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Countdown to 10th September is now on...

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(As that is when Louis starts residential school).


I am fed up of having fingers pointed at me in the shape of guns, and then the noises to go with it as if he is shooting me.


I am fed up of my younger sons getting hit/thumped/kicked/spat at, just because 'I didn't get what I wanted' (louis's words!)


I am fed up of my husband having to come home, and the only words being spoken to him by Louis are demeaning swear words.


I am fed up of the screaming and shouting and throwing things, all of which are being picked up as 'normal behaviour' by my 1 year old who is starting to copy.


I am fed up of going to the fridge/food cupboard and finding no food there as Louis has eaten it all.


I am fed up of going into a different room/hall/stairs and finding mess all over the place because Louis has thrown stuff around, just because he can't have things his way


I am fed up of being shouted at.


I am fed up of being followed everywhere - literally - I can't even go to the toilet without Louis following me and sitting outside the bathroom.


I am fed up of having to hide myself in the bathroom for 2hours + just so as Louis will get himself into bed at night.


I am fed up of broken doors (anyone know where we can get solid wood cheap doors from that aren't panel doors, that I can paint white?)


I can't think of anything else for him to do. I have done baking, watching tv, playing gamecube, going to local kids play centre (lots of climbing/slides/soft play), done park so much he is bored of it, tried to do crafty things, but he has no interest.

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>:D<<'> Fiorelli >:D<<'> sounds like residential will give you the space you all need. My friend was in a similar position, her lad went to resi & they got a caravan nearby to visit regularly, hard decision but they got their lives back.

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Thanks for replying.


The holidays may have just got that little bit easier. Louis's 'father' has phoned and asked if he could have them for a week. It just remains to be seen if he picks them up...

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