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Question for AS parents

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I have good days and bad days.On my good days I can do kisses and cuddles and fun stuff. On my bad days I am what my DH calls a 'robot parent' - the kids are clean, warm, fed and watered but that's about it. So how do I explain in toddler friendly language (or when they are older) that Mummy isn't always the same as other Mummies, but she loves them just the same. I've seen books for siblings, but not for children.


It's really important to me that they understand - I strongly suspect that my mum had AS (and the psychologist I saw today agreed) and I found a lot of things difficult growing up because I didn't understand why she did ceratin things - we would have had a much better relationship if I had understood.


And - how do I get help on dealing with tantrums when I just want to have one myself when they start to scream?

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I'm not sure you need to say that you're not the same as other mummies. You are their mummy, and that's all that matters to them.


Even NT mums have days when they are stressed or tired, and only manage the basics.


I would talk in more general terms as and when things happen. So with my kids, I just say that I need more time to work out the answer to a problem, say...(mine are a lot older, and they do know I have AS).


Personally I wouldn't make a big thing of it really...I think the fact that you think about your parenting, worry about it, and try your best, means that you are doing a whole lot better than many, many parents!


Bid >:D<<'>

Edited by bid

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I agree with Bid.I am NT and have alot of not so good days.The thing is a single mum and student I feel at the moment I juggling so much and can't even keep up with myself.


I often feel as though I am a terrible mum,my eldest always wants my help with homework but I also have "homework" so where is the time going to come from.I really try my best but feel burnt out.The funny thing is that even when I was at home with them I had down moments too so in reality did'nt spend as much quality time as I could have,I did'nt have much motivation.Now I am motivated but there are not enough hours in the day :wacko:


So I can totally relate >:D<<'>

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