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Everything posted by bikergal

  1. Name: Jo Age: 34 Conditions: poss As; 12 year old As daughter Hobbies: motorbikes, camping, studying, travelling Favourite foods: aah, so many....chocolate, pizza, roast dinners, salads...too many to mention Favourite colour: shades of blue Worst food: kidney Pets: 5 cats called Tiger, Charlie, Honey, Misty & Mia. 4 coldwater fish without names TV programmes: Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Charmed, any science fiction and nature/environment documentaries
  2. OMG! That was soo WEIRD
  3. bikergal

    liver biopsy

    <'> I have taken steroids for years for my Ulcerative Colitis. I think generally the higher the dose the more likely you are to experience symtoms such as a moon face. I'm on a maintenance dose of 5mg a day. I have a bone scan every few years as steroids are known to thin the bones which could lead to osteoporosis. The higher dose made me a bit manic , I couldn't sleep and I had lots of headaches. I have no real problems now. They can also lower your immunity so you may pick up infections more easily. Steroids have changed my life. Life before steroids wasn't much of one, constantly on the loo, in pain , no appetite, no energy, constantly drained. Now I have a life and my maintenance dose stops the Colitis from flaring up big time. Also, everyone's different and what may affect one person won't necessarily affect someone else in the same way. Take care.
  4. bikergal

    The Batcave

    Golden hobnobs, did someone mention spray on corset? Oh Rocky, all is forgiven, we need you An awful smell enveloped the cave, and our heroes were lost from view in the eerie mist... they survive to tell another entrancing tale or we may have to endure Rocky doing the time warp
  5. My daughter has always been like that and we have very rarely ever got to school on time. She's 12 now and is better but for many years mornings have been extremely stressful, and I like you cope with it on my own. My younger dd (11) has also had to cope with being late every day. I used to dress her completely up to a year ago and with arms flailing and mega tantrum because she doesn't want to go to school it's extremely difficult. She can get dressed now but I constantly have to be on her case as she is easily distracted and will be playing with her toys if I leave her. She does not know the meaning of the word 'quick' so I have to allow lots of time. The order the clothes go on has also been a problem. I think much of this is down to her reluctance to go to school. Now she just doesn't get out of bed and frankly after the last huge battle I encourage her but will not force her to get dressed or attend a school that so clearly cannot meet her needs. Sorry don't really have any advice but you're not alone and I know how distressing it is for both of you. I am currently fighting for a statement for my daughter as I need this to get her into a special school, her needs are so complex I couldn't teach her at home. <'> <'>
  6. Know what you mean too. I find that I sometimes feel very sad while waiting for younger daughter to come out of primary school...seeing all the other kids laughing, talking, running, happy and carefree...that's something I've never seen my oldest daughter do. That really hits me . She'll be 13 this year and life is even more difficult for her now...Nice to know I'm not the only one to feel like this <'> <'>
  7. Hi Bullet, I'm in a similar position to you. Zemanski is right you should see your gp first and if they're not sure who to refer to they can find out. Contacting the NAS isn't a bad idea either. My cpn contacted a psychiatrist with the aim of making things clearer but he thought anyone who thought they had As must be living with the fairies. My 12 year old daughter's paed and more recently her psychiatrist mentioned going to Cambridge via a gp's referral for me but I know there is a large fee involved. Incidently my gp didn't know anything or who to refer to until I gave her the name and address...Knowledge is power. Good luck.
  8. Hi, a community school is owned and run by the Authority. Religious education and worship is taught in accordance with each county's agreed syllabus. A foundation school is a former grant maintained school. The Authority is responsible for funding these schools but their governors are responsible for running them and specifically responsible for the admission of pupils. Hope your eyes didn't glaze over
  9. I'm going to ring the school today. I just feel that E's missing out on her education the school have clearly underestimated her abilities despite SATS results that clearly show her to be a bright child. I think it's because she's vitually mute and has to have explicit instructions otherwise she's not sure what's expected of her. Sometimes I get the feeling they think I'm making a big fuss over nothing and that she's just a shy quiet girl Frankly I don't think her needs can be met in mainstream but for anything to change we need a statement Ever feel that you're going round in circles gettin nowhere fast? I think several people need a swift kick up the @***
  10. Thanks for your replies. I feel reluctant to speak to the Senco again as she always brushes E's problems aside and often says she'll do things and doesn't maybe I should ask to see the headteacher. I'm aware I can apply for statutory assessment myself but I'm afraid that I won't put enough info on the letter, I might ask a local organisation help me with that. Think I'll leave that until I've spoken to the head. As you all know it's so tiring fighting all the time for things we shouldn't have to fight for. I'm about to ask my gp for referral for adult diagnosis for myself after E's paed and psychiatrist suggested it. Even if I'm not As at least I might get closer to understanding what's still going on for me. That's the only thing that has driven me to fight for E, I know how painful it still is at my age and my probs are nowhere near as difficult or complex as hers... ok, rant over
  11. Hi, I have not posted here much but need some advice. My daughter, E is 12 and in yr 7 at high school. Senco procrastinating over applying for statutory assessment even though this was agreed and supported by ed psych and paed a few months ago. Saw psychiatrist last week who can help with this eventually , he said she needs a statement. E spent most of last week at home she says everywhere she looks there is an act of violence taking place the other kids there are unruly loud , some are out of control. E currently spends her day in the inclusion unit working though she had been attending 2 lessons a day until the latest school refusals. Break time & lunch time she sits in the computer room apparently up to 20 children can be in there totally unsupervised. E has experienced name calling in there she says the other kids often fight too. I can see why she doesn't want to be there...she is virually mute in school has no reciprocal social interaction and is extremely vulnerable. What can I do? She needs to be somewhere at break and lunchtime where she feels safe, my guess is that would need to be somewhere with a responsible adult. She also hates hometime as the rabble exit the school en masse and she finds this intimidating, she has to wait for me as I have to collect her sister 10 mins before her.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Hi, you're certainly not a failure....Don't know what else I can add but I would definitely go see your gp and ask for a referal. You might have a fight on your hands but don't give up. I was referred to a psychiatrist but he refused to see me , it seems some don't believe in AS. But, like you, after all these years I feel I need to know (I'm 34). I have a daughter with ASD and I'm still fighting for her, I never had any help and I have been trying to get her some so she doesn't feel like me. I find friendship and socializing painfully difficult . I am socially isolated and taking anti d's but I am studying for my honours degree at home and I finish next year. However, without support I wonder if I'll ever be able to hold down a full time job. I think you are incredible for doing so. So you see, you are not a failure Hope you find some answers soon. Jo
  13. Hi everyone, I'm Jo and I have 2 daughters. My 12 year old has social/communication disorder with autistic like behaviour! But no one doubts she has AS just can't get paediatrician to assess says she's not well enough...suffers from school related anxiety. Has signed her off clinic as I refused to let her take anti depressants. This site is amazing, I am not alone. Can't believe how similar our experiences are. My daughter is not statemented yet but that is what I'm currently fighting for...I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted....Thanks all
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