree completely with Tally. My son often says he's bored or that he doesn't know in school.............. those are just answers because someone is looking at him / or has asked him something he cannot give a true answer to as he hasn't been given the time to think, or it's too noisy. So he comes out with familiar 'stock' phrases. If the school have outside help (ie; Ed Py...etc) then your son should be on school action plus. This means he should have extra help available to him. Can you ask school what support other children similar to your son have had in the way of support? Do you have an Autism Outreach Worker in your area? They go into school and help the school manage (and also teach them why your son is behaving in that way quite often !). Have you contacted the NAS? Do they have a support group in your area? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay - that's way too many questions! Sorry! Hang on in there hun, you've found the right forum for help and support
  18. Great to hear SS will help out can the saturday guy suggest someone to you?? Ouchie, ouchie - those ops sound sore <'> >< <'> Remember YOU in all the chaos hun <'> I feel a saturday morning shopping spree / quiet coffee n good book / nice swim... coming on!
  19. Bliss! Have a lovely walk
  20. With great difficulty!! One job i hated to give up - but it just wasn't possible with all the chaos going on at home at the time. Thankfully, what i do now can be organised around my little monkey.
  21. T'was a virtual leg it.....does it still count?? I've been miiiiiiiles on my bike today - my bum hurts!
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