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Posts posted by bid

  1. Hi Linz,


    From the age of 8 to 14 my son was on Ritalin because he has AS and ADHD.


    From what I can remember, we were told that it could make things worse on the AS side...we were lucky in that it worked very well for him.


    He was prescribed it in combination with intensive behavioural therapy, and the Ritalin gave him a 'mental breathing space' to take in the therapy. Have you been offered any kind of behavioural therapy?


    On a plus note, my son decided to gradually come off Ritalin himself about a year ago. There has been no return of his manic hyper behaviour...I think there is definitely an element of 'out-growing' the worst excesses of the impulsive/hyperactive behaviour.


    Good luck!


    Bid :wacko:

  2. Aha


    She's posted as me ....so I will post as her!!! Bwahahahaha :blink:


    (Note to self - Always log out)


    To be fair - and had I thought of it, I'd have snogged Best Mate Man and Best Mate Man's Wife Woman by that stage in the evening if I could have got a couple of Corrs tickets out of it!!! :devil:


    I'd managed slightly more wine and champagne than The Female Inquisitor :whistle::whistle::shame::shame:


    Jester :)

  3. (To the tune or Wonder Woman...) :bat:


    Yes folks, she's back!!


    It's the Female Inquisitor!! AKA Samwise Uberthong, and (latterly) Jezebel Woman (long story, ask Jester).


    And this time she's wearing sparkly shoes and 3 chiffon hankies...for she has discovered Salsa classes!!!


    Now there is no hiding place for Delete Woman, Ban Man and their new sidekick, QTOOC Woman!!


    With her 'mambos' and her 'suzie-qs' (don't ask), the Female Inquisitor will route the forces of the Dark Leaord in a whirlwind of bottom-wiggling and smouldering Latino looks!!


    Be afraid, be very afraid... :ph34r:


    Oooh, where's my new CD of all-time Salsa favourites gone?


    And what's all this about that trollopy Blue Rinse Woman being after my Jester? She doesn't stand a chance, not with my new diamante stick-ons in interesting places!!


    This Bat Cave is an absolute disgrace! And who did something obscene to my crocheted lady loo roll cover?!


    Honestly, I just have to go away for a few days and the whole place ends up looking like Auriel's bedroom... :devil:


    Sigh, this is like an episode of 'How Clean is Your Bat Cave'...

  4. Elanor,


    My mum. bless her, said to me when the whole issue of medication was raised...if he was diabetic or epileptic , you wouldn't hesitate to use meds.


    She was quite right!


    Unless you have been there, I don't think you can understand the point you get to where you accept meds.


    If it wasn't for this kind of intervention, we would not be together as a family.


    Nuff said!


    Bid :wacko:

  5. Oooh dear, tricky one this! :hypno:


    My son has ADHD as well as Aspergers.


    From the age of about 6 he became increasingly violent, with literally no sense of danger...he would run across roads!


    I could write at length about the things he did (but I won't!!). Suffice to say that at 8 he very nearly dislocated Jester's shoulder!!


    And he was not happy in himself, not at all!!!


    When he was 8 he was prescribed Ritalin by the specialist centre where he had been diagnosed (Harper House...anyone know it?). This was used in conjunction with very intensive behavioural therapy, which lasted for years.


    We found that for the first time, with Ritalin, he had a 'mental breathing space' to allow him to take in the behavioural therapy and hence to allow it to work! I can't possibly describe to you the difference that the combination of medication and therapy made to my son, and to the rest of us. He got his life back, really. When he was about 13 he decided himself to reduce his dosage gradually, and has been off it for nearly a year...and none of the severe ADHD traits have reappeared.


    A year or so before he started on Ritalin my son was put on an exclusion diet by his hospital specialist. I followed it religiously for a about a year, and can honestly say it had very little effect, plus my son was very miserable on it!


    So, I would say that if diet changes work for your child that is great. Equally, if behavioural therapy on its own works...brilliant! But there are some children, like my son, whose ADHD is so severe that he simply could not 'access' the behavioural therapy without medication.


    I get very cross with the media for the sensational stories about 'chemical coshes', etc, etc... Some children have very severe, complex special needs with multiple diagnoses. Life is hard enough for them and their families without the kind of ill-informed articles that appear every so often.


    Sorry! :tearful:


    Rant over!! :angry:

  6. Lisa,


    I'm glad you raised this point because I've been worrying over the same thing! My son will be 16 next year.


    I think you must be able to fill it in on their behalf, because I know places like the CAB help people generally with benefit forms, etc.


