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Caffeine Junkie

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Everything posted by Caffeine Junkie

  1. I was origianlly from south Yorkshire and have moved around a little. Am presently in Northamptonshire.
  2. An autism topic on 'This Morning' today. Link
  3. I refuse to have a prenatal test on my son, as i knew I would not abort a child. The prenatal test would have found a chromosme abnormailty, and as such would probably been offered a termination. This abnormality however is nothing to do with is autism (I have the same chomosome abnormality, and have no disability or long term illness).
  4. The problem with posting a list of products that are GF/CF, is that food manufaturers regularly change their receipes. The only way to be sure is to check the ingredients list.
  5. Found the following information sheet, which some may find useful - Information Sheet
  6. Lack of sleep is a common problem. For the first five years of The little man's life, I got one full night sleep a week (when hubby took the night duty). Things are not quite as bad now. The little man has started going through phases. He will sleep through every night for a few months, and then have a few months not sleeping through. I now look forward to when he goes back to a sleeping phase.
  7. The 'little man' does not feel the cold. He will quite gladly run around naked in the garden during the middle of winter. He always feels warm to the touch as well, regardless of how cold it is.
  8. Hi, I am mum to a 6 year old boy who has autism. He is non verbal with challenging behaviour. He attends a special school, and is unable to share transport with other children due to his behaviour, so as to have individual transport.
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