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10 things your asd child wish they could say

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Not quite sure why, but this leaves me feeling uncomfortable...


Maybe the use of the first person?


Not all children with ASD experience all the things as described?


Not all the advice is particularly good, e.g 'Please put your book on the desk, Billy...' just about the first piece of advice we were ever given was always to use the child's name first so that they know you are talking to them...


'The autism needs fixing, not me' What?? :o


'Autism the disability is not some wonderful gift. It cripples...But autism is treatable and I may be able to overcome being disabled' Sorry, this doesn't sit easily with me, either.


I'm not setting out to offend, and I am completely aware of the profound difficulties faced by many children and their families, but...?


What does anyone else think...please don't feel uncomfortable if you want to say you think I'm mad and you love it! :)


Bid :ph34r:

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I very much liked most of it, but also feel a bit uncomfortable about the same parts.


I do not want to change the way I am as a whole or become non-autistic, but there are things I would like to change. I would like to feel comfortable using public transport. It is so difficult for me to do something as simple as find out what bus I need, from where and what time, and then to get on and ask for a ticket, that I have only managed it for the first time at the age of 26. If I could not drive a car, I would have serious problems getting around. I would very much like this to be easier, but do feel that it is a price worth paying until I can learn better ways.


I would say, it is not me that needs to be fixed, but let's find ways to help me with the things I find hard.


And, autism can be a wonderful gift, but some aspects can also be a disability, but the things that make me disabled can be overcome with the right support, I would like the support I need to become a successful, autistic adult.

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I agree with you, bid, sorry, don't mean to offend anyone. I stopped reading after number 1 as I didn't take kindly to the preachy tone of the instructions and I don't agree with some of the statements. Also, I don't agree with the way the statements are put across, making it sound as if what is written is concrete fact, rather than someone's opinion.

Sorry, I didn't enjoy reading the little that I did, I felt quite uncomfortable and my heart is pounding now. Not sure I can put into words exactly why, I just didn't like it.

Sorry all. :(


~ Mel ~

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I'm sure people can guess what my response to this is so I'll save you the novel :)


It explains some aspects of Autism/Aspergers ok, in fact I think I've come across the supermarket section before (obviously as part of a different body of text) and have actually used that to help me to tell those around me what kind of hell on earth supermarkets can be for me.


But some parts are just...well...gobsmacking.


One of my mum's cousins has a little boy who is Autistic. He is virtually non-verbal at the moment and his development is really, really slow, partly because he isn't being allowed to ever live because his mum is non-stop campaigning to raise money to get him cured by packing him off to America to learn how to become a robot who mimics NT behaviours. What depresses me about this piece of writing is that she has probably read something like this, it would certainly explain her attitude towards Autism.


We haven't told her I'm Aspergers. Well, my mum hasn't anyway, I literally haven't seen her since my diagnosis and I'm not sure what I would say when I do see her. I have asked my mum to tell her, in the hopes that she will see that there are others in our family and that her child is not 'the damaged one' (not kidding). But I'm not sure if it would achieve anything anymore.


It makes me sad that these kind of attitudes exist so close to me, my grand parents for example ask from time to time if there isn't some kind of pill I can take :( It makes me feel such a hypocrite for coming on here and banging on to people about how we should be the ones who are changing people's attitudes on a one-to-one basis, slowly debunking silly myths and misunderstandings. What right have I actually got to say that, even just stating it as my opinion, when I haven't managed to change my grandparents minds?


I will keep going of course but sometimes it gets me down that despite my best efforts my grandparents and other family members are living, breathing versions of all the horrid bits of this text.


Anyway, I promised I wouldn't write a novel so...To me, I will never be disabled by anything but other people's opinions of me. I am different, I really am just different and I'm not glossing over things by saying this or pretending for the sake of pretending. Cure me and you cure me of myself. You rob me of my personality, take away my quirky approaches to things and alternative patterns of thought. You take away my ability to use sarcasm easily and readily, but never ever understand it when it is used back :lol: and you strip me of my intelligence and ability to see the bigger picture in the world. All these aspects of my personality are shaped by the fact that I am Aspergers.


Knowledge is power, understanding is key to cure others of their attempts to disable me with their ignorance.




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I will never be disabled by anything but other people's opinions of me. I am different, I really am just different and I'm not glossing over things by saying this or pretending for the sake of pretending. Cure me and you cure me of myself. You rob me of my personality, take away my quirky approaches to things and alternative patterns of thought. You take away my ability to use sarcasm easily and readily, but never ever understand it when it is used back :lol: and you strip me of my intelligence and ability to see the bigger picture in the world. All these aspects of my personality are shaped by the fact that I am Aspergers.


Knowledge is power, understanding is key to cure others of their attempts to disable me with their ignorance.



Very well wrote. :clap::clap::clap:

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