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Everything posted by something_different

  1. a wireless??? whats that? LOL (joke i do know wot a wireless is)
  2. they are so sad! my mum has a video of the woodentops etc, i was rolling about laughing at them dancing around a table singing, "What will we have for dinner tonight!"
  3. cartoon 1 cartoon 2 cartoon 3 cartoon 4
  4. Are Andy Pandy and the Wooden tops more your era??
  5. cartoon 1 cartoon 2 cartoon 3 cartoon 4 I could prob add more but don't want to bore you too much!
  6. poor you! hope you feel better soon. I find its best not to eat untill u feel upto it again. maybe u will feel better tomorrow.
  7. thats good then Always hear people saying they will have a plate of soup. Or my mum will ask me to get the soup plates out. i think that they are not plates they are BOWLS, if you put soup on a plate it would fall off!
  8. so was the decision made not to have a chatroom then?
  9. ha ha! i mean what you put your soup in to eat it from! unless you eat it cold from the tin! YUK
  10. she sounds like a ######, surely everyone else must be aware of what she is like. I don't really have any advice. maybe she is jealous of you so is trying to make you look bad?? I really don't understand why their are so many nasty people around who try to make trouble for others.
  11. not managed to bore u yet Geek, glad abt that!
  12. vinegar and garlic! u will certainly smell nice!
  13. fixed it. did a system restore and all has gone back to normal
  14. I think that would be a good idea, a safe place where they can make friends and interact with eachother. Not that i have any kids! but hopefully other parents wld like their children to post. Only one problem....they may take over your PCs ha ha
  15. does she 'forget' or does she not want to put clean clothes on? if she forgets visual timetables/social storys may help? like in the shower instructions on how to wash and to use soap and shampoo, otherwise she will prob just stand under the shower and come back out again thinking she is clean as she has been in the shower. Have a laundry basket in her room with instructions of what to put into it? A timetable/check list she can follow when getting dressed? Must be step by step? Take clothes/pyjamas off, take underwear off. Put clean pants on etc etc?
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