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Everything posted by CarolJ

  1. CarolJ


    Joy, sorry, I misread the info - duhhh! Sunlight inhbiits production of melatonin, sleep hormone. Sunlight encourages production of serotonin, which wakes you up! But, this still explains why scott is sleeping. Serotonin and melatonin need to be kept in balance in the body. I find Scott when the winter and dark days are here, tends to fall asleep during the day, cat naps. When there is sunlight he does not want to. Basically keeping him going all day, fresh air etc. must have somehow balanced these hormones in his body. I will be watching him closely on "darker" days when he is not outside to see how his sleep is then. Saying that, the little so and so is still stalking around at the moment! So much for my theory! Send us some of that melatonin. But I also read somewhere else it inhibits ageing. I will try and get some for myself! Sorry, for the wrong info just goes to show, dont believe all you read, especailly when I have written it. I got all excited earlier because I thought I had found the answer to my prayers - a good night's sleep! Oh well, back to the drawing board!
  2. Well well Jester, I think my John would agree with you on this one! http://www.chhomc.free-online.co.uk/harlequin/hangover.jpg Although I think this particular "brew", does not so much tend to help him fall asleep, more renders him comatose, mouth open, snoring with spittle running down chin! Not a pretty sight, and he most definitely does not feel "refreshed" the next morning, in fact he complains of "headaches and his tongue goes all furry!" The whole point of getting a good nights sleep is to wake up full of the joys of spring and ready to face the day. Your particular "brew" would therefore not benefit the average 7 year old! But thanks for the suggestion, I think I'll stick with the lavender oil!
  3. CarolJ


    Hi Sarah, welcome to the "mad house". Its okay, we dont stand on ceremony here! Feel free to off load stress, we all do it. Look forward to posting with you. Take care
  4. CarolJ


    Hi Everyone and welcome Joy. Guess what!!! My son is living proof - he has not taken Melatonin but - since the start of the good weather he is out in the garden for most of the day "mostly naked" and guess what! He is sleeping right through the night - normally he does not sleep for more than 4 hours at a time! I thought perhaps all that fresh air had done the trick, but I knew that was not the whole answer! Well, well, well! Apparently light (ie sunlight) stimulates production of melatonin from the brain and also vit D etc. My son looks like he has been on holiday - the only white bit is the whites of his eyes! Come 7.00pm he is dead on his feet and tired! You learn something new every day! Exposure to daylight - who'd have thought! Thinking about it we all feel better when the sun shines! Apparently lack of melatonin is also linked to SAD and other disorders! Chuck the kids outside and see what happens! (apparently at least for an hour a day!)
  5. CarolJ


    sorry duh brain, just re-read, you said you had no reason to be open about your son's ASD! Sorry ignore last post, well some of it anyway. Perhaps if NT parent knew she might be a bit more understanding, I repeat "Might". Although this is doubtful, because I can imagine someone like her, although I dont know her I know many like her saying "see, I knew something was not quite right!". As long as your boy is happy and noone ill treats or is nasty to him because of his AS, who cares! We have a group of "regligous" people, not sure what religon whose kids go to my duaghter's school, all wear "headscarfs", like hankichiefs, triangle thing! I think they are christians of some sort and guess what! They are the worst, they stare and their kids are little b's. I just look at em back with the "stare" and they look away. Will have to start muttering my voodoo witchcraft black magic mutterings and tell em my son is possessed - he certainly acts like it sometimes!!!! Sorry, as you can see my sense of humour is warped, but I dont make the world I only try to live in it! Try to find out if other parents of AS kids are in your area and at least you will all have something in common! Take care
  6. CarolJ


    Linny, love this woman's daughter obviously has loads better judgment that her mum!! Stupid stuck up *****!+!!. This is typical example of NT-Parent-of-NT-child-who-thinks-it's-all-just-an-excuse-for-Bad-Parenting-Woman and in all honesty would you want to be a "friend" of hers????? I often see people like this standing in playground of my daughter's mainstream school. They like to feel "superior" to us AS parents! When they say "oh isnt he talking yet???" DUHHHH NOOOOOOO! "I am starting to potty train my Tristran = hes 13 months old, he's soooooooo advanced! - Whoppee for you - I reply! Sarcasm dripping from every word! Mostly they dont include me in their little groups and we certainly dont get invites to their "darlings parties". I would love to take Scott to their houses and let him wreck it heee hee hee hee - but his sister would be mortified! In three words "I DONT CARE!" . I love my son and