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Everything posted by Special_talent123

  1. I dont have high functioning/aspergers but im right in the middle in between low and high with a learning disability
  2. That stuff did not work on me. Its an antipsychotic, which made me psychotic. Quite contradictory when I am not even psychotic and know when I am. We all react to things differently. what helps me is an Antidepressant and Beta Blocker that calms me down
  3. I wouldn't trust that, as it's not a eye problem it's visual perceptual disorder its a brain problem . Irlen filters help my Irlen syndrome.
  4. I have Irlen with my dyspraxia and autism, you will be surprised what u find its a long term problem and my colour changes over six months so got another one again
  5. The wechler test is whether u have an intellectual disability... I scored below 70 which meant I felt straight into learning disability criteria
  6. Unfornately they don't seem to be helping adults what area are u in. I can look for u
  7. Try this http://www.autism.org.uk/directory.aspx
  8. Sounds like your child is having some sensory issues that could do with some help with. Has he been assessed by an OT for his sensory issues?
  9. They ask a lot of questions around her sensitivities and what she does and how is she processing those sensory issues
  10. No there isn't one for autism, to receive dla they need to know how much care he needs. But as u are saying he is moving to residential that could be a problem because he will only keep mobility part and not the care If your on low income I think u are entitled to income support
  11. From age of 16 u can be in charge of your own account, and I was. But she is sounding like my dad manipulative spending every benefit on self and not on providing care
  12. Bed32 - can still have dla in account age 17. When my dad refused to give me the money in my account then I had to get benefits involved as he kept stealing it.
  13. Soraya even she appointee she shouldn't be spending on herself
  14. Ring up Dla and tell them what she doing it's against law
  15. He sounds like he has some severe mental health problems. I know someone like that was danger to others too was hearing voices 'witches' she had to go into psychiatric hospital and then had to find a home with 24/7 staff on her own.
  16. I use ambre soilaire lasts few hours asda do them for £5 I use baby version as I cannot use low factors due to my foot so I use 50+ Cheaper than where I could find Plus it's dermatology tested
  17. Now go only test for eds they need a referral to hms specialist I made refer to physio hoping then can spot it for referral
  18. its only used if u need lots of care I have to pay for my care worker to do my flat. How much it depends on how much u receive. http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/personal-independence-payment-pip/pip-points-system
  19. schools do show educational dvds u know
  20. Some programmes are educational for kids, and broadcast television can be quite depressing. I don't watch the news, it triggers me but I watch tracy beaker yes and im 24 but its a child in care home and if can feel like I relate I feel it helps
  21. Be careful with how much u cut out because like myself I was lacking nutrients because I only eat fish and I nearly collapsed in which I had to buy non artificial supplements to replace those that I was lacking or I would collapse. If vegetarian/vegan you are supposed to have beans, grains and stuff to keep you going too. my food consists of mainly salmon , other fish, salads, veg then grain pasta , quinoa/rice, quorn meat but not too much of quorn, hazelnut milk, coconut oil, etc.
  22. To claim PIP u are scored against what u need help with regarding care/mobility... if u google pip points system it tell u there.
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