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Everything posted by claire33

  1. Could anyone tell me how you work out what it is that starts off these outbursts or how to find there triggers because i am a bit lost, im just trying to understand why it is k wont do things. He seems to struggle with quite a few things that are asked of him, or just refuses. I have filled in sensory profile forms for the therapist, to see if he has any but as yet haven,t heard anything yet
  2. Thats exactly like k from being around 6mth he used to like being in his baby chair in front of the washer he loved it, he too was late to develop he didnt walk til he was nearly 2 and a half, he didnt crawl at all. He was the easiest child in the world to look after when he was small he would just sit with his train set and play all day, of course if you tryed to tidy it away all hell would break loose, so it was a permanent fixture in my living room for quite sometime. He was always content to play alone, never wanting any interaction, were as my youngest son, is the total opposite, looking back in comparison i have noticed alot of differences in k to my youngest, which i put down to him just being a typical lazy boy. How wrong you can be!!!! K also has alot of learning difficulties and needs ono on one help with all his work in school. However i thought it strange that he could read reading book, with no problems, i asked his teacher a few times how this was possible. anyway he started to get books with 5 lines of words on a page and was still doing it, then i realised he wasnt looking at the words when he was reading, so i turned a few pages in and asked him to read what was on that page and he could tell me every word. It was because someone in school reads the book with him before he brings it home and he was memorizing every word i was totally amazed
  3. I would just like to thank all the people who have gave me advice so far, its nice to talk to people in the same situation as you are (not that i would wish it on anyone) talking to doctors is good, but i dont feel they could possibly understand really unless they have a child with an asd themselves. So a big thank you to everyone and i will be back with more questions no doubt
  4. Can i just ask how old your son is and when did you notice he had as or was it someone else that recognised it. Also does he have adhd aswell by any chance and if so is he on medication for it
  5. thanks moira its nice to know someone feels the same it is hard work, and very tiring mentally more than physically. Hopefully i can get him the help he needs but it is taking far to long, and its not helping him at all the longer he waits
  6. K is abit like that when he comes home the first thing he wants to do is go straight to his room often forgeting to come down for food, i think he needs this time alone when he comes in sort of his chillout time after being in all the hussle and bussle all day.
  7. claire33


    No what is that? they are trying to sort out some sort of assesments but im not sure what im a bit in the dark, they also want to send him to another school with a special unit, but it has to be referred to about 5 people i think
  8. Me too i find it easier to stay at home but its not fair on my other son, i wish it could be different
  9. claire33


    Can anyone tell me how to get one? Cos nothing seems to be going to fast at all and its not helping k very much
  10. Yes he has been on quite a few first equism then ritalin and now dexedrine, i dnt know if they do much good at all do you think they do?
  11. K is his name But know him i dont His withdrawl from me and everyone around him is the hardest thing to accept Although hes my son and i love him dearly, i dont think ive met him properly yet I would love to be able to talk to him about things he feels and do'sbut i dont think he knows himself k is a lovely little boy who is very confused and misunderstood He locks himself away in his room and plays in his own little world of computer games and films His only contact with me is to ask for things or talk about the above, which is very frustrating when there is more to life If only we could talk for a while or he could tell me how he feels or what its like in his worldso i could begin to understand I want to get to know him and tell him that i love him and i care, but i dont think he would understand My children are my life and theres nothing i wouldnt do for them But it hurts to think that k is suffering and theres nothing i can do or have done that helps What he must go through i can only imagine He acts in a way no-one can understandwhether its to block things out or hide away from things he doesnt understand No-one should have to go through this, i feel he is very mixed up and doesnt know how to deal with things in life most of us have no trouble with I would like to meet him one day, and not have to explain everything, or feel like im not being heard I look forward to this day, and hope that one day k will know just how much i care He may not be special to anyone else, but im always thinking of him no matter what People may say he is a little monster but hes my little monster and i wouldnt change him for the world Just thought i would share this
  12. I have been to my sons school a few times he has adhd poss AS and all they say is they will keep an eye on him. Oh and if k doesnt tell them how are they meant to know. Sorry but k doesnt tell anyone anything he is not the best at starting a conversation, maybe they should spend more time in the playgroung watching the kids instead of sitting in the staff room drinking coffee!!!!!!!
  13. I know how you feel i do it just the same, i know hes not doing it on purpose, but its when he laughs that it gets to me, but i know he cant help it. I often have to walk away
  14. Thank you it is very much appreciated,
  15. I cant take it anymore why is it when your out in public, no one seems to care or understand that its not, my sons fault ,the way that he is acting , i dont think he understands that its just not acceptable to act certain ways in different places. I was out shopping one day and as usual k was running around with no idea what was going on around him not hurting anyone. but people were starting to stare and whisper so i tried to get him to take a seat while i finished. This ended up making him worse, he started getting really angry and shouting nasty things at me, (my partner who was at the checkout at the time) could hear the people in the que behind him saying what a little brat he was and how they would not allow there kids to act that way in public. How is it that people can be so thoughtless and cruel? More people should be made aware of asd's My son gets enough of that from children in school without adults who should know better having a go, sometimes im glad he doesnt understand cos if he did imagine how he would feel
  16. My k is an outsider looking in all the time, but i dont hink he minds, ithink i get more upset with it than he does
  17. I feel the same i just wish i could be sure myself that he is okay when he is alone. I wish he would tell me how he feels!!!!
  18. my 6yr old son has adhd poss AS I watched your video and that is the first time i have ever seen another child do things like my k he runs around constantly like that singing and talking to himself, its nice to know im not alone and neither is he i think it was great
  19. claire33


    my 6yr old son adhd poss as Why is it that i cant get him to stay downstairs? Is it something i am doing? Sometimes i feel as if he doesnt like me He spends all his time in his room when i do get him to come downstairs he behaves so badly i wonder why i bothered in the first place, i would love to spend more time with him, but i dont know how to do this. I feel that although hes my son i dont even really know him! Like theres a person inside somewhere that cant or wont come out! I would really appreciate some feedback on this does anyone else have this????????????
  20. Thanks i would really appreciate that
  21. My son has never been much of a one to mix well especially with other kids, and if he did they where younger, if you looked it might seem like he was playing with them but its more a case of playing alongside them and not paying much attention to them at all. However i know that when k is in school he is alone in the playground everyday, and although it breaks my heart to think that he is all alone he doesnt seem to mind, i think its due to him acting differently the other kids are frightened of him and tend to stay away or hit him, cos they cant understand him(he constantly runs around reinacting his films, computer games and making strange noises) However when i collect k from school he always tells me he has played with this one boy, I think that maybe he honestly does believe that he is playing with him when he actually isnt. Does anyone else find this? Sorry i am new to this k has adhd and is awaiting assesment for as
  22. my 6yr old son was like that obsessed with one little boy, well he still is really every day i collect him he tells me that is who he has played with on his breaks, he talks about him all the time
  23. How do i go about doing that, everything is just so confusing at the moment and i dont know where to turn
  24. His teacher also thinks so and he already sees a specialist, hes seen so many people including speech and language, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psycholigists and it is all taking too long hes just not getting the help he needs at all especially in school
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