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Everything posted by TheNeil

  1. Not the only one. Might be a bit melodramatic but it makes me sad to think that, in a potential future, I (and indeed all people with an ASD) wouldn't exist. That said, just because they might have found a connection doesn't mean that it'll lead to anything.
  2. Good news Chris And the fact that your (now ex) boss admitted that she is thinking of leaving definitely means that you did the right thing
  3. TheNeil

    What's On TV?

    Amazingly they're still there (albeit on Channel 4 and BBC 2 now as far as I can tell). Too many years of having to watch people convince me that science is 'fun' (it already is fun - I don't need convincing of that ) and watching how people used to live in ye olden days ('olden days' which seemed scarily similar to the North East even then ) meant that I gave them a miss yesterday. Even scarier is that I don't have a video any more Oh and if anyone is hankering for those long lost days of old, try watching series one of Look Around You - now that's what educational programs were all about
  4. TheNeil

    What's On TV?

    OK, I've landed a rare day off due to being genuinely ill (probably black death going by the feel of it ) and I'm having to endure daytime TV. I could really do with some advice/help from the experts as I have no idea what the hell is going on: Is Loose Women a soap opera about a 'red light district'? Where has Neighbours gone (just so that I don't accidentally stumble across it and have to stab my own eyes out)? How much car/home insurance does a person need? Does David Dickinson still leer at women? How does Cash In The Attic work - does it have anything to finding loose change in the loft? Is Crown Court still on? Will Frank Windsor and/or June Whitfield try to sell me a funeral plan? Where is Bargain Hunt (and has anyone ever made a profit)? Is the Jeremy Kyle Show just an hour of him shouting at people? How much of a 'makeover' can happen in 60 minutes? Does John Stalker still advertise sun blinds? Is his dog's paw still made of polyester?
  5. I recently finished a CBT course (the only NHS 'support' available for people with AS in North Yorkshire as far as I can tell - even then I felt it was more of a "Err, what can we offer this bloke? Hmm, dunno - let's just stick him on a CBT course" ) and, personally, I didn't find that it offered much that I wasn't already doing. It could have been down to style of course (a 'guided self-help' series of workbooks) and even the woman who was seeing me every couple of weeks admitted that they weren't great and that, for people with AS, they were probably not going to be much use (there was an awful lot of emphasis on 'feelings' and being able to make decisions based on little more than 'gut instinct' - very 'esoteric' rather than 'mechanical'). Got four afternoons off work though so that was a plus. If it works for other people then great - just didn't work for me
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