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ASD specific schools in North West?

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My son attends a BESD special high school. I feel we were rushed into making a decision about a school placement as we only received his diagnosis late in the school year and the LEA said we could choose from 2 schools - the BESD one or a school for MLD.


We're having a lot of problems and I wonder whether a ASD specific school would be more suited as they really do not get him or ASD


We are in the process of getting his statement reviewed as he has had recent input from the EP so I'm hoping we can get him out of the hell hole he is in.... I can dream


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Sorry that you are having problems. at your son's school.I unfortuatly dont have much advice ,I do know there are AS schools and there are some details of these on the NAS website,for me personally they are far but cannot remember the location off the top of my head.I just wanted to say because I to am exploring the possibilities of my son attending a special needs school,I have a fear because he is very honest and rude to people with visable dissabilities I dont really know how school classes are devided etc. into those that are more high functioning and those with greater delays.My son does make noises at inappropriate times at his present school,but dont think he would cope if others were to do this.It is very hard because he is struggling emotionally where he is now,and would love for him to be with other children that are similar to him and teachers that understand him.I do hope someone in the know will reply to your post as I would also love to find an AS school.

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This is why we went for the BESD school as a few children there are ASD but not diagnosed. My son is higher functioning so again thought this school would be best. Unfortunatley for my son none of the teachers are really that clued up about ASD!

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you need to get the statement changed in parts 2, 3 and 4, if they refuse, appeal, then collect as much evidence as possible, you need the statement to express his social and communication inpairments and his dx of ASD in part 2, part 3 is the kind of provisions, so provisions such as trained staff in ASD, social communication impairments, speech and language, ext,,,,OT even if you can stretch that far, then in Part 4 name the school you want, even if its independant, private, non maintained, the important thing is that it can meet all his needs, including the BESD and the ASD and any other co morbid disorder.


You will need to get a specialist school to agree to offer your son a place for SENDIST appeal if it goes that far, the LEA may look like it will go that far, but in my case the LEA agreed to all parts of his statement a week before, they have been known to do it the day before, too, but even if they go to sendist you have an opportunity to express your sons needs and what he requires for his future, this also makes a big difference for when he transitions to college, he is more likely to get ASD/spersific adult education support for the future, so look at it as long term plans too.


Would he cope in a mainstream college for example, if your confident no way even with support then go all the way down the legal route.


Its a hard slog but well worth it when your sons in a spersific school rather than just a special school the LEA choose to place them which is not always apropriate to there needs because its either MLD or BESD and it is not suitable for some children.





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