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Everything posted by ASue67

  1. I am applying for statutory assessment for my son Mike who is in year 4. He sounds very similar to your son............ academically bright, average or above average in school but emotionally and socially way behind his peers. Holds it together in school (or appears to) then huge meltdowns at home (sometimes self harming). School say he is not a problem. Like your son people don't realise he has AS (have been told that he doesn't present as autistic by school............!! ). He gots very upset about going to school as well and I think this will get worse as we near secondary school so I can really understand your concerns over that. I am prepare to have to appeal and fight over this so all I can say to you is to go for it. You know your child best and you know what he needs more than any one else. I hope you succeed and I wish you lots of luck. Feel free to pm me anytime as it looks like we will be going through our battles at the same time!! <'> <'>
  2. Am still in one piece - just!!!!! My back is aching (i forgot how much bending and lifting I do with the kids!!!) Mike has had another meltdown tonight................. am just hoping he settles now and doesn't wake up again through the night. Just need to take it one day at a time to see how I cope. I love my job and I loved being back today but I am absolutely exhausted and aching and then have to deal with Mike on my own the rest of the time...... it is the stress of everything outside work that causes the problems really and work is the only thing that can 'give' when things get bad cos I can't escape being a mum!!!!! Thanks for all your thoughts today, I really appreciate it <'>
  3. Thanks for all your replies. Am in work at 11am. Had awful night with Mike - we were up for an hr around 3.30am ish.................... then spent over an hr trying to get back to sleep so not feeling brilliant this morning!! Just need to get through this week and see how I feel I think
  4. Just wanted to send you some hugs <'> <'> <'>
  5. Am going back to work tomorrow after 9 weeks off (signed off with acute stress). I thought I was up to it (am definately much better than I was at the beginning of January) but I didn't sleep well last night and have been out of sorts all day. Am worrying about how I will cope with everything again............ I love my job (TA in Special needs school) and I only work 16 hrs a week but Mike has been having more and more meltdowns recently (another biggy tonight) and I know I am going to be exhausted again coping with everything. Trouble is financially I need to work to pay everything! Had a councelling session this afternoon and cried more or less all the way through. Am now feeling totally drained (having dealt with Mike's meltdown earlier as well) and very wound up. Help!!!!!!!
  6. Seems it is something we all have to do! I am just about to put in a request for Stat Ass for my 9 year old and have been told to prepare myself to face appeals and battle!!!! Group hugs for us all I think!!!!! <'> <'>
  7. Thanks Simon. Already get DLA - high rate care and low rate mobility.
  8. Thanks for all the hugs and advise! Heading out to do school run soon, just hoping Mike is ok tonight. Got parents evening appts for both boys after school which is throwing the routine tonight which isn't a good start! <'>
  9. Thanks for your replies..................... survived the night, didn't sleep well but am still in one piece!!!!! Have got no support at all, no family near by. Have contacted all the places everyone has suggested and these is just nothing round here at all.............. believe me I have tried!!!! My next step I think is to write to social services for an assessment of needs.......... too tired to think about it right now. Thanks everyone, it is good to know there are people who understand. <'>
  10. <'> <'> <'> Not in a good place myself tonight so don't think I can cheer you up!!!! But sending you loads of hugs instead!!! <'> <'> <'>
  11. What a night.................... Mike has been trying to play a game online which the boys in his class seem to be into. It is really way too old for him and he just can't understand it at all so he is just getting more and more frustrated and wound up all the time. he ended up crashing round the house banging all the doors and throwing things and then sat on the floor in his bedroom screaming and sobbing and hitting his head with his fist over and over again. I kept trying to stop him and calm him down but he wouldn't let me for ages. Took over half an hour to calm him down to a point where I could get him a drink and give him some Calpol. That was nearly 2 hours ago and he is still trying to calm down in his room now. Chris was downstairs during all this, and when I eventually went down he was sobbing cos he thought social services would come and take me away cos of the way Mike is. I am soooooooooo stressed and fed up with everything. It is wearing me out. Boys still not seeing their dad, he has made no contact with them whatsoever in the last 3 months and it is 7 months since they saw him. So I am not getting a break at all........ am going back to work next Tuesday after 2 months signed off with acute stress!!!! HELP!!!!!! I just want to sit and bawl my eyes out but I can't cos it will upset Chris............... so am bottling everything up and I feel like a pressure cooker ready to explode. This is the only place I can turn to to vent my feelings......... sorry
  12. ASue67


    Hi!! <'> <'>
  13. ASue67


    Hi!!!! <'> <'>
  14. My son has been using it for nearly a year and I don't have any time when he has a break from it. As it is natural it isn't necessary to have a break. I use it myself as I have sleep problems associated with my M.E. and depression and it really works. You will find that it will help your son during the day because he will benefit from getting a full nights sleep so it is the sleep that benefits him not the melatonin during the day (if that makes sense!!!) Good luck with it! <'> <'>
  15. Fantastic news.......... well done
  16. Fingers crossed for you and your son, it is horrible waiting to hear isn't it. hope everyone else who is waiting for news about sec schools gets what they want for their child
  17. Thanks hon! He is made up, and all his friends have got places at the same school as well........
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