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Everything posted by mum22boys

  1. I know what you are going through on this one. I can't remember the last time my son went to bed and stayed there. He will typically come down after going to bed at 7.30 maybe five to ten times on a bad night even more. He is a big worrier and he replays the days events in his head. The london bombings caused a good few sleepless nights! Even a visit at school from the fire brigade brought problems at night. He has a very vivid imagination and believes fingers come through his walls. He will only settle in our bed and unfortunately this has become some sort of routine. We can however carry him through to his bed after he is asleep. I sympathise with you on this because we go through the same every night until he eventually falls asleep at approx 10pm.
  2. Totally agree with the Tony Attwood book. It was the best �13.00 I have spent!
  3. Not sure if anyone would be interested but after the programme Little Angels. At 9pm on Tuesday Evening is a programme called 'My Family and Autism' on UKtv Documentary channel (sky 564).
  4. My son has suffered with constipation since he was eight weeks old and he now has to take laxatives everyday. i have found a research paper recently that suggests there is a link between consipation and autism. I would be interested to find out if anyone else thinks there may be a link.
  5. Hi my name is Lisa. I have two boys the eldest is five and we are in the long diagnostic process at the moment, we think he has Aspergers. Our other son is two and we are beginning to wonder about him also as he is beginning little rituals and occassionally lacks eye contact. But hey we know no different and at least our life is never boring. Well thats what i keep telling myself anyway!!! Its great to find a UK based forum and I hope you never tire of me seeking advice. Lisa
  6. I can sympathise with you on this one. Not only does my son hate being told he is in the wrong he refuses to apologise. If I manage to get an apology out of him and somone hasn't heard and I try to get him to say it again he goes into a tantrum - big time! I keep hoping as he gets older I find the tack easier and I hope he does too. Can't offer you any advice I just know how you feel.
  7. Hi I am new to this forum but am glad to have found a UK site that I can relate to. I am after some much needed guidence to the diagnostic system. I have a 5 year old son who we think may have Aspergers. He has shown autistic traits since he was two. He can not accept change, he has obsessions (the latest one is electrical wires!) he has difficulty with communicating with other children. He has adapted well to school now but he has been there for 2 years so he has got used to it. It wasn't all plain sailing though, when he started he didn't speak to the others, he stood at the sand continuously, he refused to join in PE and he screamed when they left the classroom. He now accepts the children in his class and speaks to them but if he sees them outside of school he doesn't acknowledge them at all. he has terrible tantrums and a possible auditory problem. Anyway (sorry i'm rambling) I went to the GP and he was referred to CAMHS. There was a six month wait but we struck lucky and he was seen in 4 weeks. The pyschologist agreed he was showing signs of Aspergers - but didn't know what to do with him!!! Eventually after me pestering her she got his case discussed by the peadiatricians and they said he needed to be referred. It took her 8 weeks to decide this. I now have a letter to say he is being referred to the hospital peadiatric dept. Can someone please explain the process we have to go through to get diagnosed.
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