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Received letter confirming place at SN secondary school

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I have just received a letter from the LEA...


Dear ........


I am writing to confirm that there is a place available for XXXXX at XXXX XXXXX School from September 2010. You should contact the Headteacher to discuss admission details.


You should be aware that the County Council normally only provides school transport where the distance from home to school is more than 2 miles .........................


As child lives over 3 miles from XXXX XXXXX he will be entitle to free transport. The school will need to forward the form requesting transport to this office..Blah Blah Blah.....


Yours sincerely




Principal Special Needs Officer


However - I HAVE NOT received a final amended statement of SEN that names a school yet!


Does anyone know if this a 'standard' thing to do or not? (and what I need to do about it - esp. as this school is only going to be a VERY last resort!!)


Thanks xx



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I Think its just to let you know that there is a place so you should then discuss with the school.I had a similar letter from the LA with my son and then confirmed with the school when he will start etc.


Obviousley in tHIS case its likely you will need to wait for the statement,if this is what is required from the school.So maybe contact the school and let them know.

Edited by justine1

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>>I am writing to confirm that there is a place available for XXXXX at XXXX XXXXX School from September 2010. You should contact the Headteacher to discuss admission details.>>


This could be taken as there is a place, but the school/LA/you have not decided to accept him/it yet, (and therefore contact the school to sort out if it is suitable) or that he will be going there.


Definitely call the LA or the school to find out what is going on.





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The final statement before secondary transfer must to be issued by Feb 15th - it's the law. So you should get it within the next couple of weeks.


K x

Edited by Kathryn

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