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Brother has had a stroke

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This isn't the right forum for this information. But there's no-where else to put it.


He's been feeling very ill for some days, and even went to his GP and A&E and still got sent home!


He had a very bad headache, loss of sensation down one side, loss of co-ordination, vomitting, confusion - and the health professionals still didn't spot the obvious.


Anway a couple of days later his face drooped down one side, and then, finally, they admitted him to hospital.


He's only in his 50's. Just 8 years older than me. He is as fit as a whippet. He is at the gym every day. He doesn't drink or smoke. He is the healthiest person I know, and yet this has happened.


They have done some scans, and even more worrying is the fact that they have found some 'old damage' which means he has had other mini strokes some months/years previously, but this one is more major.


For someone who was so atheletic, he can't even get in/out of bed on his own. He can't leave his bed without assistance. He tried to have a shower yesterday and fell over and injured himself. He can't do anything with his left side. Although he has quite good strength, he has no co-ordination at all. He says his left side just feels like a piece of meat stuck to him to yet totally disassociated from his own body.


He is talking fairly okay, maybe a little confused about the most recent events.


But his personality has changed - hopefully not permanently. He has frontal lobe damage.


This is just so unexpected. He has a son in Afganistan, and has just become a Grandad.


Although they have now said it is definately a stroke [most likely from a clot], they still have no idea of the cause. So he's got to go through further tests to see if they can identify what has happened.


My own dad had a stroke at a similar age, but that was a bleed, and they found he had high blood pressure. But this is different with my brother because there is no underlying health condition and he is so healthy.


It has really shocked all of us.

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So sorry Sally. I know how you feel my brother is 33 and has had 3 strokes.The first one he had aged 21 years old !!! He did not drink,did not smoke,took no drugs,exercised regularly,had a very good job in London and great social life.


He almost died with the first stroke they gave him 48 hrs and read his last rights.He had two operations one of which lasted over 8hours.He lost all speech and still struggles with this. He has partial paralysis on his right side,he cannot write and walks with a limp.


His second stroke was the worst for him because he had a year of re-hab since the first one and literally had to start all over again as he one again lost his speech. It is a very long road to recovery,I guess the biggest thing is that he becomes depressed thinking of what he could do if he never had a stroke. However he has worked since two year after the first stroke and is working towards being a TA. As I say he has speech problems,asphasia, difficuly in walking,his left side suffers because it has to take on what his right side would be doing,he also has to take medication to prevent fits (he has had about 10 fits since the strokes.)


He is an inspiration though,started up his own support group, he does talks with health professionals,he has done a walk with friends to raise money and awareness,he owns his own home,has a lovely wife and two kids. Anything is possible and its early days so do not give up hope.

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So sorry to hear about your brother Sally. I do hope he recovers soon. Thinking of you and your family at this time. (( ))

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No Sally,they have never found out which I think makes it worse. Often they can put it down to lifestyle choices or age related. He had a clot which started to bleed causing the stroke,they have no idea when he actually got the clot,or how. He was and still is(generally speaking) very healthy. They do believe my grandfather may have had a stroke,therefore may be hereditory, but to be honest there is no clear cut evidence to back it up.

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I think if we don't find out the cause that will be the worst thing, especially as the hospital are saying he has been having previous episodes and brain damage over the last 12 months - 5 years. So it has been ongoing, so there is every likelihood it will happen again, and how can you prevent that if you don't know the cause?


Doesn't look like he'll be home for Christmas either.

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I'm sorry to hear that Sally. My Mum had a bleed age 46 (15 years ago tomorrow actually - I walked in from a Uni night out and saw it all happen in front of me) and it was exactly the same. She was really fit and there was no underlying cause or condition - it was fluke :/ She was 7 stones, taught full time, spoke 4 languages etc etc. She lost her right side completely, and lost all language and was in hospital for 3 months and a rehab facility for a futher 4 months, then had ongoing rehab at home. 15 years on and she's doing well, but life is very different - she independent at home, but developed epilepsy so can't drive so is stuck at home a lot. She never regained any of her other languages, only english. She can hold a conversation easily but loses words sometimes, or struggles in a larger group.


I'm sorry you are having to go through this so close to Christmas and I hope they find out the cause and his recovery is quick.


Lynne x

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Hope your brother recovers soon. There is an organisation called 'the stroke association' if that helps.

Merry Xmas to you and your family during this difficult time Sally.

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