he is gorgoeous looking, so's my daughter (okay I am biased!). Unfortunately as an AS parent a thick skin is a necessity. I have had these parents saying "how do you cope, I couldn't said in a superior manner", I reply "I cope because I dont have a choice, the same way you would have to if anything happened to your precious darling!" They back away in horror, almost as if I have cursed them! I have perfected the "stare" and many dont even look at me! My babies are my world, I love em ASD warts and all! If you were a friend to this woman, it would not be a happy friendship - you probably wouldnt need any enemys! Just ignore her love, rise above it. As I said before, her daughter has better judgment, perhaps she thinks AS is catching. We have to deal with "ism's" every day. Ignorance and attitude of others is harder than dealing with AS itself. Where abouts do you live, call contact a family in your area and see if there are any support groups for parents in your new area? Of course you have us here! Keep your chin up and hold your head up high, be proud and stuff em - and remember we are all in the same boat and the waves get a bit choppy from time to time!! Your boy comes first, ignore it! Love
  7. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Sniggering ................ Well, my fine bell bedecked friend, it would only be suitable for ages 3+, in case small parts are accidentally swallowed! Frustrated parents everywhere will be scouring the carpets looking for small parts that drop off and get sucked up by hoover!!! Yoda Woman would definitely be Bendy and flexible, rubber arms, legs and body! Pants Woman with removable (marked) pants and wellies that make a squelching noise when pressure applied! Ban Man's shorts would have special air pockets in to give him lift and boyancy, in case he falls in any swollen rivers!
  8. Had Direct Payments lady round this week. I asked her about employing family. She said that the rules had changed and that you can now employ member of family ie grandmother or sister (as long as they live at another address from the person they are providing care for). She gave me an example that sometimes, because of cultural reasons the family want someone who has the same background as them, so you can have a member of your family! Thought I would just let you all know. Although she did say she did not know how other areas operated. I live in London boruogh of Sutton.
  9. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Suffering Statements - ASM Woman realises that superhero duds have no pockets so therefore no bus fare. ASM Woman cunningly tackles avoiding tins of catfood and denture fixture and borrows bus pass! Trying not to listen to poisoness whisperings of graphic medical ailments and it was never like this in my days......, ASM Woman leaps aboard 127 bus, having fooled LEA Bus Driver with lifeless eyes and threatening manner! Off to save Hobbity Jester, will ASM reach them in time .........
  10. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Holy Sencos and Statements, I have returned! Have survived weekend. The Council have taken away my phone box which I placed cunningly outside front door for quick metamorphosis into ASM Woman - a notice had been stuck on by those fiends from the council with evil mutterings about "lack of planning permission" - had to throw note in fire to see words!!!! Will the evil powers of SENCO know no bounds? Onions Rings and ORCS, will the Hobbity Jester (aka Timothy Claypole - nice one Pantswoman LOL!!!!) make it to the Dark Tower of the County Hall with the aid of the double dealing SMEGOL or will he end up being lunch for SHELOB (Supreme Head of Education, Learning and Other Budgets) who's bloated form waits in ambush!!! Methinks the hairy footed, Hobbity Jester and Samwise Uberthong (who knows of SMEGOL's evil plan) are in grave peril? ASM woman heaves herself up from squashed pouffe which now adorns Batcave. Adjusts G String, brushes hobnob crumbs from front of superhero duds, takes deep breath coughing and hobbles over to Thomasmoble -but wait, its gone - ASM woman remembers Pantswoman borrowed it on important superhero mission. Curses and IEPs - I, ASM Woman will have to get the bus!!!!Methinks people will think am on the way to Eurovision Song contest - definitely will get "Nil Point" - what a load of old tosh!!! - will hum verse of making your mind up so as to fool LEA spys! With a stylish swirl of the cape ASM woman trots towards the batcave automatic revolving door. ASM manages to exit on 4th attempt and staggers dizzily to bustop only to see 127 disappearing into the distance. Suffering Statements - I, ASM Woman will have to wait for next bus, peering at timetable (every 15 minutes) yeah right! The forces of County Hall are trying to tharwt ASM Woman's every move...... Will the heroic ASMWoman get to the Hobbity Jester in time to warn him of SMEGOL's dark evil plan. Will the Hobbity Jester listen to Samwise Uberthong or has the power of the One Ring Binder twisted his mind so that he cannot listen to reason? The fate of middle earth hangs by a thread. I, ASM Woman vow to save the day!!! ASM woman, standing at bus stop, etc......
