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Everything posted by freedom

  1. hi my boy used to do a few things the first one was when he was young and grawled at strangers well any body that come near us carrying a teddy and blanket with him but blanket was over his head that lasted for 6 months he says what he thinks and sees eg: your fat, why is your bum so big, you have spots every where, so on so on ( omg shame) has what i call blue murder fits : he screams and scream holds his breath and turns blue stops breathing and collapises on the floor had that for years sitting on the streets with a blue child waiting for him to come too after i had started him breathing again at the mo he says DOH all the time and lines everything up has a rutien he has to do all the time, and wont let anybody in his room afraid his room will change in size if we do
  2. dejavu this sounds so like what my son was like back then i had to go into nursery and translate his language as the couldn't understand he refused to have eye contact with any body and grunted at most things when he went to school the teacher had to sit on him so i could get out of the school then a few hours later i was back there as he would lock himself somewhere away from everybody i said he wasn't ready for school but cos of his age he had to go the school wanted to excluded him as he was so much work and really did nothing to help him, i was pregnant with my 3rd child at the time and it wasn't an easy time with complications with the baby so i was at hospital every week an hour away have tests and scans all the time and having to deal with the school too also had my youngetest at home with me as was too young for nursery my son was a complete hand full and communication was a night mare stay strong thou beleive me with hard work mostly off you it will turn around things will get easier there are still the challenges but you learn to switch off to the negative and work with the positive
  3. years ago i went looking for answers and was told about Joel Smith has has written up this on his web site to explain to people with out Autism what his life is like and how he is affected with every day thinks like taking things literally un written rules of life and so on have a look it opened my eyes to my sons life and made me see how i could help him and the changes i made really worked and now life is alot simplier with these tools of inside knowledge this way of life by Joel
  4. my first appeal went all the way till 5 mins before and the education authority pulled out and granted a special needs school i was sat there all fired up and gagging to get in there and blow them to pieces with the medical evedience i had then they die that now i am sat here 18 months later going threw it all again and for the exact same reasons only this time with another county and a bunch of law breaking snakes in a pit they have pulled all the stunts in the book and are going to till the hearing my other half keeps saying keep your cool don't react and i really must stress this is really good advice be professional and follow your case notes dont go off track and do the well you did this and that it just makes this worse the day will be hard and very stress full and now your support is not there but i did it alone last time and i am having to do it again this time so if i can do it you most defantly can ok your emotions are a good thing use them to stay strong and controlled in all of this and read your case notes and thiers as you will see the course in which they are going to take if you dont like that course get your evedence mark up and highlighted drawing you to your course you would like it to go be very care not to raise to thier childish behaviors as you are far better then they will ever be and after all this is your child you know her better than anyboby sat there on that day you love and care for your child everyday so you hold the true afacts of this case not them chin up be strong thinking of you
  5. good information on most learning difficulties and conditions found this site and it is really good has alot of good and informative information and learning difficulties and conditions
  6. spooky i asked this years ago here is a link to a MLD discription it may explain a bit more mld discription my boys reports were MLD with global delay and speech and lanuage delay MLD to my knoledge is a delay of 1 1/2 to 2 years on his peers when the delay goes to 2nd centile on a report it is then classed as MODERATE LEARNING DISABILITIES normal with this there are underlining problems so in time the MLD with by more definded in which areas the problems are as for out side help well !!!!!! in most areas now CAMHS is almost nothing now and to get a disablitiy social worker your child had to be in a wheel chair and not a good prognosies sad to say but they are cutting down on these things in Gloucestershire the CAMHS service was cut by 3/4 so my son hardly ever got seen and as for disability social worker nothing they would not help even thou he met thier criterias in Wiltshire with CAMHS you get 3 1 hour appiontments thats it and social services are the same as Gloucestershire nothing the best help you can get is threw your paedratrician and EP also SLT they are the ones to go for also OT but again waiting lists are massive MLD is the inbetween stage where there doesn't seem to be the right access areas but as time goes on and the level of MLD rises then the doors all start to open you have to keep on at them in emails writting letters never phone calls as said they get lost or never returned just keep ploding on and shouting loudly
