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Does everyone on the spectrum have problems with organization, everyone in our house is very disorganised and i am to, we are all on the spectrum and i dont know how to cope with this problem..HELP

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sounds familiar, we're that way inclined too - I have learned to write down all appointments on a calendar in the kitchen but that's pretty much it apart from making sure everything is sorted for school.


Most ASC people have difficulty with personal organisation but not all. Some though respond by becoming obsessively organised, everything has to in the right place, done at a precise time, etc. Sometimes I feel quite jealous of people who can be like that but I can't keep it together however good my intentions are.



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If I don't plan things carefully I am terribly disorganised. For that reason I have to have meals at set times and sit and think what I need to do. I have this mental list in my head. But there can still be mess ups, like today when I went to get the car taxed and forgot the insurance certificate. And the other day I posted something off to a friend and forgot to put the stamp on it. I think the problem is, is my shortterm memory is appalling.

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Hi, I'm NT and my daughter's AS and we're both terribly disorganised. As the parent, it's my job to be the organised one but I've always been forgetful and untidy. When it comes to housework, I look around and see the mess and can't think where to start and don't know how it got so bad in the first place. Every now and then I blitz the place and tell myself I'm going to keep it like that but by the endof the same day or halfway through the next, (as if by magic!!), it will be just as bad as it was before.


My mum is really tidy and has always kept on top of housework etc. She's often said it'smy fault H is untidy because she's learnt to be like that from me. i don't agree. My mum's mum was like me - she liked to bake and cook but she never noticed the mess around her - now by my mum's theory, that should have made my mum untidy as well, being brought up by someone so disorganised - but she's often said she HAD to be tidy and do the house work because my nan never did anything. She didn't HAVE to though, because my nan never made her do it and was quite happy living like that - mum just couldn't stand the mess herself and did it voluntarily. And, by her theory, the fact that she's so tidy and organised should make me the same as I should have learned by her example?


I used to think there was some kind of oppositional theory behind this - where you kick against the way you've been brought up and go the opposite way. I don't think that now,I think we're the way we are and it's a mind set. A bit like AS?NT, you're wired to be either tidy and organised, or not. My mum zips around and does things without thinking, I have to force myself to think about it because it's not something I'm aware of until I make myself, and then everything looks terribly complicated and I don't know where to start and am bored by it. Does that make sense?





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I am very very disorganised. I am always making lists for myself, with sub lists etc. On days when I'm actually working through my list (I very rarely do!) I will add something on that I've already done just for the pleasure of crossing it off my list :unsure: .


I also have a really horrible habit stopping myself from carrying out a simple task. A recent example: a month ago I had a minor shunt with another car. I have had the insurance claim form for 3 weeks; all I have to do is sign it (they already filled in the incident description from what I told them on the phone), put a stamp on it and pop it in the post box round the corner. Simple as that. But I just can't make myself do it. I can't even explain why. It's so weird, and I've been like that all of my adult life. Luckily I am aware of this strange characteristic so I have all my bills paid by direct debit.


Takes all sorts!



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Lauren, I can relate to not doing simple tasks (like your letter that just needs signing and posting). I've always been likethat and I let things worry me but don't actually take care of them until I really must! How strange we are!!


I'm sorry Lotty, I got completely sidetracked analysing people's characteristics in previous post when you actually asked for help. The only thing I can suggest with regard to keeping order, is what my mum tells me to do, which is to do things straight away and put things away after you as soon as you've used them. In order to do this you have to designate 'places' where things can go so that you always know where to find them when you need them. I'm sure that would help in generally keeping organised. Initially, it might mean havign a sort out through the whole house and reorganising so that everyone knows exactly where everything is.Sounds like hell, doesn't it, but probably worth it in the long run. i just wish I could keep to it myself!!


Best of luck.





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Does everyone on the spectrum have problems with organization, everyone in our house is very disorganised and i am to, we are all on the spectrum and i dont know how to cope with this problem..HELP



Im Always disorganised... Things are better when I organise but organisation takes a LOT longer for me than other NT people, then half the day is gone or longer! I do what they say. Ive bought filing cabinets A DIARY is essential for me as I live on my own and have no family few friends. I overcompensate - the only way for me to function at least at an average level as far as others are concerned. To get to jobs on time I have 2 alarm clocks etc. Use the mobile to remind me use Notes and extensive lists of jobs and things I need to buy. But it does releive the stress of not being organised at work or college if you make the effort to buy the coloured folders your supposed to and to tidy up. It feels nicer and makes me calmer. Also prefer Blues --Hate my red carpet in lounge- its distressing dont like sitting in that room - but cant afford to change it!!


There is tons of books out there to explain how to organise your life to make it easier and less stressfull.

If you dont use stuff for about 4 months - chuck it out or put it in boxes LABELLED! in the loft /garage if you cant bear to part with it. Get desk for PC Book shelves for books sets of draws for paperwork etc. Make it like on blue peter if your skint Just organise its saves time and it makes for an easier life.

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Since I had the children being organised went out of the window. Before that I was working 3 jobs and had to be.


I am having to become more organised as my son is much happier when things are organised and done by routine. But now it is things for me I forget, for example I passed my driving test in October 2004, and I still haven't sent for my full licence :blink:


I find writing lists helps, also helps me see that I actually do achieve things, even if its just getting to the bottom of the washing basket. I also find a calendar helps along with the daily to do list.

Edited by lil_me

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I too am very disorganised but my mind craves to be neat and tidy, if you can understand that! My sister has pointed me to a site www.flylady.net that she swears by (she has AS)


I think sometimes we NEED 'instructional orders' to prompt us and to function smoothly, but when they come in the form of nagging or moaning, from hubbys or kids it is negative and we do seem to rebel and sub-consiously think " I do enough, **** you! I'm not doing it!!!" I think if we could teach others in family to ignore OUR negatives and PRAISE our positives, then they may get a better result! :lol:

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I too am very disorganised but my mind craves to be neat and tidy, if you can understand that!


I totally understand that comment, i am very disorganised... But crave a neat and tidy house, when i clean up i forget where i moved things and its a nightmare. My son has a tutor who comes to our house once a week and i found him organising K's books and clearing out his bag because he cant stand the disorganisation.



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OH MY GOD!!!!!!! had to put a reply cos it all sound sooooo familiar.


i'm undiagnosed but am gonna start the process as soon as i get round to registering at a dr's surgery.


i've been terrably untidy and disorganised all my life to the point that i drive my almost ocd brother-in-law insane!! i would love to have a tidy house but always end up getting distracted by people coming round, telly or staring vacantly at a random point in space! i don't mean to and have all the best intentions but even if i write lists and keep diarys i end up forgetting them too!! it really drives me nuts as people think i'm lazy and just can't be bothered and it's so hard to explain what's really going on.


glad there's others that understand :D

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