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Everything posted by ScienceGeek

  1. finally collected my bursary cheque! It should clear on Friday
  2. Racing *sorry hadn't read the last page*
  3. I've handed the essay in now. Ears don't really feel any better, after two courses of antibiotics you would expect some kind of improvement surely. The antinausea pills are good though, at least I can feel semi human, and for some reason since I've been taking them my anxiety has lowered a lot.
  4. Not really, but meh! I finally finished my essay though. Thank goodness for the 24hr window, will hand in tomorrow then collapse for the rest of the week. Feeling so ill right now.
  5. Anyone out there?! Yoooooo hooo.... Can't sleep so dossing about on the internet for a while until I feel tired. Everyone having a good weekend?
  6. Well when I used to live with my mum I used to drive her crazy by moving things or turning things the wrong way round. She hated going into my room because it was the complete opposite to the rest of the house. I lost count of the amount of times we argued because of me leaving stuff laying around and the state of my room. I remember I would put something down and just behind me she would be picking things up or complaining I should put things away
  7. ScienceGeek

    So tired!

    So I'm a naturally messy disorganised person. I've got my mum coming to stay next weekend for a week, she is a tidy freak, obsessively so. Because of this difference our standards of tidy are very different, and I'm not really in the mood for her criticisms. So today I have been tidying like a mad thing, our flat was a complete tip by my standards let alone hers! So tired now, and am barely done. Anyone else got obsessively clean parents/family? Any funny stories?
  8. My mums family just send each other cards as she has 8 siblings and their other halves, 25 nieces and nephews and they have between them 17 children already! We tend to just get something for my mum, my baby half brother and half sister, the other halfs parents and her brother.
  9. Had the drs appointment and they said that the inner ear infection has got worse, my temp is quite high and I should get plenty of rest. I've been given anti nausea pills and stronger anti biotics. Feeling so crud right now
  10. Update: Bank approved the overdraft. Bought presents for the other half and mother. Just need to wrap everything up. I took other half out for dinner and gave her the engagement ring I bought earlier today. She has had a really big grin on her face all evening.(She's out at the moment doing a samaritans duty)
  11. I don't see him because of AS. I see him because of my dyslexia and dyspraxia. I haven't been assessed for AS yet. Mentoring is his main job as far as I know, he sees quite a lot of students.
  12. I think he works for the university. All I know is that the disability centre sorts it all out. This is then paid for through my DSA. I
  13. Update: Haven't heard back from the bank yet, though hopefully before the end of the week. My support mentor went to the advice and welfare place to get the lady to ring the bursary office again. They have unblocked my payment and I'll get it in the next pay run, so beginning of next week! Will be close for presents and stuff but I think I will make it in time for xmas (my girlfriend and her family celebrate it).
  14. I can't borrow from anyone as they are pretty much as poor as I am right now. There is an emergency fund at the university, but the next payment isn't until after the holidays
  15. All my friends have had their bursary cheque from the university and I haven't. I was worried about that fact so I went to the advice centre, they contacted the bursary people. Well it turns out that my bursary has been delayed because they need more information. This means that I may not get it until next term! I was relying on that money to pay some bills and get me through the xmas hols. I'm poor afterall, that is why I'm getting the damn thing in the first place! No food and they are mucking me about with this, they didn't even tell me what information they needed. The advice centre said that probably meant it was some information they needed from the faculty. I've applied for an overdraft with my bank for the amount I'm waiting for from the bursary so it will be paid back once I get the cheque, but I'm not sure if they will accept it or not.
  16. The lecture went alright. My dyslexia tuition went better than I thought it would as well! They had a look at my essay and said that I'm doing really well, just need to finish it off in time for the hand in date Monday. A week and a few days to go until end of term! yeeeehhhaaaawwww!!!
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