    Bid :wacko:

  7. Oh Ksanic,


    I'm so sorry! >:D<<'> I know exactly how you feel...when my son was about 8 social services tried to "help" by applying on our behalf to increase his care rate. Well, the DLA turned round and stopped the whole lot!! Like you , I was devasted and frantic because it meant I also lost my Carer's Allowance and we depended on both benefits .


    On closer enquiry, it turned out that for some reason the DLA had sent a form to his school...old witch of a headtecher had ticked all the "nothing wrong that I can see" boxes!!


    We appealed, and I basically got every professional who knew what they were doing to write letters of outrage. Plus apology from head.


    Anyway, we got the DLA back, at the highest care rate...but it was all a nightmare, and I really felt at the time that "they" were actively trying to destroy us.


    It is worth asking the doctor who signed your form to write in support of you, and any other medical professionals, etc. And in your appeal include every minute detail...see the brilliant notes further up this discussion. Don't be afraid to tick the boxes for "learning difficulties" and "mental health problems", because that is the reality.


    I wish you all the luck in the world...try to stay strong and get ANGRY with the b******s...your son deserves this help. We get precious little as it is!!


    Keep us posted, and we are all thinking of you :thumbs:



  8. Hi Sarah,


    Welcome to the forum! You will find that this is just the best place for advice, support or a (virtual) shoulder to cry on!! It is also very good if you can't sleep because your head is buzzing after an appointment with your child's specialist! :wacko:


    And, if you need a laugh, perhaps I can tempt you into the Bat Cave :bat: ...see in General Discussions...


    Bid :wacko:

  9. Hi,


    Does anyone know details of the provisions that can be made in a Will to help safeguard the future for Special Needs children?


    Many years ago a local support group had a solicitor come and give advice on this.

    Unfortunately I can't remember the details!


    Bid :wacko:

  10. HI,


    My son often asks for a back massage when he is feeling "jiggleywirey" too. Sometimes I use baby oil, but either way he loves it and it definately calms him down.


    (What a brilliant phrase! My son has some great homemade phrases too. My fav. is 'fiddlebobs' for his sisters hair elastics!!)


    Jester has remembered that when he taught in an Autistic unit, last "lesson" on a Friday was given over to foot massage with plain oils/lotions but also 'chill-out' music and incense. He says the children loved it.


    Bid :wacko:

  11. Hi Sarah,


    Not much to add to mbrown's brilliant posting!!


    Just to say that when my son was little, I even included things like the fact that he stumbled up and down kirbs because of Dyspraxia, so needed more care and supervision than an NT child of the same age.


    I even included that he used to fall over so often and so badly that I had to carry dressings rather than plasters with me.


    I think it is important to put down even the smallest thing you have to do, always comparing that to a NT child of the same age because you need to stress how much more care and attention they need.


    Good Luck!!


    Bid :wacko:

  12. Greetings, Banshee Girl and Dynamic Dirk Danforth (Lisa, is this you??!!) :bat::bat:


    Welcome to the Bat Cave and the world of Super Dudes! Together we will fight the Dark Forces of the LEAord and the Ring Binder Wraiths...and see to it that Harry Plotter's Statement has adequate contact time!! :fight:


    But onto more important things. It is a matter of extreme urgency that you forward details of your costume choices, so that the Female Inqisitor can verify that you do not clash with her.


    Furthermore, Gentle Reader, the Female Inquisitor has noticed that the Bat Cave is looking very scuzzy these days!


    Henceforth, she will endeavour to bring the art of Gracious Living to said Bat Cave, and as a start she has introduced a Cat Woman crocheted loo roll cover into the Batloo, and a placed a doiley beneath the Batphone.


    She hopes that her Superchums will desist from leaving their HobNob wrappers on the floor, and find somewhere else for their, um, light sabres as she is fed up of tripping over them!!


    The Female Inquisitor hopes she will not have to resort to [/i]sanctions and discipline!! :blink: (Stop sniggering, ASM Woman!!)


    Till later Uber Dudes!!


    The Female Inquisitor :wacko:


    PS if the Jester does not stop all this foolishness over the uber thong , she will have to resort to Big Pants!! You have been warned!!

  13. ksanic,


    Greetings, Mystery Superdude!! :bat:


    Will you reveal your true Super hero identity?! (I've already bagsed the spangly G-strings...)


    Enter name, costume choices and chosen super power...


    To date, Superchums include:


    The Jester :)

    ASM Woman :fight:

    The Caped Confuser ;)

    Pants Woman :blink:

    Delete Woman :ph34r:

    Ban Man :shame:

    The Female Inquisitor :wacko:

    De-Mystification Woman :wallbash:


    er...I think that's everyone...apologies if I have missed anyone out!!


    Nice speech, by the way!!!


    The Female Inquisitor :wacko:

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