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Special School

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We should receive the draft statement this week and I dunno whether to put on it the mainstream school he attends now or be putting down a special school.


We are going to try and get an appointment sorted out for a special school this week, just to see what the place is like and judge whether it would be right


At a loss.



Edited by Clarkie

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That's not expensive for a specialist residential school. The LEA usually pay, in some cases it's joint funded with SS or/and Health.


You have to have evidence that the mainstream school does not meet your sons needs, that your son needs the provision of a specialist residential school. The LEA has a duty to use it's resources to the best, so won't fund unless it's necessary. It's not impossible to get the funding, but it's not easy either.


Hopefully the professionals who treated your son in the psychiatric unit would be able to give evidence, especially if they think a residential school is appropriate for his needs.


A word with IPSEA when you get the proposed statement would definitely be a good move.


Nellie xx

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Thanks Nellie



the LEA are only giving a 0.6 statement - so should we pushing for more than that? I know we're lucky to even be getting the statement - but if they are only recommeding 0.6 (630 hours) why would they ever agree to a special school?


Will definitely contact IPSEA. Thanks for the advice.



Edited by Clarkie

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Hi Clarkie


If your child needed the statement then please do not be grateful and consider yourself lucky to have it.


This is how the LEA's get away with murder. We parents are just so relieved to get the dang thing.


Definately let IPSEA or NAS help on the content - and Nellie is right - that is cheap for Resi placement. There are some within a 50 miles radius of us that charge �125,000 per annum.


You will find that even at �35,000 per annum, the places can only be allocated if they are referred from the LEA and so even if you won the lottery, you could not get a place.


Good luck



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Hi :)


I'm not sure about the 60% Statement, as I don't have any experience of anything similar...


But this is the procedure in my LEA for special school provision. It should be very similar in all LEAs, although they may call the Panels by slightly different names.


Your son's case will first go to the Provision Panel, which will look at the evidence and decide if he needs a mainstream or special school. If they decide on a special school, they will then see if there is an appropriate special school within your county.


If there is no appropriate special school within your county, his case will then go to another Panel (in my LEA this one is called the Education Only Panel), and this decides on the funding for an out of county special school. Funding for a residential special school is usually split between the LEA and SS, or the LEA and Health, or more rarely all three. The ratio that each pays depends on each child's difficulties.


You could try contacting your LEA's Out of County Placements Officer (or similar title). Our's was very helpful even before we had a Statement, and they will become your LEA Officer if your son gets an out of county school. They will be able to explain the whole placement/funding procedure in your LEA in more detail.


The reason the fees are so high, is because the school provides a 24-hour curriculum, which gives the structure and specialist input our children so desperately need, especially if they have mental health problems :(


Good luck! Don't be put off by the whole, drawn-out process...someone has to get the funding, so why not your son??


I have always felt that by sending my son to a residential special school for AS I was actually giving him back his future!


Bid :)


Just realised that your Statement is still only in draft form. You can therefore argue to have the hours increased...contact IPSEA for advice about this, as certain timescales are involved. I would also recommend that you try as hard as you can to get your LEA to state in Part 3 of the Statement that your son needs a 24-hour curriculum, in a placement with staff who have AS-specific training. I managed to do this, and it is invaluable in safe-guarding your son's provision. My son had already started at his school before we got the final Statement...I was still negotiating about adding things :devil: and I think I got nearly all of my 16 ammendments except for 2 or 3.


I know it all seems horrendous and almost impossible, but it really is the parents who just hang in there and defiantly plod on who get there in the end. Unfortunately the system is set up to discourage and demoralise parents, with a few more pulling out at each stage because they feel so worn down.


You are in a very strong position because you have professional backing for a residential special school for AS :ninja::fight:

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Just to add that when you receive the proposed statement, Part 4 (Placement) is left blank. This is to allow parents to state their preference for a school before a school is named.


If you have a Code of Practice, page 107 deals with naming a school.


Part 4 of the statement is left blank. When you receive the proposed statement the LEA should provide you with a list of appropriate schools. As shown below, you can express a preference for a school, but if you choose an independent school you will have to prove that the maintained school cannot meet his needs, as the LEA has to use it's resources to the best. You may find the advice that comes with the proposed statement gives an indication of the type of school your child should attend, but they are not allowed to name a school.



Regarding choosing a school on a child's statement.


Parents may express a preference for the maintained school they wish their child to attend, or make representations for a placement in any other school. LEAs must comply with a parental preference unless the school is unsuitable to the child's age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs, or the placement would be incompatible with the efficient education of the other children with whom the child would be educated, or with the efficient use of recources. LEAs must consider parental representations and arrange any meeting(s) with LEA advisers or officers the parents seek, before issuing the final statement.

Schedule 27 Education Act 1996

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Hi again :)


Also meant to add, that obviously the huge fees are paid for you, and you should also get transport paid by the LEA too.


My son has a taxi to and from school for each closed weekend, and the beginning and end of the term. He could have come home each weekend, but as it's so far away he opted to come home every third weekend when the school closes. This is paid for by the LEA.


I went with him in the taxi to take him for the first couple of times, and sometimes we have collected him ourselves.


When he went for his overnight visit at the school before he started there, the LEA provided a taxi again, and paid for me to stay at a B&B.


Bid :)

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I can't add much to what people have already said.I am guessing from the phrase 60% statement that your LEA mean 60% 1:1 support?


If this is the case then they are probably still thinking of mainstream. Now you thinking is changing and you are thinking that a residential placement may be better, the main job will be to persuade the LEA to change their opinion as well.


I would strongly advise that you contact IPSEA or the NAS for advice as to how best to approach this, but my instinct is you should let the LEA know as sooon as possible, and in the meantime you should also speak to your son's consultant and any other professionals who deal with him to make sure you all 'sing from the same hymn sheet' if any further opinions are requested.


As Bid says you should not have to contribute anything towards the cost of Special School, as long as you can demonstrate that the in-house provision at your LEA will not meet his needs.


Good luck!



Edited by mossgrove

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