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Everything posted by Mumble

  1. Oooh yes, get this regularly. I used to interpret it as 'well there's nothing normal meds can do for you / it's in your head / stop wasting our time so what do you expect us to do'? It turns out that some 'clever' person somewhere in health policy decided to write this in to the guidelines for dealing with various conditions. It's about 'involving the patient' or some such nonsense. Oh, and I know a few people not on the spectrum who have interpreted this the same way as me, done lots of research like you, etc. I don't think it's a spectrum 'thing'. Someone however needs to tell these 'clever docs' just how much concern/anxiety this question causes. Now, as to dealing with it - well I have plenty of experience of different consultants, so I've tried a few things. It depends on the doc and your relationship with them. My consultant I see every few weeks and have a good relationship with still keeps asking this (I think he has a check list of questions in his head!), so he gets a pretty short 'mend me please' answer. With others this wouldn't work (some have a serious lack of humour ) so they get told what I want to achieve: I want to be able to go swimming I want to be able to sleep through the night without pain I want to stop feeling sick Etc. This sems to work as it gives something to focus on (for both you and doc). Then leave the actual medication and finding a solution to them.
  2. Mumble


    I went to my first music festival today. It was awesome!! Really wasn't sure I would enjoy it, but chose one carefully with lots of other stuff going on so I could pace myself and have some quieter time. Less quiet was when I decided standing right at the front for the main stage was a good idea... Anyone else hear a buzzing? Weather wasn't great, lots of really heavy downpours and 'cause the site had been used for another festival yesterday, it quickly turned to a mudbath. Does anyone have any tips for getting mud soaked/caked jeans and shoes clean? Cause I'm in halls I don't have a sink I can soak them in and only really poor uni washing machines which don't get everyday dirt out.
  3. :thumbs: Absolutely. And don't go giving him / looking for excuses by interpreting how things 'must' be because he's Autistic such as: He's shown he can work. If nothing's changed other than not having to work, then he needs to be working and contributing to the household. The more excuses you give him or take as reasons not to address this, the harder it will be to change.
  4. That's the most stoopid agency I've seen (if I've understood their TV ad correctly). They claim they're a uniform dating agency but to join you don't have to wear a uniform or like those who wear them So a dating agency then...
  5. I'm lost I don't know which parts of this thread were written as jokes, which were taken as jokes when they weren't, which were mock serious and which were really serious. I don't know who's actually cross with who (if anyone is), whether people support JF and her methods or not, or whether people are saying they don't as an example of actually supporting them. I don't know if the accusations of bullying are real (as in is the bullying real and/or are the accusations jokes/real)... :wacko: Soooooo, I'm going to apply my 'unless someone tells me otherwise, it's all a joke' method. You have been warned. BTW, did you here the one about BD, the inflatable doll and the sheep? :lol:
  6. Mumble


    If it's not everyday and just in cycles, I can't see the problem as 8pm isn't late. I'm guessing she's the sort who would complain if you were having a BBQ with friends at 8pm too... My brother used to do the yelling thing on occasions; the neighbours were generally pretty understanding though I remember a memorable old guy who lived fairly close by came and started yelling at my parents because of the yelling. I in my totally untactful way told the neighbour he was yelling more.
  7. Mumble