  11. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Got it from http://www.fatbaldandproud.com/images/Fat%20Woman%20Blue.jpg cut and paste into your internet avatar thingy under My Controls Also, a few Jesters for The Jester! http://www.fatbaldandproud.com/images/Fat%20Man%20Blue.jpg http://www.mrgdesign.com/images/MRG%20Design/Jester.gif http://dbdhaunt.com/Jester%20Vampire%20small.jpg http://www.macalester.edu/~christiansen/So...tuff/Jester.jpg http://www.thisisthelast.net/images/jester.gif
  12. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Lisa, come to think of it - I have seen more intelligent things lying on their backs on the bottom of ponds!
  13. CarolJ


    Stop picking on Auriel, boys will be boys! My son is almost five and I darent brush his teeth, his bite is worse than Jaws! Believe me I have tried everything, superhero toothbrushes with batteries, he just chews the bristles off! As for the hair, well, I just give him a no. 2 - have you seen the sheep shearers in Aussie, you have to be dead quick - I get his head in a half Nelson and three strokes later he's done! In fact need to tackle hair problems later, as he has caught nits from playgroup - sigh! - easiest solution is to shave it all off! He does look cute with no hair!
  14. CarolJ


    Hi Jan (alias Benruth), and welcome. This is a good place to offload, seek advice or generally lose yourself in insane ramblings, whatever takes your fancy. Look forward to cross posting! Regards,
  15. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Advice needed Jester, would you be willing to share this powerful knowledge, <'> have need as have husband whose powers of selective hearing cannot hear words like "take the bins out", "put the toilet seat down", "change offspring's nappy" . Words like "dinner's ready" and "yes, you can go down the pub" and "my headache has gone" , seem to work wonders. Perhaps its my approach, the power to communicate with a life form on par with "inanimate plant life" and a few braincells removed from an ameoba would prove very useful. I need to know where I am going wrong. Perhaps will also be useful for SENCO LEA dealings!! Alas, unless he evolves I am afraid other half will never reach superhero status, the closest he will get is "Super Larger" status! Except for topics of football and beer, conversationary powers come to complete standstill. I await your expert instruction. ASM woman, standing etc. etc etc., cape fluttering etc. etc. ASM displayed proudly on sagging chest etc. etc.
  16. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Curses, and superhero profanities - whilst ASM woman's mind was busy pondering the double dealings of the lycra purple short cladded fiend, Ban Man, ASM Woman's AS offspring, Bad Boy Rapper Scottie has pulled his sister's M&S birthday cake out of the cupboard which is waiting for brithday party this Saturday (and stood on box) , Holy Squashed Cake Crumbs! EmmaJ big sister, will not be impressed - will have to eat evidence and jump into Thomasmobile to purchase identical cake so no. 1 daughter does not realise! GRRRR, you see what Ban Man can cost us superheros (�9.99 plus 2x AAs) he needs to be stopped now!!! What next??????
