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Finally resolved washing machine & hoover fear

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My son used to be terrified of the washing machine - I couldn't put it on when he was in the house so when he went out it was like a laundry. Also put washing machine on when he was sleeping upstairs.


Recently, I have been telling him that there is a wheel in the washing machine ( he loves wheels) and we sing the " wheels on the washing machine go round and round" - same tune as the wheels on the bus! Everytime he gets upset when the washing machine is on, we start singing this song and he is not upset/scared anymore!


Also hoovers, I have let him play with them and then make a game ie kidding on to suck him up - again this has worked. Suppose it is just finding out what makes him tick!


His daddy is well impressed with his clever mummy!



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Other peoples toilets is the main problem, but I think we may have figured out why, he strips off when he uses the toilet, we asked him why and he said 'Don't want get dirty' so maybe as I refuse to let him strip completely in other peoples toilets is the reason he will not go :hypno:


Also any power tools, the hoover, and many other noises apart from washing machine, but he won't stay in the same room if the washing machine is on.

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Re the toilet issue. Not really had any experience of this as my son is not toilet trained yet. However, maybe he is getting confused by the toilet rules ie being allowed to take all his clothes off in his own house but not anywhere else? Maybe just a thought, but whilst he is in his own house, can you maybe try just letting him take certain clothes off and leaving others on? It might take a long time for this to click but everytime he achieves this - you could reward him.................... just a thought.


re the washing machine - you could always try my "song" on him. Though not sure how old he is - my little boy is only 5. Re the hoover, I leave mine in the livingroom so that it is not hidden away and I play games ie pretending to suck my wee boy up with it - gosh I sound mad! Though it worked!

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I've found singing is a great idea to get something across. I always use the old 'Andy Pandy' song, the one with 'time to go bed' ?

I'm very old, not sure everyone remembers the pre Tom Conti version.

Anyway, the 'time to go' bit can be adapted to any situation, my favourite ad lib is 'time to get out the bath' !!

Singing a command (in effect) seems to work for us, either that or our youngest is thinking "if i do what i'm asked to, perhaps please god, she'll stop singing" !!

Hope this helps you,


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