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hello i was wondering if you could help me could you tell me what your children were like as babys up to the age of 5 years and did you see any thing diffrent from your other children and what was the out come autistic or any of the others my daughter was very quiet didt like anyone very shy i throght didt speak to any 1except me husband and brothers hope you dont mind me asking just wondering thanks jill

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Com was delightful as a baby -bright, interested, content.




some things we noticed as unusual and now recognise as autistic behaviours:


didn't like to be held close, only pointing out at the world, upright, from birth


very intense gaze


unusually long periods of concentration on specific things - small balls, money, golf


precocious language development - full sentences at 18 months


unusually precise diction


pedantic by 18 months - would correct adults using baby-talk


precocious maths - equivalent fractions at 2


unusual drawing - totally abstract, no representation until asked to draw in school, stunning picture though


strange accent - Com had an upper-middle class accent unlike any in the family and learned to speak in SW scotland


not interested in other children but interacted in an extremely intense way with adults


too good - actually told the doctor at his three year check when asked if I had any worries that I just wished he would be naughty sometimes, then I'd know he was normal!



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Zemanski, your son sounds a lot like me, although I didn't communicate much with the language I had (early) until I learned to read. And I had lots of sequencing problems, even in 3 word sentences I mixed words around. :wacko:

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Char was an unusal baby.He pasted all his milestone assessments but we felt from the age of 12 months things weren't right.Having had a previous child Char was doing odd things I was told no two children are the same and not to compaire.Although at the age of two with no speach and poor sleep we started the assessmet process.


Char would eat inapproprate things eg.







He would mouth objects and lick them,



The bus floor,



He was extreamly good at climbing and had no sence of pain still doesn't have now.


He wouldn't play with toys but the fire would fasinate him.


Things "freaked" him out for no apparent reason eg.


Going through sliding doors,

Puting his coat on,

Getting into his car seat,



He didn't like people and would use us to obtain what he wanted eg,


Chuck a bottle at us to show he wanted a drink and scream till he got it,


He has alway had a lot of energy and sleep is and was very poor.


When I traveled on a bus he would throw the most awful paddies and wouldn't sit on the seat he had to sit on the floor with his cheak on the bus floor all through the journey.


He was dx at the age of 3 he is now 4 and a half.


He does have speach now but we seam to have just traded most of the above things for new ones.


Lisa x

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My son had a strange fascination for the vaccum cleaner at 6 mnths, he would crawl to the cupboard and sit and pat it.He was very difficult to feed and wean , very sickly.Bad co ordination , could,nt feed himself.Very late to talk.Hated nursery, would play for hours and be completely engrossed.Hated to be looked at.Had a obsession with tractors, when he was 1, would watch on for hours and did,nt play with any other toys.

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already we're getting the chalk and cheese of autism - all autistic behaviours but so very different in their presentation B)


Com didn't mouth at all to the point where we actually bought him the marble run he was obsessed with for his second christmas (18months) - he didn't put anything in his mouth, ever, so there was no danger.


He also didn't crawl until Dot taught him to at 5 :lol:


he did have problems learning to suck though and never managed a bottle



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As a baby M would be content to just sit there. If a toy went out of his reach he wouldn't try to get it he would just sit there.

By two he had a major obsession with the hoover. He would search through catalogues every day to find pictures, he would search through friends cupboards to find theirs and if i went near a shop that sold them he would have to sit and stare at them.

He also could not accept change or new things. clothes became an issue and changing our car was a big problem (we have not done it since! :lol: ).

He didn't mix with other children and could not join in with anything where there were other children. we thought he was just shy and very self conscious.

The obsessions continued, it went from hoover to lawnmower, diggers and tractors and more recently the bible :wacko: and now electrical wires.

He doesn't acknowledge people if they are in a different place to where he would usually see them and his memory (short term) is not good.

Never really played with toys but would line them up (still does)

He spoke early, full conversation by two but his understanding of language is over a year and a half behind. He was late walking and never really rolled over as a baby.

M is now five and has problems with auditory processing and will speak to the kids in class but not out of school. He struggles with parties and has major tantrums. Can not accept change and consequently holidays are very stressful :crying:

He suffers from constipation and has done since eight weeks old. Also his diet is very limited, he will only eat certain foods and always has the same breakfast and lunch - made just right of course or a tantrum will occur.

We are still waiting to get him assessed. :pray:

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Wow!!! :rolleyes:




Never liked to be held or cuddled

Still doesn't sleep

has severe developmental delay

Never pointed at anytthing (still doesn't)

Wasn't interested in putting anything in his mouth

Would never go looking for a toy if he dropped or threw it

Obsessed with the hoover (only thing that got him to sleep at one point!)

Obsessed with fans, wheels - anything that spins

Never played "properly" with toys but would play with a crisp packet for hours! Hasn't spoken yet (he is 3)


The wonderful world of Autism!! :wacko:



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My AS son was very hyperactive from birth, he could speak before he could walk but in a strange accent (very posh.. and we aren't posh at all!!). Then he would talk in a really weird voice which he still sometimes uses now. He did loads of hand flapping and was very very rigid in his routines, ie, he'd go to bed at 7pm on the dot and be up at 1am on the dot....every single night for years. He was so hyperactive that any real interaction with him was impossible. He was obsessed with jigsaws and lining things up.


My youngest son with HFA was very spacey, very sensitive to sounds and smells, totally none verbal until he was 4 and completely in a world of his own. Obsessed with putting things in and out of containers, lining things up and spinning the wheels on toy cars etc. He also spent hours staring in to the washing machine when it was on. I have photos of him with his nose pressed against the washing machine door watching it spin. He now talks none stop about whatever subject he's obsessed about at a given time. Anything from ballcocks in toilet cisterns to stick insects and start wars.


Hope this helps!



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