  17. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Can a superhero get no peace! The Batcave is like getting like Picadilly Circus these days!!!! Have been suspended amongst the stallegtites at top of bat cave "bat styleee" for last two days because it was the only place I could get some peace!!!!! Unfortunately because of the Volcano Heat Chicken Phal curry and gravity (its what Bats do I saw a nature documentary once (thats my excuse) and for some unknown reason I have developed a thing about toilet paper, I just want to eat it!! (pica) ) had to take superhero costume to dry cleaners! Whilst passing newsgents noticed headlines of FT, apparently share prices in Sequin, Rubber Bands & Nylon 70s stylee Socks comapanies have more than trippled causing a shock waves amongst the financial centres of the world! Note to self-buy shares in said companies Walking amongst the debris littering batcave I decide to visit the batloo and try to rid myself of remainder of montesomers revenge but hark, do my eyes deceive me, an andrex cunningly hiding under a crotched dolly thingy!!! as I sniff with my keen batsmell this has Uberthong written all over it - I dash to phone and "what is this??????" a doiley under the batphone. The Female Inquisitor must be stopped, how can we ever be taken seriously as a worthy adversaries when we have crochted toilet roll coverings and doileys!!!!!! ASM Woman then turns and trips over deflated paddling pool with bits of rabbit fur stuck to it?????? Burnt rope suspended from the ceiling ........ this bears all the hallmarks of a close encounter with a double agent otherwise known as Ban Man, my super senses were right about him! I spot an empty martini glass with a cocktail stick impaled through which look like I hope two shrivelled up olives!!!!![poor Jester - will he jangle no more??????] - under the glass is a calling card produced by Helen & Helen plc - that lycra shorts clad fiend!!!!!! But what to to - how am I to alert the Bat Force/superheros??? [i cannot give speech worthy of Damn Busters/we shall fight them on the beaches, on the top of the Bar, avoiding the pints of larger, bottles of becks, beermats etc,], I know idea - post-it notes stuck on back of Batloo door, on Kettle and Hobnobs cupboard in Batkitchen! Oh the mind of ASM woman works like treacle -Ooozing clever ideas!!!! ASM woman again, is hit by another cunning plan! She rifles through hidden stash of CD's and digs out Rolling Stones Greatest Hits - putting on said CD ASM turns volume up to full blast and the dulcet tones of Mick Jagger blast out "Jumping Jack Flash - its a gas gas gas!!!!!" - before the second verse of the song down the batpole at double speed appears the Jester, aided by his New Bunny Gloves?? - his sleep encrusted face is blank as he stands to attention giving a Benny Hill style salute, eyes blank and tongue protuding! quckly followed by Caped Confuser looking like Benny out of crossroads, Delete Woman appears from trap door in floor in a puff of what I hope is special effects smoke! Closely followed by The Ninja Uber Bot Kid and Uberthong herself!!! Right, ASM woman observes raggidty line up of superheros, heart sinking - but we still have some missing, perhaps they will give ASM woman hope!!! Doorbell goes and through the automatic revolving door (1, 2, 3rd time lucky) enters a dizzy Banshee Girl, sweating profusedly in her rubber bands and nylon - she bounces over to the line and takes her place beside Caped Confuser who is trying to work out which end of a lollypop to suck! Quick mental calculation, [skip that - dont want to overtax the old super nuggen!], holds hands up and bending fingers down five, two ....... six erhhhh.. All of a sudden the bat overhead garage doors flip open and in drives the Batvan out jumps ..... Pants Woman, De-Mystification Woman and in the backseat, still entangled with aid of seatbelt, in a position which by the very laws of nature is impossible is the flexible Yoda Woman!!! Pants woman hiccups and gives ASM woman a smile [or perhaps it is wind?], they have just returned from a Beano to Blackpool! ASM woman paces up and down the raggidity pathetic line up of so called superheros, her heart sinking by the second - or perhaps its indigestion! Ninja Uber Bot Kid has taken pity on the Caped Confuser and shown her which end of the Lolly to suck, Uberthong is busy adjusting herself and every now and then I hear a twack!!, The Jester is strutting up and down with his rear end jutting out as well as his lips, looking like an extra out of Chicken Run, the Movie to the strains of Jumping Jack, Banshee girl looks as if the rubber bands may be chaffing her, and ASM woman makes mental note to advise use of talcum when wearing anything rubber, or methinks, perhaps this