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Transport. Advice please.

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Jay is now in his third year at secondary. It's about 15 miles away and he's never had transport. At first they said he wasn't eligible. We were so relieved to have him back at school and wasn't sure we'd take up transport straight away anyway, that I started doing it myself. Time went by and I continued doing it myself and then I was told that we are, in fact, eligible but still weren't sure he'd cope with being in a taxi on his own.


Anyway, this year two new pupils have started at the unit, one of them in our town and one in the next nearest town, about 10 miles away. A minibus now picks up these two, plus another boy from our town and brings them all to Jay's school. I wanted to now get Jay on this bus, as I think it would be nice for him to be with the other children and give him some independence and maybe I could actually get a life rather than spending 2.5 hours a day driving him back and forth.


So, I'm trying to arrange it with transport but there's a problem. One of the lads on the bus needs to get to school at 8.25 and the rest not until nearly nine, Jay needs to be there at 8.45. Because of the terrible traffic and the fact that they want to pick up Jay first, they're saying they need to pick him up at 7.15!! :o That's an hour and a half journey and I'm not sure he'll cope or whether this is reasonable, I usually leave at 8.00. Transport are more or less saying that if we don't accept it then we'll get nothing as it will incur extra cost to send a car just for Jay.


I'm so fed up, I know I'll feel so guilty about putting Jay through this journey that I'll end up doing it myself for another four years and I was just starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel and even thinking about getting a job, etc. and now it's all been snatched away, or that's how it feels. :tearful:


The thing is, last year this minibus didn't exist, becuase the other boys didn't start until this September, so if I'd have requested transport for Jay then then they would have had to send a car just for him anyway. Plus, Jay still does part-time hours, in late and home early on different days, so how will they do those using the minibus?? I feel like it's so unfair, lots of people get transport no questions asked and I've been saving them heaps for the last two years and we are entitled to it but I'm sure we're not going to be getting it and I feel so cheated now. :wallbash::crying:


~ Mel ~

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Mel, an hour and half is not acceptable. The transport dept will have a code of practice, stating how long they feel it is suitable to have a child travelling. Our youngest dd was travelling on a minibus to school. The length of the journey became gradually longer and longer, until she was being collected at around 7.30, to start school at 9, and being dropped off at 4.30 after finishing at 3! We constantly rang the transport dept, and were told they were reviewing it, etc etc, total fob off over and over again. Eventually I got some fab advice from a member on here, looked at their code of practice, and it stated no SEN child should be travelling for longer than an hour. I rang them, got abit shirty, etc, quoting code, and a taxi was arranged for the following week. She used the taxi till the end of term, when another minibus was arranged, but we ensured she never travelled longer than an hour, and so far, so good. Good luck hunni, these things are never easy, and sometimes you feel you have very little power to change them >:D<<'>

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Thanks a lot, mate. >:D<<'> I just know he wouldn't cope with such a long journey, he'd get so tired and stressed, he'd probably end up feeling sick and with a headache and it would ruin his whole day. I'd then feel guilted into doing it myself again and I just really need a break from it, even if only part-time. :tearful:


The transport woman is calling me back tomorrow because there are two kids from our town going to a different school down the road from Jay's and he could go in their taxi, but then I'd feel bad for those kids because I know that they'd have to leave earlier than they do now because their school doesn't start until half an hour after Jay's.


Just can't win really. :tearful:


~ Mel ~

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Don't be defeated Mel.....get those running shoes out and kick transport butt :ninja: Seriously, I really don't think they can force Jay to travel an hour and half, so they need to arrange an alternative >:D<<'>

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Taken from ipsea website




Transport must be non-stressful



The transport arrangements made by the LEA to get George to school involved him spending upwards of three hours a day in a bus. His parents appealed to the High Court. The Court ruled: ?... the LEA is under a duty to make such arrangements as it considers necessary for a child to reach school without undue stress, strain or difficulty such as would prevent him from benefiting from the education the school has to offer...It follows that where a child with special educational needs requires transport to get him to school the transport which the LEA proposes to make available must therefore be non-stressful transport...?


This judgement, known as R v Hereford and Worcester County Council ex parte P 1992, is now quoted by parents when LEAs? transport arrangements result in children with special educational needs spending unreasonable periods of time being bussed or taxied to and from school.


Parents? comments


?If it were not for IPSEA?s help we would still be struggling. The fact that we could rely on the expertise of such knowledgeable and sympathetic people removed a lot of the pressure from an upsetting experience. We will always be indebted to IPSEA....?

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When my dd started in year 7, I asked about transport. My DD can't cope with the noise and hustle bustle of the bus and she is a runner when she gets stressed.

The transport manager told me to put her on the bus, and if she runs or can't cope, he will look at transport... After many weeks of messing around, I asked him whether he ws willing to sign to say he takes responsibility for his actions in putting her in unsuitable transport.


He then told me he would need a letter from her doctor before he did a risk assessment, I asked him to send me a full copy of his risk assessment, and asked him who would be doing it and what qualificiations they had in deciding what risk my daughter would be in, because of her particular problems...


Withn a week he had laid on a taxi.. he did try to put her in a taxi with two other children but this would stress her too as the journey is used by her to psych herself up and wind down after school... she needs quiet... so the paed said NO she needs individual transport, and he has now given up, the yearly reviews that he said would happen, don't . So she is safe going to and from school.


IPSEA advised me on this issue, and I would advise you to get someone on side.... the way I see it, it is a legal requirment or us parents to get our kids educated, so therfore someone has to help us to do this if our kids have special needs...


Dig your heels in.... that huge journey would be gruelling even for a seasoned commuting adult, a child can do without that pressure on top of everything else.


Good luck!!!

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