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Biggest waste of time and paper ever! (I think, on reading it again!)

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Just recieved Louis's proposed Statement (WooHoo!), but other than the Part 2, it is the biggest pile of cows dung I have ever had the (dis)Pleasure of recieving and reading! - But is it actually a bit better than I thought??? (probably not!)



In short, NOTHING is specified, quantified or qualified (or what ever the words are!)



Under the Part 3 heading of Objectives, we have a bit about requiring an IEP that needs short term targets for 6 areas relating to literacy and numeracy, motor skills, social interaction, behaviour, attention, concentration and self-help skills) - well DURR, all kids with SEN are supposed to have an IEP anyway!


In Part 3 Under the heading of Educational provision to meet needs and objectives, all it says is:


"Louis will require an educational environment where he can benefit from; Structured programmes develop......These programmes will focus on the attainment of objectives within a specified timescale and provide opportunities for overlearning and skill consolidation. Staff will need to be aware of hearing loss.


Opportunities to engage in activities........for fine/gross motor skills


Adult support to develop social interaction skills


A positive behaviour management programme with close liaison and a high level of consistency amongst all those who work with him. Opportunities, initially daily, to review how he is coping and to help him to anticipate problems and resolve them.


Tasks that take into account of his short attntion span and poor listening skills as well as adult support to encourage him to remain on task in lessons and develo increased attention control.


Support in classroom to ensure he remains on task.


Adult support to develop selfhelp skills


Access to the NC differentiated to meet his particular needs.


Close liaison between school and home.


Then it says that "advice on the implementation of the above is available in attached appendices or from professionals involved.


This educational provision will be enabled and supported by an educational setting with an enhanced staff pupil ratio where staff are skilled and experienced in teaching children with learning difficulties (this bit - to me - says that they think he should be in a special school)


Then it goes on to say....


"If in a mainstream setting, the above provision will be supported by 10 hours per week learning support assistance, under the guidance of the Special Needs Co-Ordinator. This support will be funded from school and LEA budgets in accorance with current ................name of county council...............Policy. The use of the additional support is liable to minor change following discussion at review meetings in order to ensure that the support is used in the most efective way and reflects any change in the level of need. Any such minor change will be recorded in the annual review report."


I can't believe that they will only give 10 hours LSA support - not even 1-1 if he stays in mainstream!



Sorry this is so long. Most of the bits above have a bit more written into them. I really don't know what to think.....Help?

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Hi F. I'm sorry not really an expert on these things but there are some screamingly bad bits.

I don't like it in statements when they say will require

Don't like when they say will have opportunities to, means diddly squat. What, when and how will he have these opportunities.

What support will he have in classroom to ensure he remains on task.

How will close liason between school/home happen

The bit that says use of additional support is liable to minor changes, sounds a bit iffy to me.

There are probably many others that will be picked up on. Hope you get it sorted >:D<<'>

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CarerQuie, We are hoping for a special school placement (we have in fact, been offered a placement in an independent school, but it is dependent on the statement and subsequent funding from the LEA).


Should I be going through each and every point they put in part three, and ask them to put in how they are going to ensure it happens and how often?


I am also concerned, because although what they have written doesn't say a lot, nearly every sentence has something to do with adult support in it, yet they are only proposing 10 hours of LSA support a week, and nothing mentioned about breaks/lunchtimes.

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If you can give IPSEA a call, I've just done that as its quite quiet on a friday for themm and she was fab, have just emailed her T's statement and previous one for her to cross reference. Also I am arranging an appointment with the LEA as well, this will stop the clock on the finalisation until I can iron out the vagueness and ambiguities (sp?)



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When I had Rh's draft statement (many moons ago)there was no hours mentioned because they surmised that we were going to ask for a special school placement,where they meet the provisions by virtue of the fact that it is small and specialised.


I'd take IPSEA's advice but you could return your form naming the school you want and see what happens.You could also try speaking to the Statementing officer at the LEA to ask for clarification.xx

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don't just return the form, you do need to get the statement clarified - if you simply return it asking for a school to be named you are saying that you accept it as it stands except for the school


on the subject of the 10 hours, we only got 15 the first time but it was put up to full time just over a year later. The LEA will give the minimum and probably won't shift until it has been tried at that level. If it is not working you don't need to wait for the next annual review though, you can ask for an interim review after a reasonable period and present the evidence.


definitely speak to IPSEA - keep ringing



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