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Poor dental care and ASD

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I wondered if there is a link between ASD and poor dental care (bad teeth or gums)


All four of my boys have some degree of trouble with their teeth,I don't and neither does their father so I believe it could be the "mixture" of the genes,prehaps the same that has caused two of my boys to have ASD.


Josh(NT) has overcrowding,his teeth and gums are healthy but due to the overcrowding will need braces next year.

Sam(ASD) has terrible hygiene,he will not allow me to brush his teeth and has not done so for about two years,his teeth look very crooked,but have not been referred to orthodontist as they feel they are doing fine.

Dan(ASD) has healthy straight teeth but his gums are quite weak and pale. He lived with his father for awhile after we separated so I know its not from the care I was giving him as his teeth and gums have not changed.

Eli(NT) has just had four teeth extracted at age 4 this has never happened to anyone in my family and none of his brothers. I am very good at brushing and flossing his teeth morning and night and yes he eats sweets,but just once a week on a friday night. Which only started at 2.5 years old.


All the boys have healthy diet in general,limited but healthy. I know of one or two people who have a child with ASD,that child has "good" teeth but their NT child has had many problems, this is definatley true in my case.So I wondered if their problems are related to the same mixture of genes that cause ASD.

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I'm 37 and have had two fillings, the first as recently as five years ago. Make of that what you will. I did have to have a lot of orthodontic treatment however.

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I have always had problems with teeth, much work done as a child and wisdom teeth that are there but not surfaced yet and the ones that did have all rotted away long ago, but my teeth are also crooked, filled, root filled and the gums are receding despite proper care.


But I fill my own teeth before and after my NHS dentist took great delight in kicking me off their books. But I have polished my own teeth with a dremel before and I do my own plaque removal with a dental pick, for it is all there on line on how to do it, so dentists can concentrate their efforts on their private patients as far as I am concerned, they suck.


How I got kicked off the list, well it took three different buses to get to my dentist and given the vagaries of public transport these days, appointments were not always met on time and at all in one case due to the middle bus service being out of action but that was two strikes and I had no problem getting the third to be kicked out, because of the afore mentioned lousy public transport. And so I have concluded dentists don't want to treat NHS patients, that is perfectly clear.


As to my own fillings, my Polish dentist through and interpreter said she was impressed with them and when she asked what I used, she found I had used exactly the same as what dentists use for the whiter fillings, which is weaker, but good enough.


But thanks to the internet and Youtube in particular most of these arcane sciences can be learned by anyone.

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I had issues as a child, they went rotten very fast and I don't think I ate too many sweet things - however, since getting adult teeth I have not had any problems - that I know of. (let me explain)


I'm terrified of the dentist. I have excellent dental hygiene mostly because I'm so afraid of the dentist, so I try to clean/floss/use mouthwash/not eat too much sugary things etc just because I need there to not be any issues as I cannot attend the dentists. I haven't seen one for about 2 and a half years. Granted I have no pain or anything and my teeth are very clean/white all the time, no obvious gum problems etc. Although the slightest hint of pain and I get paranoid :(


Although I do have a tooth that sticks out quite a bit (as the lovely people of YouTube like to point out from time to time :( but it doesn't bother me too much anymore.)

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