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phone call from SEN officer

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They have had a meeting with the HT of the special school I named for El to go to and they have come to the conclusion that as El has come so far since being statemented, they feel the special school would be inappropriate for her as the work would be below her capabilities, and this would probably cause a lot of problems due to boredom and frustration.


So have been advised to go see the local mainstream as soon as......


In a way I am really happy that El has come on so much academically, the only thing that worries me is that El will struggle with all the changes of classroom etc.....she knows a lot of kids who will be going the this same school as there are only two in my little town.....her cousin will also be going there so thats a definate plus for her.


It would mean a lot less travelling for her too as its walking distance.....and if there's a problem i can get to the school easily......

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Hi Is there any schools that are spercific in your area that are special needs but also can meet her academic ability, so changing classrooms and having nessasary equiptment for certain lessons are supported with understanding her SENs.


If it is that MS is the best for El then is there any possibility that el could have a LSA for the changing periods, also to support her in any areas she may find a difficulty.


could her statement state the kind of things like changing to the next lesson and other issues be included in her statement.


It is fantastic that her acedemic is really progressed but education isnt just about the lessons its the in between as well and then the whole social triangle.


Is there a team that you can see if your looking into mainstream and see if there is any support for her with a transition period.


The school I am researching the children there have a high ability in certain subjects as its consistant with their SEN, however support is in place for the subjects they are weeker in.


J is very able in science, IT and loves anything experimental, and hands on.

but struggles with reading, and putting down his thoughts onto paper and so even in lessons he is good at he still requires support to help assist him in actually submitting his ideas down.


Can the Mainstream do this just as well in a larger secondary, I know that J would struggle in these kinds of situations in MSS, just because there able doesnt mean they still dont need support.



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thanks for that chic you have given me some very good questions to raise there! she is very disorganised, as I am sure you can understand with your J having similar difficulties! there are no other schools she could go to ...... so to ask a stupid question, if i agree to the ms school, then does that mean i can get them to re-word her statement to take account of the change in support she will need?

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thanks for that chic you have given me some very good questions to raise there! she is very disorganised, as I am sure you can understand with your J having similar difficulties! there are no other schools she could go to ...... so to ask a stupid question, if i agree to the ms school, then does that mean i can get them to re-word her statement to take account of the change in support she will need?

Its the unorganised that may get el into the most trouble, this certainly needs to be included in her statement and I would push for this in her review before she transfers to high school, I am aware of a transition period and most good secondary schools should be introducing special needs pupils in early and letting them have a good look round and spend some time before the move in september.


I would contact the NAS educational advice line and see if some practial support can be offered, and start the preperation after new year, there is a lot that needs to be done before the move in september like visual timetables, photos of teachers, classroom idenity so if science is in room 101 then that needs enphasising, with key labels to what to take, clothing like the white jacket they wear to protect their clothes, pens and paper and the science book level she is learning.


do you think she will need help in these kinds of areas?


They need to be shared with the school and IEP set out for teachers to understand and not punish her for her disabilities.


Have you looked throw the paris website in NAS as well there maybe something that is available in the next county, or city that is nearest to you.


Or go to one and see what different things they have set out for children who are able with AS.


then ask for the mainstream school to put in place some of the same stratagies, I think with the move her statementing needs emending and altering to adjust to the needs of El in a secondary mainstream school.


There is many differences in a high school, than in a primary school.



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