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Everything posted by Zosmum

  1. Zosmum

    Look what I made!

    AAAWWWWW It's gorgeous Well done you
  2. Hi All These lok really good. Great idea tjw-we just got Z a laptop fpr xmas, dh changed his mobile contract. Went to big mobile shop (the one that starts Car) and with certain phones they give them away for FREE!! Happy Shopping
  3. Hi Dogfish Z says Hi I am 12 years old and my dx is ASD,ADHD,Dyspraxia and learning difficulties sorry i didn't do that other thing but i've had a bad week at school.and have been off school cos doctor sed so but i can still go riding tomorrow. i really like my riding and my favourite horse is called brian Zosmum says Sorry it's not much hope it helps. The way things have been I didn't think she would do this
  4. Thanks for all your replies Thankfully Z is starting to pick up and getting back to her old self(Thankfully) School are presently jumping thro' hoops to try to get her back. I think this is more due to the fact there's a statement review due very soon (But here's hoping) The SENCO seemed to be really concerned but her head of year didn't even turn up to a meeting that she planned to try and get Z back. We all think she bottled out cos they know they're failing The good thing is that without the pressure of school she has started talking to us again but is still very up and down I have to admit that I am enjoying all the cuddles Im getting. Z doesn't usually do many cuddles I've bought Z a note book for when she goes back to school for her to write any upsetting events/comments in, either from other pupils or from the staff, that way I can keep a closer eye on what's being said and done to her a school and hopefully stop this from ever happening again (That's if we can get he back to school)
  5. Hi Pingu Thinking of you all We care Take Care
  6. Z has been signed off school by dr due to going so far into herself she gave up speaking We found out she is being bullied at school Teachers have been telling her to grow up and act more mature One teacher gave her a detention for doing her homework wrong She has been breaking down in tears at the slightest little thing and is a total wreck This is such a scary place to be in Tonight however she has tried to strangle poor little C Thrown an absolute wobbly Then announced that school isn't a safe place for her cos I'm not there (more used to being shouted at but this really tugged o the heart strings) It's all so AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!! But I suppose if she's back to shouting and hollering she must be picking up a bit
  7. Zosmum