discomfort is part of the rubber band Fetish which Banshee Girl enjoys and this helps keep her superpowers s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d and ready to twang at short notice! De-Mystification woman is looking confused and stratching her head, as if to say, What the hell am I doing here????? - Delete Woman has finished picking her nose and is handing her findings over to De-Mystification Woman to analyse! Pantwoman is trying to cover up the effects of last night's curried beans on toast by trying to move around inside her sweaty wellies, hoping noone will notice! Alas Yoda woman is onto Pantswoman and is trying to position herself to avoid the worse effects of these emissions! ASM woman takes a deep breath coughing, as Pantswoman directly in front of her]! AHEM! Superfolks we have been infiltrated, we need to discuss the double dealings of that Purple Lycra Clad double crossing fiend, Ban Man and his side kick Helen & Helen. What shall we do, I suggest we write down all suggestions on a post-it note and put it into a hat and one of us can pull out the winning suggestion (being that there are no rabbits left to pull out of hat, thanks to that darstadly Fiend Ban Man!!!!!) Please write down your suggestions and drop them in the hat! ASM woman going to lie down for a bit ..... Pausing to look at the late Super Bunny's cape, hanging forlonly on coat stand, gently swaying in breeze created by Pants woman . Ahhhhhh, alas poor Robbie, I knew thee well sniffs ASM woman, she turns to look at the motley crew of assembled superheros and what is that glint in The Jester's eyes , perhaps it is my superimagination playing tricks......
  18. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    PMSL I, ASM Woman, am rendered speechless! Well done that man, Jester - once again your have surpassed the realms of the superhero into the complete ridiculous, when Ive recovered laughing and changed my G-string I will join you! Well done, the medication is certainly working! ASM Woman etc. etc. etc.
  19. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Holy Ed Psyc! - LOL ASM woman rolls eyes (still blood shoot from lack of sleep!) As impressed as I am at your attempt at poetry Jester, I beg to differ re sensible underwear option! Uberthong possesses rubberlike properties which can in a tights situation provide elastication of bungee jumping qualities, thereby avoiding need to climb down sides of County Hall. Also being able to catapault wearer into the midst of LEA SENCO meetings thereby providing element of surprise!!! The long john/Y front cotton mixtures do not possess the expansion qualities needed for a job this this nature. Methinks however that said purple lycra shorts may have possibilities, will need to test this theory next time Ban Man manages to get get away from his other [sven] commitments and shows face in the Batcave! What say you?
  20. I went to see an ASD school on Friday for Scott, headmaster was brilliant he had 20 years of dealing with ASDs. Anyway we entered into a discussion about causes of ASDs and research. He said work research was being carried out at the moment into identifying genes and weak X chromosomes (not fragile X) he said that is why generally boys are affected more so than girls. They still have 1 healthy X chromosome. Anyway, to cut long story short he said about the rise in children with "regressive" ASDs. He said they are born with the genetic potential for ASD. He said that they develop normally and then an unknown environmental element triggers the autism. Well you know me, I don't miss an opportunity, I said "MMR?", he looked at me and smiled. I also know many parents who believe DPT may have someway added to or caused ASD's, mercury content (thimersol) - symptoms of mercury posioning and autism are identical. Anyway, just thought I add my views. By the way, I phoned Scott's peadiatrican again today and asked about this MRI scan. He waffled and made an excuse that he had been very busy - likely story, he has now promised me a referral by Wednesday and will get back to me and let me know how long I need to wait! Have to take Scott to get blood test on Friday, they have to sedate him, last Friday was a disaster - he headbutted nurse! She kept saying - "what a naughty boy", I told her "do you come across manyASD children", she totallydid not know how to deal with Scott. She kept telling me to tell him to stop climbing up at the window. I patiently explained to her that "he does not understand"! GRRRR, so called professionals. My little boy cant help what he does, that is why we were in the stupid hospital getting tests!!! Anyway, I told her that I blamed DoH policy of herd vaccination, he would not be like this if he had not had MMR! She just looked at me.
