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social stories

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ive seen a lot of you mention social stories to help your as/asd child

can you please tell me what exactly they are, what topics they cover, from what age etc?


i know kieran is prob too young to understand them being only 3 but we are having a lot of difficulty with him being too heavy handed and physical (he badly bruised my ribs a few weeks ago during a melt down)

also some other things that he doesnt understand arent really acceptable.. would social stories help that?


sorry for the daft question but want to help him understand more

Edited by keepingmesane

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Basically, you can make them up yourself. My understanding of what a social story is that ASD children may have difficulty processing verbal instruction or information, therefore by drawing simple pictures accompanied by a little bit of text (you don't have to be an artist - stick men will do!) to illustrate activties that a child may have difficulty with eg standing in queues, going on buses, etc it can really help relieve anxiety and help the child to understand exactly what will happen. They can cover any topic and help a child of any age. I've bought a couple of books by Carol Gray. If you do a search in amazon for Carol Gray there's a couple of books that come up which are great. Have to say, it sounds like a real pain having to write social stories each time you go out. I have found that with my son it's only necessary when I know we're going to do something different or something that I know he'll have difficulty with. Social stories have definitely helped with us.


Best wishes



Edited by cmuir

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Thought i'd let you know that we tried social stories for the first time today.


Usually I will talk through everything that will happen with M who is 6. If I can get a book on a place we are going to e.g the airport I will. This does help but his teacher went on a social stories course a few weeks ago and as she has had problems with M lately not being able to cope with change of routine she added using them as a coping stratergy to his IEP.


Today we had a school trip. The LSA kept him behind in the class instead of assembly and drew up a social story. Basically he has a picture of him leaving the school, walking to the train station, getting on the train, going to the park, having lunch, walking back to train, then walking back to school. He kept it with him and constantly referred to it. I'm not saying it was a problem free trip!!! Far from it (we nearly didn't get on the train) but I think he felt more in control.


I'm not sure that M would have understood it at 3 and i'm sure my 3 year old wouldn't but perhaps instead of line drawings you could cut out pictures from magazines etc and paste them on card together.


Of course no matter how hard and well you think you have prepared them there will always be something that you don't expect!



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