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If he asks me one more time for....

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...how many minutes for this and how many minutes for that, I'll SCREAM!!!!!!


Everything out of his mouth is time. He doesn't understand hours, days etc, he understands 'sleeps' (days) and minutes and seconds. He constantly asks me over and over again how many sleeps is school, I answer him and just a few minutes later, he'll ask me the same question again. Yesterday he must've asked me about 30 or 40 times that very same question. Today it is, how many minutes can I go watch the tele, how many minutes can I go over T's (my friend's), then it's 'How many seconds is 120mins, how many seconds is 300 minutes'. How am I supposed to know that???? but I have to give him an answer of numbers. Can't just fob him off with 'I don't know' etc b/c that's a meltdown waiting to happen.

He's also got me counting down the days on the calendar for going back to school, can't be done on the one downstairs, HAS to be the one in my bedroom and they are both exactly the SAME!!!!

Another thing he's doing a lot of is saying I am 'rude' for not letting him do this and that! 'You are nasty to me, that's rude!'. Tried explaining that it's not rude to say No, just that it is my answer and that's how it is but he goes into a crying fit and continual backchatting.


Geez, roll on school! :wallbash:

Edited by Tylers-mum

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Apparently the kids like the predictability of the reply - it makes them feel safe so probably a bit of anxiety about school starting to show.


Hope this helps


Best wishes



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>:D<<'> ......i know how you feel.


G's latest is to know why everything is called what it is

for example......why is a fence called a fence?, why is a car called a car? why is anything called anything.....lol

he's been at it all day today

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Yep.... know how you feel..... sending you sympathy vibes :)



The latest from my youngest is for him to tell me he's 'so disappointed' in me! :o and here's me trying my best!


Keep smiling (or trying to :D )


Lauren x

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My son started this one about 6 months ago, especially with the time thing, I know what you mean by not being able to bluff them, so far I haven't found a solution for it. I suppose they only find things out when they ask questions but its highly frustrating especially when you don;t have the answer. So just big >:D<<'> from someone who knows exactly how you feel.


As for calculator, maybe buy him one, or if he's good at maths a pen and paper. Can only help them learn if he is interested in the numbers.

Edited by lil_me

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I'm with you on this one Tylers-Mum!!


My little lad asked me 12 questions before i opened my eyes this morning (i really did count them! :wacko: )


count to ten.....if that fails.......make it one hundred!


:) Keep smiling xx



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jools' post really made me laugh, cos why is anything called anything ?

I understand where he's coming from from but laugh at the absurdity of trying to explain the inexplicable !

I just get 'why' or 'what' to everything I say. My son doesn't actually want an answer, he just says it !! grrrr! I start to explain before I remember this, more grrrr !!


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:( .......Know how your feeling...I agree anxiety can make this worse....and it could be school looming :( ......give him some big hugs from me.....and Jack >:D<<'> >:D<<'> ...cos my sons the same. I guess it,s really difficult for them as they,re minds are working so quickly I bet he has hundreds more questions just can,t get them out fast enough.

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Thanks for all your replies. Happy to see I'm not alone but sorry too that you have this to deal with too if you KWIM!

My son also does the constant 'Why?' questions but he does want an answer. If I don't or murmur something then he'll just keep asking until he gets an answer! Grrr!!!

I'd say that usually the 'Why?' questions are for more prominant than the 'how many minutes til...' questions but lately they've swapped status. LOL

Like I said yesterday, roll on school!!! :)

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oh dear, i hope school comes sooner rather than later :huh:

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...how many minutes for this and how many minutes for that, I'll SCREAM!!!!!!

Yep. That's my son :D I know exactly how you feel. And if I answer "two minutes", he will literally count up to 120 seconds (1 mississipi, 2 mississipi and so on :rolleyes: ). There's nothing I can do to change this. We're all used to this in the family now, and we learned to give EXACT responses (in a couple of minutes it's not acceptable... but in 4 minutes is).


Best of luck >:D<<'>



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I'm the same but with age and dimensions. How old is that person? How old were they when they died? How tall is that man? How many hands high is that horse? Etc etc.

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