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DISCO assessment

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I got my appointment through for the DISCO assessment on the 14th November. I wondered if anyone knows what this entails? Nervous now! Been trying to sort it out for so long that now there is an actual date I'm nervous about it. :lol: All I know is that the first appointment is going to take 2/3hrs! :o

Edited by ScienceGeek

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It was not called DISCO, but having a quick look on the site it sounds a bit like what my son had, a 3 hours long assessment.


As he is was 7 at the time I think it would be somewhat different but:-


First hours was spent playing with someone who first went along with his game, then ignored him, then tried to chang game, all to see how he would react. This was observed by person in charge then they had him do some tests, sore of puzzles and cutting out and generally playing. Then they had storey time when he was given scenarios and asked to talk about them and act then out with Little doles, then talk about life in general and any thing that cropped up in conversation.

Whole thing was videoed, and we were on other side of one way mirror.(Son likes to see himself on the vidio)


Having said all that this came at the end of the proses of assessment after he and us had been seen by all sorts of other people who all put their reports in. Final report consisted of 12 pages and a diagnosis of HFA/AS.

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I had this for my assessment. She skipped many of the questions as they don't all apply to everyone, and many of them don't apply to adults. I was kind of worried she was glossing over things when she skipped a number of pages at a time, but she did not gloss over anything.


It started out with questions about my early development that my mum answered, and then some questions about later childhood which we both contributed answers to - generally my mum reported behaviours she witnessed and my answers were more about feelings and reasons for those behaviours, or my interpretation of the same situations.


After that she just asked me a lot of questions. It wasn't scary at all and as she led me through everything with the questions she asked, there was no need for me to prepare in advance for it - though it wouldn't do any harm if you wanted to take a list of the most important points to make sure they get discussed. Someone experienced should be able to get the right information from you themselves though.


My appointment lasted over 2 hours and I found it draining and tiring. If you are offered a drink, accept it even if you are not thirsty, as all that talking will make you thirsty :)

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Having read a lot on this site it is clear to me that what is in theory are the same proses, they are cared out in lots of different ways in different places by different people.

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I think that's probably true Chris. After all, the diagnostic criteria are (presumably) uniform throughout the country, so the different methods of assessment should all be looking to assess the same traits. I suspect two different professionals may use the same tool slightly differently too. Like I said, when I had my assessment, considerable chunks were skipped, but I was still diagnosed.


One more thing I remembered ScienceGeek, my assessor said she normally asks people to take an IQ test. She doesn't need a specific measure of IQ, just a guide as to whether it was low, average or high. Instead she asked about my education and I told her my A level results and that I was a member of Mensa and that was all the information she needed, but your assessor might want a more specific measure from her own test so don't worry if she asks you to fill in any forms.

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they play that song that goes





and assess how well you can dance!





seriously though i have never experienced it though hope it goes well for you!

Edited by something_different

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Not long to go now and starting to feel nervous about it. It's this Friday and luckily I have the new World of Warcraft expansion coming out tomorrow that will distract me from thinking about it. :whistle: I'm trying not to get myself too worked up with the nerves otherwise I won't sleep for the next 2 nights. :blink:

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J try not to worry too much!! (easier said than done, i know!!). Its not an exam or a test and no trick questions to catch you out. Its a medical assessment so they are just expecting simple honest answers. Just be "you".

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Good luck Sciencegeek - hope all goes well today.


Have just downloaded the WOW expansion for OJ for when he gets home from school!!! He has been counting the days for what seems like a year!!!


Stella x

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Good luck Sciencegeek - hope all goes well today.


Have just downloaded the WOW expansion for OJ for when he gets home from school!!! He has been counting the days for what seems like a year!!!


Stella x


It's tomorrow but thanks :thumbs: I've been counting down too! I'm well disappointed that my copy from amazon didn't arrive on time, and they had no copies in the shops :(

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OH NO!! There must be an awful lot more sad :whistle: WOWers in Bristol!!!!


Don't mean to make you feel worse but OJ is playing away!! Having said that his screen keeps freezing and computer shuts down which could be cos so many people are trying to play it today.


Hope it arrives tomorrow :pray:


Stella xx

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Hello, this is OJ, ( Oliver ) >:D<<'> I am sorry to hear that Wolk didnt arrive for you, and even worse that you needed it to relax, HOWEVER, When you do get it, it is worth the wait, just play some normal wow for a bit, get some food ready for your adventures and stuff. Its worth it .. BTW.. /w me in Dragon-blight alliance.. Killert is my name, and i will play with you. :clap: Hope it arrives soon, good luck, BYE!! :):)

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Thanks for the message OJ. I've waited this long so I'm sure I can wait another day :thumbs: Have more than enough stuff on the other parts that I hadn't done, so spent the day catching up with the achievements. I'm on bronzebeard and my characters are petronius, lotherien and grenwarr. :) I hope you are enjoying the new expansion, have you created a death knight?


SG (Jack) :thumbs:

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( OJ ) here, Yes, i have created a Death-Knight, they are really cool, and you will love it, remember to /w me On Killert ... Dragonblight Alliance, night.. ^^

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