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Everything posted by Gem

  1. Hi, My son Harvey is 4, and we have a very similar night time problem!! Harvey is currently being assessed for possible Aspergers/ADHD, My eldest son was diagnosed with Aspergers last year. We went through a nightmare with Harvey at bedtime, he would go crazy, and laugh hysterically at us if we told him off, which was awful. He just doesnt seem to ever be tired!! Like your Harvey, once he is asleep he is fine until morning. We bought some herbal/homeopathic drops called FOCUS ADHD. More recently we have been giving him Omega 3 syrup too. He has definately calmed down and settles down quicker, (we put him back to bed 2 or 3 times now instead of 15 or 20 times!!) Its not a miracle cure, but has really helped. Gemma
  2. Hi, He just isnt very sporty so finds PE a bit of an ordeal! I also think he struggles to get changed as quickly as the other children so gets told off.
  3. How patronising and incredibly rude.
  4. Really? My son had the cord wrapped around his neck too, Also he was in the OP position (back to back) and so no matter how much i pushed he wasnt gonna budge!!! They insisted I kept going for 6 hours though and eventually tugged him out with ventouse and forceps! Kind of makes me angry to think if his birth had been handled better things would be different.......oh well, wouldnt change DS for the world! Its interesting to see how many other people experienced a similar birth, and have a child with AS.
  5. Gem

    Stopping the cigs!

    Have you tried electronic cigarettes....they are brilliant! I have tried sooooo many times to give up, and using these I finally did (I sound like im selling them!) Have a look on youtube, you will see people trying them. Good Luck!
  6. I read an article yesterday that said in more than 50% of cases, Children with Aspergers were starved of oxygen at birth. My son was born blue after 24 hours in labour, it seemed ages before they stopped giving him oxygen and he started to cry.
  7. Hi, Thanks for your replies.....after ordering a new kit from the school website, Camerons PE kit mysteriously turned up on his peg upon arrival at school today!!!! I do think maybe the idea of taking his kit in on the day he needs it would be good, but having said that, its hard enough for him to remember to bring his lunchbox out with him at hometime! I found an interesting article online yesterday on teaching strategies for children with Aspergers, www.asperger-syndrome.me.uk/teaching.htm I have printed it up to give to DS's teacher, Im not sure whether it will be appreciated but I dont know what else to do, I know she doesnt like my son, and has made no effort to understand Aspergers. When Cameron first started in the class the teacher asked me how should she teach him, because she had never taught a child like him before. I felt so stupid for not being able to give her an answer, but its all new to me too, what I do know is you only have to google Aspergers, and there is so much information. I really feel that if I were a teacher I would definately do my own research. Having spoken to my friend and my sister who are both teachers, I know this isnt too much to ask.
  8. My 9 year old son has Aspergers and is pretty prone to losing things and forgetting things e.t.c, I was confronted by his teacher yesterday to say that DS has not done PE for 2 weeks now because he has lost his kit. So thats tracksuit bottom, shorts, school t shirt and pumps disappeared into thin air!!!!! I asked her if I could look for them because they are all clearly labelled and must be somewhere in the school, to which the teacher replied that maybe DS would tell me where he has hidden them because he is only doing it to get out of PE!! Now I am fully aware of my sons dislike for PE but when I asked him if he had hidden his kit he got very upset and said he would rather be doing PE, because watching everyone is so boring. My sons teacher told us at the parents evening that she believes that our son is 'playing' on his Aspergers, what does that mean????? Feeling very disappointed as DS is doing really well in school at the moment and has met some lovely friends, so as a lot of the time he seems 'normal' to his teacher she seems to forget his diagnosis, and when he has a meltdown he is accused of playing on his Aspergers!! Should I talk to the head? They always seem to close ranks whenever I have tried to discuss any dubious teaching methods! Anyway, I feel better now I have aired my annoyance!!!
  9. Hello all! Been browsing forums for a while, and thought it was time I introduced myself!! My name is Gemma, and I am a mum to four sons aged from 9 to 1. My eldest son was disgnosed with Aspergers just over a year ago, and we are currently seeking a diagnosis of possible AS, ADHD for our 4 year old. My husband is in the Forces, so we move around the country alot, which as you can imagine really does not help our situation!! Have had sooooo many problems with schools over the years, we are currently looking into possible boarding schools for our eldest to attend next year. He is actually looking forward to this (amazingly!!), but he has said he would like to go somewhere that there are other children like him, and where the teachers would understand him, bless! I really wish that all teachers would take the time to read up on Aspergers/Autism, would make all our lives so much easier. I am currently waiting on a decision for DLA, which after reading other peoples posts on here, makes me so angry that is seems to be pot luck as to whether you get a yes or no! Would love to hear from anyone with advice on DLA or boarding schools for ASD kids. I look forward to getting to know you all better Gemma x
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