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How do I explain Aspergers to my boss

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Only me again.


I have an issue. I have to explain to my boss (Line manager) that I may well have Aspergers. I tried to explain today but failed. I am just worried he will think I am a simpleton when I tell him. He isn't the most understanding person. I tried a bit today but waffled and tailed off.


I looked at NAS for a simple leaflet I can hand to him and say "This is what I do and this is why I do it" type thing, but even NAS is bereft of info for employers on "what we do". Any suggestions ?





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Only me again.


I have an issue. I have to explain to my boss (Line manager) that I may well have Aspergers. I tried to explain today but failed. I am just worried he will think I am a simpleton when I tell him. He isn't the most understanding person. I tried a bit today but waffled and tailed off.


I looked at NAS for a simple leaflet I can hand to him and say "This is what I do and this is why I do it" type thing, but even NAS is bereft of info for employers on "what we do". Any suggestions ?





Hi, sorry to ask but do you have a diagnosis yet?If not than why not wait until then to tell him because if you turn out to be wrong you will have an even harder time trying to explain that you were wrong and then explaining what you have been diagnosed with.Once you get a diagnosis you may get furthur advice on how to tell your employer,if not you can always just print info on AS from the web and maybe highlight the traits you do have,thereafter if your boss wants more info he can contact NAS himself.This is what I think but maybe someone who has been in this situation can help more.I know I read a similar post before and another AS person asked why you would even want to tell your boss?After all you dont have to do so.

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Only me again.


I have an issue. I have to explain to my boss (Line manager) that I may well have Aspergers. I tried to explain today but failed. I am just worried he will think I am a simpleton when I tell him. He isn't the most understanding person. I tried a bit today but waffled and tailed off.


I looked at NAS for a simple leaflet I can hand to him and say "This is what I do and this is why I do it" type thing, but even NAS is bereft of info for employers on "what we do". Any suggestions ?






phone the up 0845 070 4004 the autism helpline, and they can send you some information if u explain the situation to them.


Also here is some information What Are Autism, What Are Aspergers? NAS Try this.

Edited by Special_talent123

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If you're better at explaining things in writing, then that would be a good idea. Keep things to one side of A4 - any more than that is just not going to get read.


I would suggest you give a very brief outline of what Asperger's is, and then explain how it affects you in work and what adjustments you think could help. There is no point telling your boss about how it affects you in your personal life, because this is none of his business and not his problem to resolve. Make sure you point out how small alterations will lead to increased productivity!

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I know how you feel about wanting to tell you're boss, I am not diagnosed but have been refered and am awaiting an apoinment in the new year.


I recently started 2 days a week contracted work at a centre teaching disable people to drive and imidiatly found it really stressfull compared to my normal self emloyed hours with my familiar car, stundents and routes. They are now putting pressure on me to do assessments which would mean meeting a whole bunch of new people every day and often not finding out who i have until i get there in the morning. Worse still i have no idea which cars we'l be using, what there ability is or anything until i meet them. The though of this makes me feel physically sick and I really wish i could say to the centre manager that I can't do it but i just don't want to explain why as i am not yet sure if i have AS or not, and maybe I'm just the kind of person who hates surprises and likes to have my whole month planned and writen in my diary.


I think that it would probably be a good idea to tell your boss how you feel and let him know that you are awaiting an assessment and see if he is willing to make a few changes to make you feel better in the mean while. That way if/when you do get a DX he will be well prepared for the news and not cross that you kept it from him.


good luck

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Only me again.


I have an issue. I have to explain to my boss (Line manager) that I may well have Aspergers. I tried to explain today but failed. I am just worried he will think I am a simpleton when I tell him. He isn't the most understanding person. I tried a bit today but waffled and tailed off.


I looked at NAS for a simple leaflet I can hand to him and say "This is what I do and this is why I do it" type thing, but even NAS is bereft of info for employers on "what we do". Any suggestions ?







Hello RudeBoy,


Have you thought of giving your employer the printed sheets from these links from the NAS website and just saying, 'I think I have Asperger Syndrome' and letting them read about it. It might give them a better understanding and would mean you don't have to stand there and do all the explaining:

Employer Factsheet - What is an ASD?: http://www.autism.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly....946&a=20385

Employer Factsheet - managing someone with an ASD: http://www.autism.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly....946&a=20384


Good Luck,



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