  7. hi there ok is your child in a mainstream school ???????? if not then the ED is saying that your child needs more support than the school can offer at the present time they are also marking out in writting that these things should be done as most school don't do it basically in the statement process the reports that are mostly listened to are the ED repoarts as they are educational officers trained in this area they are good and what they says goes so on the more positive note this is good that they are saying give more support to your child let the parents be involved in this process and tell them what is happening as a school day can affect the mood of the child afterwards so it is good to be warned in the home link diary at least then you know that you child could be firery that night please ask away if you want
  8. hi there ok right the EP report is the firsts steps towards getting the right help for your child most first reports say hardly anything and to mums and dads are just flanel and not a complete picture your childs case will be handed to the schools SENCO ( special educational needs corrodinator officer) then she will contact the speech and language and start making the steps for your child to start at the school a SULP ( social use of language programme) programme will be set up as said into small groups mostly playing games socially including your child to interact into those games then build on to it with your child progress theses will be used in class too and there will be a teacher or assistant that is to deal with your child only and if anything happens that person will be the one your child had the contact with as a safe friendly face working on social interation and making your child see its ok it is all small steps and will take time some times a long time the important thing is the reports are being done and that is good news they should be reviced every 3 months to start and if anything comes up it will be monthly the IEP ( induvidual education plan) is just for your child and the weak areas that need the work there should be some indecation of hours ( normally on school action and action plus it is 10 hours a week as the school has to honour the first 10 hours of any statement or extra work needed with a child.) there will be a copy for you and meetings to set out what and how it will work if your child is going onto school action plus now then the school and SENCO ED SLT will be working towards a statement of special needs within the first 6 months of school and will be asking for full time support hope this helps ask me anything else if you think of it
  9. hay so pleased for you you must feel like all your christmases have come at once i haven't the formal labels on my child but have had the 3 di tests done and the doc's weren't happy as it showed what i said so still waiting got new doc now thou so here's hoping i will get the labels needed for people to listen that theres something wrong with my son other than behavioural needs i can't wait for that day to come think i will burst into tires as it opens so many doors do agree thou wait for the shock to wear off when it does the label could mean other things
  10. seems like you need to call in the chair of governs and the ombudsman as said the school are not following thier policies or the legal policies they oviously don't wont to admit that thier school can not cope and are in over thier head the same happened to me 4 years ago and the school was charged with neglecting to honour the law and policies and proceedures they were completly un trained and illequipet to cope with my child and rhier actions of exclusion made things ten times worse go to the top and there is a very good and true saying that goes with this too WHO EVER SHOUTS THE LOUDESTS ID HEARD so start shouting but always remember to follow the rules and make the proffesionals to look like the fouls that have no idea stick your ground and DON'T budge
  11. it's a hobby to build them up nice to see the end of the project not nice not being able to ride it thou lol impatient
  12. hi there well thort i would say how i get rid of the stress of having the LA and child at home well i have a CBR 600 and my other half has a R1 i love going out on the bikes you can be as stressed as hell you get on the bike and go down some nice back roads and blow of some steam love it come home drained with no worries in the world my bike we got in October last year it was in complete bit's so has been built up from stractch it is almost on the road now just few more bits to do then off i go for her maiden vouage paint job will come in a few months when i have saved the money for it are any of you bikers out there? ? if so come along to our forum we are building up all on technical issues and ride outs lots of info on there i am the site manager and my other half is the other site manager lol technical motor bike forum
  13. freedom

    hi to all

    hi there my other half found your forum on a search and i thort i would join up as you have loads of info and i could proberly offer loads too i have a 10 year old child with multi complex learning disablities and what was a 4 year delay is now a 6 year delay. who at the moment is at home due to the education authority not willing to uphold the statement when i moved into county back in October last year, going threw the SENDIST appeal process now looking like October before we got to appeal ( only a whole year without school for my child ) i had to fight right from the start back in 2000 when he was in nursery so have got loads of info what to do not to do and who the LA love to break the rules ask away for info if i can help then i shall as i know after now two fights that it can really stress you out to the point where you just have no more engry to carry on been there too many times and i don't know how but i carried on fighting and i WON
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