    Tricky one, because it's difficult to know what she took offence to. I guess if you take Autism out of the picture, and say you were a house of students drunk and yelling on the tranpoline at 8pm would it be acceptable or would the neighbour have cause to complain? 8pm isn't particularly late, BUT if it was loud and genuinely disturbing her children then maybe she does have reason to approach you about it. I would certainly find it difficult if I had someone regularly (I don't know if this is a one off or every day) yelling so close to me. Does your son understand PECs or something similar - could you get him to trampoline without yelling? If he does understand them, a large no yelling sign on the trampoline might help.
  8. Have fun - I wondered if you would be off there this year. I was watching a programme about some acrobat performer type people there, perhaps you can join them. :bounce: If you have room in your suitcase on the way there, do you think you could squeeze in the 3 bagpipe players who have taken up residence on Westminster Bridge and return them to Scotland? One was okay, but three playing out of tune, different tunes is painful to the ears! And if you have room in your suitcase on the way home, bring back some Edinburgh Rock - very useful to hit people with!
  9. Ditto. Sorry if I offended you BD. I thought it was a joke and I didn't mean it as anything more.
  10. Okay, I give up. Why would some of my emails get through to this company and not others (even to the same person, that's what I don't get). And they get randomally blocked whichever email account I use. I tried to get un-blacklisted and got a response saying I was already un-blacklisted. Which just doesn't make sense because clearly I'm not... Also the failure notices have different IP addresses for me - HOW???????
  11. I shall leave you to work it out (or just Google is ). I used to use it when discussing strange English spelling with kids.
  12. I dunno, but for a very reasonable price, I'm happy to give people a professional diagnosis (well I is a professional and I can give a dx, therefore it's a professional dx... ) As to your pronunciation, next you'll be telling me you had ghoti and chips for tea...
  13. Can you see the 'k'? Nope. That's cause there ain't one. And you're supposed to be quiet about schedules, hence the shhh.... It's shhhedule. That'll be £10 please. But yes, the specific pacific thing gets me - it's sp, sp, sp... Way round it is easy: Silly Speaker: "Well the pacific task..." Correct us (you have a choice): "Oh not that one, it's so damp..." "can't we try the Atlantic task?" - but be prepared for strange looks, though I get these most of the time, so they're normal! Though I have to say, I do feel a little hypocritical when getting annoyed at people's pronunciation - I try to only correct where it's people being lazy/just wrong, rather than unable - I have problems with some words - can't say the words wall/wool or pool/pull/Paul differently or hear a difference without context.
  14. Oooh, there's an idea. We should ask the forum administrators to add a little 'paypal' box to the corner of all our profiles and whenever someone takes our advice/suggestion and finds it useful, they can make a donation. Of course, it may also need a 'debit' option...
  15. One thing I've wondered about Super Frosty and other similar programmes (I have no evidence either way, simply just a wondering) is whether they only show those families where the intervention has been successful? Every intervention of JF has worked. Is this because these always work as they're based on common sense, or because we only see it when it works? On the discussion of whether JF has or needs qualifications or whether experience is enough, I think she answered this for herself last night in talking about toilet training - her discussion of using wetness after a nap (or not) to determine readiness to train really seemed to be based on her experience and showed how important experience is. Oh, and when did JF learn to pronounce 'unacceptable' correctly? Her unacceptable pronunciation used to be her trademark (well in my head anyhoo) but she got it right last night!
  16. No, not pedantic. Well no more than me anyhoo. Ah... The results would only be applicable to mothers, but mothers are parents so the researcher could talk about mothers as parents and suggest how the findings may be applicable to parents more generally (I haven't seen the questions, but it's possible that for some mothers may bring up the father's role), and the need for further research. All research has to be limited - this is further limited by being 3 - 9 (why those ages, you could ask), already having a dx, only a dx of ASD, possibly only those with a strong enough grasp of English to complete the questionnaire, etc., etc.,
  17. That wouldn't be 'balance', that would be an extension to the study. The mother's focus reduces the competing variables, ensuring the research is valid and reliable with as much controlled for as possible.
  18. Oh well, we got to 4 pages before the inevitable shall happen... Where's the shakes head in despair emoticon? I shall save my pent up frustration for Sunday's sock rat.
  19. I was actually thinking about this because you've discussed it before when I posted and thought you might come back with this. How's that for mind-reading, huh? *hands back dx in shame* This is why I put the 'can do' into my post - I was thinking more along the lines of something the child has never (well apart from developmental, couldn't do when a baby of course before any smart-alec comes along... ) had an issue with and would be expected as normal polite behaviour or sensible on health and safety grounds. For instance, as a really practical example, why should a child receive praise/reward for having all four legs of their chair on the floor? To me, there should be a sanction (actually depending on the child I would use humour which worked very well) for that. I actually do have an issue with your targets though (though I accept that maybe they're not the ones you used and just a rushed typing job) - what does being nice each day mean? If I feed my goldfish and talk to it I've 'been nice' but then I could be horrid to all the kids, teacher etc., but I have still technically been 'nice'. Very flippant example, purposely, but the same could apply in trying hard in school. What does that actually mean? Who's definition of hard? Hard for whom, etc.? I've always been a fan of SMART targets, and would integrate that into praise/sanctions as it makes it really clear the exact behaviour that is being rewarded/sanctioned.
  20. The praise/repremand the behaviour not the child is the basis of much school discipline (and yes teachers get it wrong too sometimes... ). You've worded this to make it sound wrong, but for this to work, you do indeed praise the bahaviour by making it very clear to the child what it is they have done that you are pleased with or that is a 'good' action. Children need those specifics to continue enacting positive bahviours. The same applies to repremanding negative behaviours - you need to be really specific about what they did that was wrong so they understand exactly what not to enact again. One thing I always found difficult when teaching particularly when working under an (otherwise very good) line-manager who was strongly into praising the positives, was that I felt I was having to praise (and reward) children for what they would be expected to be doing anyway. I don't think that's appropriate and I don't think it's right giving children rewards for things they can do and should be doing on a daily basis. These should be the expectation, and should be sanctioned if not enacted.
  21. Noooo, don't go giving Cameron any more ideas for his idiotic 'Big Society'.
  22. Bid, I'll be needing that bucket after you Doc stopped my anti-sickness meds yesterday to 'see what would happen'. Well the inevitable happens, but how am I supposed to go back this afternoon and explain that the above was the trigger???? :lol: Now, cause this thread can't go more whether or not BD thinks JF is the bees knees or not, why the heck do we refer to something we think is pretty much awesomely the best thing as 'the bees knees'? I'm guessing a bee's knees are a little nicer than a bee's sting, but quite frankly I'd rather keep my distance from any aspect of a bee.
  23. I love this forum - here we have a thread with only mild tetchiness covering everything from the realities of reality TV, ancient and not so ancient history, cultural differences, skool fetes, rat-catching and BD's infatuation with Super Frosty . Awesome.
  24. I have, does that make me old too? We used to have it at our skool and village fetes - it was called 'Splat the Rat'. It's actually on the list of games at an event I'm going to this weekend - will have to have a go now. :lol:
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