    Hi all Z doesn't get jokes at all They just go right over her head it's as though she has no sense of humour. Really quite sad
  8. When Z was dx'd, she was with us in the Dr's office so heard everything When we got home we expained to her that it doesn't mean she's not normal or naughty or stupid the usual stuff they go thro' We told her she was just like everyone else " eyes, 1 nose, 1 very loud mouth etc etc It just meant that this was why she struggled making freinds, coping in school and why she often did things differently to other people Also told her the world would be so boring if everyone was the same She seemed to accept this and hasn't wanted to be any different ever since She does however use it to her advantage now and again ie-It's because of .........
  9. Hi cmuir Z's behaviour has always been unpredictable. She just goes off for no apparent reason. When she was about 7 or 8 she was referred by CAMHS to specialist hospital, 50+ miles away for an EEG to check for epilepsy. We were told that it could be due to some form of epilepsy that she erupted without anything to trigger it. Everything was normal(the only thing that ever has been) with the EEG Hope you get the answers you need to move on Zosmum Edit due to bad spelling(Sorry)
  10. Sorry dogfish SWA is social work assistant and MAT is Multi Agency Team Things got really bad here with Z's violence so we were referred over to MAT which is where the SWA comes from by CAMHS
  11. Hi bikemad I sooo hate it when they change the person who got to know you and your child for someone new and you have to go right back to the start Don't they realise how hard it is to have to go through the same thing over and over again Hope the head does help for all your sakes Was the "something something behaviour" mentioned along the lines of cognitive behaviour? ie learned behaviour Basically finger pointing. It's their way of saying that they learned the behaviour from you. Think a lot of us have had that kind of thing. I call it "they haven't got a clue so we'll say it's down to you" It's makes their job easier a load of old Bull**** really Sorry bout the rant at the end but they get you sooo mad Good Luck with it all Zosmum Don't give up you just got to keep banging on at them til they listen to what you're saying rather than reading between the lines and only hearing the bits that they want to hear
  12. Hi All Had a visit yesterday from a SWA from the MAT and she seems like a nice person. She isn't a know it all cos she's read the book. In fact the complete opposite and claims to not know half as much about ASD as us cos she's not the one who lives with it 24/7 Because of the esculating trouble between Z and C she is going to try and get C onto the Red Cross Yooung Carers Sheme, apparently she qualifies by having a sister classed as disabled. They do all kinds of activities and learn that they're not alone in dealing with this kind of thing. She is also going to look at some activities for Z and hopefully go for funding too. It all sounds a bit too good to be trueand I think I'm turning into an old worry wart. I don't know whether to look forward to this or do the usual thing and not hold my breath waiting for something to happen as these things don't usually turn into anything much and take such a long time to set up I'm worried that C is a little to young as she is only 5 and don't know exactly what to expect Has anyone else done anything similar to this and what were your experiences of it? Thanx Zosmum
  13. Hi So pleased for you and your son It's brilliant news
  14. Hi Sean Z has real problems in groups and doesn't make friends without help. She really struggles with what to say, when to say it, how to say it and what tone of voice to use. She can appear to be really abrubt when talking to people on a subject she's not sure about but will quickly take over a conversation when talking on a subject she knows (usually ends up about horses) and she will not stop until she's told. She wants to fit in so much but never seems to know how. Maybe one day both she and you will find a way or a few friends that are totally accepting and you will fit and be able to socialise and build relationships Zosmum
  15. HI We go through this on a daily basis. C(5,NT) has learned exactly how to wind up Z(12 ASD,ADHD,Dyspraxia, Complex Learning Diffs) to the point of complete destruction. It is so hard to know what to do for the best. Z also has to always have the last word, usually as your case I'm a B***H, often much worse. When she calls me a B***H I bark like a dog. She used to give me strange looks until I explained that a B***H was a female dog. It sometimes(and only sometimes) takes the heat out of the moment Z has a lot of problems with expressive language so as long as she only swears in the house at me or her dad we let it ride as this is one of the only ways she can express herself. We try not to let it happen when we're out in public by trying to explain that somebody else's granny doesn't want to hear that kind of language. Hope things get better for you Zosmum
  16. Hi All I seem to think there's a lot more to ADHD than anyone realises. If it's a parental thing, how can it be controlled by drugs? The drugs are used to stimulate a certain part of the brain which otherwise lies almost dormant, If you gave that kind of stimulant to a NT child what would the effect be? Challenging, overstimulated child who wouldn't sleep for days(oh and you'd prob'ly be arrested) Therefore how can it be down to bad parenting. It's a disorder in the brain which cannot be caused by bad parenting. I think there is definately some kind of link to the spectum as a lot of people/kids with ASD's are also dx with ADHD
  17. Hi Sean WOW!! just watched your video and you are so like my 12 year old, she can talk and talk too but where you talk about magic she talks about horses, everything comes back to horses and riding must be an AS thing (linked to the obsessive side of Autism) It's so nice to see someone older than she is being able to be loud and proud. When she comes in from school I will see if she will watch it to as it may just help her deal with having the condition better if she actually sees someone like you talking about having AS rather than being given leaflets and books to read. She has really good reading skills but very poor comprehension skills so the reading material doesn't help. Will let you know what happens Good Luck with the magic Zosmum
  18. Hi vicbee I don't drink either for that very same reason Don't think I could give up the sanity sticks(cigarettes) though Keep your chin up and be sure to smile at yourself in the mirror everyday and say "Yes I can do this cos I've come through another day"
  19. HAPPY DAY The jab went really well Don't know if it was all the talking about it before hand or what but she did it She got up this morning and was really quiet but then the smallest of things was setting her off only for her to go really quiet again She went to school slightly huffy but no worse than any normal good day I went up at 9;45 She went into the room where they were giving the jabs OK, sat down quietly and then burst into tears saying she didn't want. Igave her a great big bear hug, she said OK just do it and that was that. She did it without swearing, lashing out or going into meltdown I am so proud of her I want the world to know how my DD went through this almost perfectly Even with all the anx of the past few days SHE DID IT I think I might have to buy her a treat for being soooooo good Thanks for your support and ideas Zosmum
  20. Hi sesley We've been playing with a medicine syringe sticking in just about aything that doesn't move The cat shifted rather quick when she got a bit to close Hopefully it's helped
  21. Hi Nikki30 I'm always on the look out for traits with C. She's 5 and I'm constantly being told "No way, nothing like Z" She also goes very quiet and shy, backing away and hiding behind me when being spoken to by adults She also covers her ears if lorries come past us on the road or if there are any loud noises But she's definately NOT on the spectrum or so they say but it doesn't stop you from worrying or watching for traits Hope all goes well for you Good Luck with the SaLT
  22. No soz Emum Not in our area and to far to travel Hope you find it informative. If there's some really good stuff can you let us know about it
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