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Hi all,


We are stuck at the moment on a waiting list for M to be assessed although everything said so far is pointing to him being somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum.


I was wondering how those of you that have children with ADHD as well found out they had it. What are the signs? I have been wondering for some time if M may have ADHD also but do not know much about it. A friend who is a SEN teaching assistant asked me if I thought M may have it as well.


It got me thinking as he never sits still, he can't even sit to eat dinner. I have just taken him shopping which is always a nightmare but only needed to pop into a couple of shops and he is like charged up electricity. He runs round and round the shop in circles and I can't stop him. He seems to be continually on the go. Is this more AS or could it be ADHD also.


Hope i've not confused anyone with my question as I know what I mean but not sure I have come across clearly.




If anyone can point me in the direction of a good website i would be grateful as I am not the worlds best on the net!

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Wish I could help but got the same situation with my son, and at the moment I'm very confused, there doesn't seem to be any clear difference the two things seem to merge into one, but I'm sure the 'professionals' will give him plenty of labels when the time comes.

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Wish I could help but got the same situation with my son, and at the moment I'm very confused, there doesn't seem to be any clear difference the two things seem to merge into one, but I'm sure the 'professionals' will give him plenty of labels when the time comes. Just hang in there and smile - people always presume we as parents must have something wrong with us anyway so try and let it all wash over you.

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Try www.adders.org.uk


There is overlap between ADHD/ADD and AS.


I have one very hypie child with AS. He was checked for ADHD, and they say he doesn't have it (the hypie -ness is certainly more pronounced at home than at school). He is generally a "bouncy" child, but when he is stressed he becomes very hypie. Foods also affect him.



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William is certainly not hyper at all (although sometimes his tongue is... he can talk for ages without drawing breath). Luke though goes through very hyperactive phases and has terrible attention problems. I sometimes wonder if he has a smattering of ADHD. Even when he's sitting down he's never still, there is a part of him that is always moving.



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our daughter is adhd and asd. with our daughter the adhd was extremely noticable from quite an early age. the hyperactivity and impulsivity were very extreme. she couldnt hardley stand on her feet, she slurred her words, didnt make sense acted like a drunk. she NEVER seemed to listen and she never learned by her mistakes. she could NEVER sit still. never watched tv, would demand it was on mind you as she would be bouncing round the room. on my lap she would climb on, fidget and slide down my legs saying weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! totaly over familiar with strangers, to the point of total embarrassment. in the car omg nightmare, caught her trying to escape by climing out the window a number of times! she would shout and scream if she was every contained for eg, holding my hand, in a pushchair, in the car. even in a pushchair in the shops i would have to walk down the centre of an aisle because both arms would be spread out and she would be grabbing as we went round the shop.

poured hot cups of tea over herself, put everything in her mouth, tried poking things in plug sockets, smeared her poo, ate her poo! ripped up paper, any paper including getting the mail before i did! trashed her room, ripped off the wall paper, loved drinking dirty dishwater, licked frost and dew off cars and benches, squished ants with her fingers then licked that, from 1 year old never slept in the day, 18m old smashing stair gates off the walls, playschool: she would never stick at an activity she flitted had to have one to one support they reported she was always on the go. by the age of 3 she saw camhs, they said she was normal but naughty. non stop talking and totaly insatiable!! she started school within weeks she was referred aagain lol. this is just things that quickly come to mind, the hyperactivity went far and above and beyond "normal" childhood activity. happy to say despite this, she is on medication and has been for 2 years we do still have problems, this is due to her asd but she has settled down and is achieving in mainstream school without a statement.

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Hi All


I am new to this game! My son is 5 and is currently going through all the assessments. He has had an initial assessment of Aspergers but requires more indepth assessments. Darky's description of daughter's behaviours are so similar to my son's I felt like I was reading about him - very spooky!


Has anyone else had problems with other parents at school. My son can have quite aggressive outbursts and some of the parents are starting to get a little funny and have started making complaints. Has anyone else experienced these problems and how did you overcome them? The school so far have been great but as he is the first child they have had with ASD (and poss ADHD and OCD) they are on a steep learning curve as are my husband and I.


Any advice would be much appreciated as feel totally alone.




From one Over Emotional and Stressed Mum


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