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my name is denise,am married with 2 children, 1 daughter with no problems and a son who is 6 who is going through the process of being assessed for AS, but as you know this all takes time, and we feel we are left on our own without any support or advice on how to deal with his moods and emotions and at times you feel as if you are on your own, especally as my daughter feels and i know we treat her differently but itis knowing what to tell her without frightening her,i have found this site helpful in knowing that other people are going through the same if not worse than us, you dont feel so alone as itis difficult telling people as they have never heard of AS or what it involves nd the impact on the family as your child looks like any other.


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Hi Denise and welcome :thumbs:


I have a book called 'My Brother is Different', by Louise Gorrod. It came from the National Autistic Society website - here's a link : NAS


It is written as if from the sibling's view, and touches on the things which make an autistic child different and why he does the things he does.


It helped my elder son to understand his brother a little better. I'm sure there are other books available, depending on your daughter's age and the outcome of your son's assessment.


I hope that helps, and I'm sure you won't feel so alone now you've found us >:D<<'>


Nicky x



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Hi Denise and welcome :thumbs:


I have a book called 'My Brother is Different', by Louise Gorrod. It came from the National Autistic Society website - here's a link : NAS


It is written as if from the sibling's view, and touches on the things which make an autistic child different and why he does the things he does.


It helped my elder son to understand his brother a little better. I'm sure there are other books available, depending on your daughter's age and the outcome of your son's assessment.


I hope that helps, and I'm sure you won't feel so alone now you've found us >:D<<'>


Nicky x


thanks i will look it up, it just feels good to talk to people in the same situation



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heya denise


i think what would benefit your daughter would be printing off information about AS and maybe get in touch with the NAS and see what help and support theyd be willing to offer you as a family unit maybe going for family counselling may help explain to her the situation you all in! and for you to read up on AS through books best way for gathering resources and knowledge and what other personal advise people would give like a book called ' the parents guide to autism - adelle jameson tilton'


DONT go with CAMHS whatever professionals say and suggest as alot eople with AS had negative experience with the NHS service offered as doesnt tail and suit to anyones individual needs! hope this advise helps you and your family though good luck and fight for what you believe in is right it is worth it in the end sticking us! i had personal experience of this myself with my family


hellishnightm put them through with my anger and moods in the past! you will get through this just takes time for evertone to accept diagnosis! takes time to adjust to a 'different' to 'normal' child but hang on in there know its scary and your afraid for what you doing and feeling is normal reaction so is your daughter she probabbly knows therer is something she just dont know what it is and hwo to put into words explain it properly! hope this gets sorted


take care

luv ya loadz

kirst-lou XxXx

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Hi Denise. I know how you feel about being in assessment limbo. I am waiting for the diagnosis which may be done in August! I feel completely just left to try to figure out everything on my own. Luckily there is this site and lots of good books to read. One I found really helpful is called "Martian in the Playground" By Clare Sainsbury. Anyway, Glad you found your way here! -Skye

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Hi Denise welcome to the forum. I know what you mean about your child looking the same as everyone else but being 'different' its so hard i think for children like ours as they have no obvious disability that can be seen.

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I feel the same Denise, my 12 year old son has had learning difficulties since the age of 4, we are under the 'care' of CAMHS. He was assessed for Autism back last year and during our appointment in Nov last year I was asked 'do you know he has Aspergers? - here are some useful websites, we will see you again in 6 months', and that was that.


This site has given me lots of support in the short time I have been a member and recomendations of books to read. Without all this I felt very alone and let down.

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Hi Denise


My son is just over 5 and 1/2 so a similar age to your son. We have just started the process and are awaiting our first appointment which I think is to be with Speach and Language Specialists. He is my oldest unlike yours but I have another son age 2 and 1/2 and I worry about equally dividing attention and how their relationship will progress. I'd be happy to share experiences with you as our sons grow as they are very close in age. I know what you mean about people thinking there is nothing wrong as for the most part it isn't obvious. My son is very advanced mathematically and relies on routine. He also throws tantrums.


Hope to speak again.

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