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Personal hygiene

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We are struggling with a few things in our house at the moment. We have tried to establish a routine which involves getting washed, but we have one who will have a bath, but seems to sit in the water and not get washed. The shower isn't popular as it splashes and they don't like the sensation, but generally they look clueless at the basin and have to keep being reminded about using soap, using a face cloth etc. Mostly, they get moody and storm off.


Our eldest is now in the habit of staying in bed too long to 'have time to get washed'. Talking to him about getting smelly really gets him wound up, but doesn't encourage him.


One of our kids is still smearing down the wall in the bathroom (only apparently it's Mr Nobody) Today I have come down with a tummy bug- hardly surprising, is it?

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Hi Shona,

Yes it is a problem here too although I have only one, 12, AS. He hates showers, hates soap and would rather live without washing at all. He doesn't care if he's smelly, unless it's a school day, then he takes a bath that has to last for exactly 20 minutes. He rarely can do the whole routine by himself, he needs help to get out of bed, get washed and dry himself with the towel. It has been a great improvement lately the fact that he is getting dressed without help. He complies to basic hygiene but he is always moody and grumpy because he has to.


Patience ... :D




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Hi Shona,


My daughters 12 and personal hygiene isn't one of her 'likes' either (and with periods you can imagine a nightmare!!).


The CPN helped her to write a large wall poster that had the routine on it - i.e. large clock with time on it and then picture of brushing teeth, then another clock with different time and saying brushing hair, washing face etc, etc - which she used to follow rigidly every morning (only thing is if something happened that took a bit longer - she has a routine for brushing her hair that if is interupted has to go back to the beginning - she'd get anxious because she wasn't in time for the next one and so on - so we made sure there were quite big gaps between each task - only thing is she has to get up at 6.45am to be ready for 8.15am!!!!).


She also isn't good at bathing or washing her hair - she doesn't like the feel of the soap in her hands - bought her one of those soft cartoon wash mittens when she was younger so she didn't have to touch it - nowadays she will use a flannel.


Good luck,


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My son is 12 and As and he sounds just like youre children.



He hates batheing,soap,brushing his teeth changeing his clothes washing his haire ect................



He will get into the shower with a scowel on his face and unless i wash him hell just stand and do sod all.Then he screams and whinges when i wash him.Ive to move fast and do what i can.


He wont dry himself either.


He doesnt care if he smells but as hes getting older its becomeing a problem.If i dare suggest deaodarant he kicks of.


There is a book called "personal hygene whats that got to do with me" that makes good reading full of tips and stuff.Its putting it into practice thats the nightmare.


My son amazed me this morning by actually got dressed alone without help i said hell fire youve got mixed up its not xmas day.Thats normally teh only day he does this its my gift from him. :D:blink:

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Hi everyone, YES! personal hygiene is a big problem in my house! K absolutely hates having a bath, shower or wash, if I mention him going in the bath all hell breaks loose!! I feel like Im sending a lamb to slaughter!!! God knows what the neighbours think!! :o If I manage to persuade him to go in(He's 11yrs by the way) I have to stay in the bathroom with him and wash him because if I didnt he would get out the same state he was when he got in!! If you think he hates getting in the bath, you should hear him when he has to get out!!! He hates getting dry because of his problems with sensitivity, he cant bear the feel of the towel!! Bless him!! :wub::wub: He's ###### hard work, but I love him to bits!! :wub: ............ Just wish I didnt have to hold my nose when I give him a love!!! :lol::lol: Lizzie xxx(I love summer, I can just hose him down on the garden!!! :o )

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I am a lot older than all your kids, I think, and I have good speech and academic/intellectual skills but I struggle with doing the whole 'clean thing' too. It's not being in the shower I mind, it's afterwards when I'm wet, everything else is dry, hair dripping down my back, all cold... it's that stuff. It's a lot of really horrible sensations and to be very honest I hate the wet hair thing (and having to dry it!) worse than I hate it when it's greasy and looks a bit yucky. My Personal Assistant washes, dries and plaits my hair for me every couple of days now, she has quite good powers of persuading me that I do have time to have a shower and things like putting the towel on a radiator to get nice and warm first helps too.


I've got a routine of brushing teeth and putting shoes on in the morning now but it's only in maybe the last 6 months that I've been able to do both things spontaneously without needing someone to remind me. It wouldn't really matter if I did need someone to remind me, though, that's what that sort of someone is there for.


Not applicable for the lads but I really, really, really really hate being on my period, too.

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I too hate being cold when I get out the shower. I put up with it now, but when I was little, I put the towel on the radiator while I was in the bath or the shower, and then wrapped myself up and leant against the radiator until I dried!

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K loves to bath, it soothes his sore bones but thats all he does in the bath lay there and not wash.... Washing hair is a nightmare, he would rather have a blood test.....


he does not like wearing socks, because of the feel so his feet smell REALLY bad so i have to hover around the bath room and remind him to use the soap..... (not allowed in the bathroom because he is at that age - dont look mom, take your glasses off so you cant see :lol: )...


Teeth brushing is a big struggle too - he gags alot and does not like the taste...

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Oh yeah, my AS son does not like washing etc either! the smells....you don't want to know, but know all too well anyway. Changing clothes is another struggle.

Though he has gotten better lately, and no longer likes his hair to be greasy; to which my answer is, gues what, 'then take a bath!!!!'


He won't wash his face in the mornings either, and whenever I remind him he'll say he didn't know he had to do this as I've never told him. Ahem, x1000 or so, but no...


Teeth brushing is a big struggle too - he gags alot and does not like the taste...

Might changing type of toothpaste work? You can get all sorts these days, we use a fennel one but there are ones with aloe vera, or tea tree etc.

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