  21. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Suffering SENCOs, whats going on???????????? ASM Woman is jolted from her badly needed beauty sleep to what sounded like a .... are you sure that was bells jangling, sounded more like a something else "dangling" to me?????? to find The Jester aloft on the Bat Table with a grimice on his face. It could have been a smile but there again he probably had wind! ASM woman catches a reflection of light out of the corner of her eye! Inquisitor Woman has inadvertently revealed the hiding place of her lurex Uber Thong!! ASM woman smiles to herself noting said hiding place heh heh heh heh heh But what is this?????? Ninja Uber Bot son of Uber Thong ne Female Inquisitor and The Jester is sitting at Bat Table spraying Raljex on painful knee joint! All three superhero family are ensconced round the Bat Table which has ample supplies of Red Wine and Chocolate goodies! The Jester is holding a seance trying to contact the Spirit of Captain Morgan, he leans forwards and catches his jester headgear on a candle and "Great Bells of Fire!, the smoke alarms start bleeping, the sound echoing off the cave walls! ASM woman leaps to the rescue and throws half a cold cuppa over the poor unfortunate Jester - Inquisitor Woman not wanting to waste her red wine looks on bemusedly!! What is happening to the calibre of superheros these days? Note to self: keep The Jester away from naked flames! Further note to self: Hide all Rolling Stones CDs and tapes so preventing any rendition of Mick Jagger ne Jumping Jack Flash even with protection of superpowers and medication I still feel this would push me over the edge and would cost me a fortune in extra counselling sessions!! Will the quest to cover both pairs of lead to a world wide shortage of sequins?????? Will the doctor up ASM's woman's dosage of medication???? Tune into the next episode bat fans where all will hopefully , not be revealed!!! ASM woman, wanders to first aid box to search for burns cream and neurofen!....
  22. CarolJ


    Hello fellow ASPs Autistic Spectrum People/Parents May I bid a warm superhero welcome to Bev, Rhyn Essence and Daisy and an especailly warm welcome to Auriel otherwise known as The Jester and Female Inquisitor - child prodigy of said superheros are most welcome here. You must be possessed of a twisted and clever mind indeed! I look forward to welcoming you all into the Batcave. Caped Confuser put the kettle on and I'll grab whats left of the Hob nobs. SWOOOSH!!! - [ASM woman swirls her ample arm up in a stylish flair tossing her superhero cape around her generous form - she turns and trots towards the safety of the batcave, leaving behind her a faint smell of Byriani ......] ....
  23. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Inquisitor Woman, in answer to said lurex uber thong! BAAA HAAAA HAWWWWWWW! Nowhere is safe Inquisitor Woman!!! ASM woman employing super sensory superpowers .....
  24. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    So De-Mystification woman, do you also indulge in use of Own Brand washing powder, by wearing your pants on the inside, just what is it you are trying to hide??????? Remember us superheros are possessed of X-ray vision and a keen sense of super bionic smell! Inside or not, I can detect dirty undies a mile off! Will leave some samples of Daz, whiter than white, on top of Bat Computer and you too can brandish your undies proudly on the outside without the embarrassment of any "stubborn staines" Ahem With the help of us superheros you can avoid ending up on skid row! ASM woman standing etc. .... self-elected representative of the East Staines Massive! Apologises for the puns in this posting, any similarity to anyone alive or dead is a mere coincidence and is not intended to cause offence Thereby ASM Woman accepts no responsibility for the content of this post! It was not me it was my medication induced halucinagenic brain!!
  25. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Ban Man, as impressed I am about the New Emoticons - please note that us superhero types are not easily bribed! It would take at least 2 packets of hob nobs and a cuppa to sway my loyalty! Not that I am easily tempted ASM woman off to fight evil protecting the innocent AS Parents against all the odds - phoaw!!!! frantically fanning herself with takeaway menu from local Balti House - as having hot flush is it the memories of last night's chicken phal (volcano strength) or could it be the explicit pictures of Sven's purple lycra clad particulars printed on the said dubious calling cards courtesy of Helen & Helen plc! Tune in next time to see if ASM Woman's resolve has crumbled for the Hob Knobs offered by the double-crossing Sven alias Ban Man ne Kris! ASM Woman signing off .....
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