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Everything posted by mumtothree

  1. hi was meant to do this last night but fell asleep. at the end of matthews report it states The ADOS assessment was scored by the therapists. The ADOS indicated that Matthew does have difficulties within the 3 areas of social communication, social interaction and social imagination. However it was felt that further information needs to be obtained from Matthew's school, sensory assessment and language assessment before a full diagnosis can be given. CONCLUSION. Although Matthew does have significent communication and interaction difficulties, it was felt that he requires a formal assessment of language and sensory processing difficulties before a definate conclusion can be made. RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. formal speech and language assessment. 2. sensory/motor assessment. 3. pending assessment we request the education department and the school to provide matthew with the same support as would be provided to a child with social communication disorder. going over his report under language and communication they noted that matthew used sentences to comment and answer questions thoroutout the assessment, although these were occasionally difficult to understand or appeared to be out of context. the structures of his language sometimes appeared to be sterotyped. (not sure what they mean by this). his responses to questions were not always approiate although this may have been as a result of a difficulty in understanding (or processing) of language. they went on to say that it was possible to have simple conversation with matthew he did sometimes respond to questions and comments from the therapist inviting questions altough the listener at times had to work hard to maintain the flow of conversation as he did not always reply in the expected way. theres 8 pages of it so just picked up a couple of bits from it.
  2. hello and thank you they feel they r not sure if all his other problems r making the issues he was assessed for worse. ie sensory and not seeing to understand what was being asked of him. the ADOS assessment involved a paed talking to us, and a OT and SALT assessing matthew. i will dig his report out in a bit and put some of the pointers. they felt with the possible sensory and language difficulties where infact making things worse for him. personally for years i have felt hes on the spectrum and we was told we would get a answer at the end of the 3 hours and we didnt. hes awaiting a sensory assessment, he had a motor one but they couldnt see anything obvious but many people have mentioned dyspraxia to us. once he had the OT and SALT do there assessment at school then they go over there findings. we r due to have a re assessment in october (6 months from his last one). i think at school the obessive with the routines etc wasnt noted so im unsure if that is what is putting it on hold. when the kids go to bed i get his report and write a few pointers made. its very frustrating esp with the school who see he has problems with mainly his concentration attention etc but not the full picture
  3. hi there and welcome quite a few things u have mentioned reminds me of my son. the food issues, the clothing, the fixing on to things. how long has he been like this? personally i would go and see your gp and ask to be referred to a community paed. my son is waiting to be diagnosed with autism he dont show many of traits at school, some he does ie covering his ears and has the communication, interaction and imagination difficulties but hes worse at home with obsessions, senstivity etc. in the mean time keep a diary of what u find to be "odd" never know what word to use but what u think isnt quite right. but i would definatly speak to ur gp about ur concerns and ask for a app with the community paed. have the school not picked up on anything? maybe they just have notiched to much 30 kids in a class is hard to pick up all of ther behaviour i feel. hang in there and good luck
  4. not sure if this is normal and i know matthews hearing is fine but the last couple of weeks, we say something but its like its not registering. hes hearing is ok so we know he can hear but its weird and i dont know if its a normal thing. like the other day we was crossing the road, there was a island in the middle so told matthew to stop but he kept walking, 3 times i had to say it b4 it registered. its like hes off with the fairies and not with it all. there r other things to that takes alot of repeating to get him to concentrate on what we r saying. just wondered if anyone has gone through similar
  5. hello i thought i would restart here as its been a while since i posted brief update with matthew, feeling quite alone and frustrated at the mo. matthew had a ADOS assessment in april after seeing the community paed in feb. the ADOS assessment was inconclusive but he had significant difficulties in social communication, social intreaction and social immagination. hes due to be assessed at school by OT and SALT. paed says school and education should provide matthew with same care given to child with autism even though there is no offical dx yet. however school r saying no diagnosis not much they can do. hes on school action plus, 5 hours a week. ive asked again about statementing and been told by senco it would be refused as hes clever. i get told by his teacher come year 1 hes going to struggle but they say while hes numeracy and reading is way above average hes not struggling in those areas so a statement would be refused. im so worried about september. hes also waiting for a sensory assessment, ive neen keeping a diary of all his odd ways. at the mo hes frusttrating us with crying at things, instead of speaking he cries, last few days have been about things being thrown away. hes always sensory seeking, smacking himself, poking things in his eyes. he also keeps finger crossing and i mean hes doing it for hours and hours. all we have to do now is wait for ass at school end of month and see what they find and then bk to the paed to hopefully at long last come away with a diagnosis and then the school cant argue (not hope not)
  6. well we have less time than i thought they have a cancellation for monday morning so i took it
  7. after seeing the paed in feb, we finally have a date for matthew's ADOS assessment its in may so 3 months from beinf refereed to being seen isnt bad i dont think. been told its a 3 hour appointment and will get told the outcome at the end of it. we know hes austic but would be good to find out where on the spectrum, he know hes high functioning. it cant come soon enough. have a new SENCO at school now not met her yet but hes due a IEP and school action plus review in may. anyone have any info on this assessement please
  8. we have similar although matthew only started in september there has been 10+ birthdays which seems everyone but matthew has been invited, it dont help that alot of the parents help out in class so obv see what hes like and dont want him at there party. he says he has no friends, all he plays with is his sister at play time and im worried as september she goes to the juniors so wont see her. it is sad but peoples ignorance is terrible would like to see how easy they find to look after a child with ASD etc
  9. Matthew went bk today woohoo he should of gone bk yesterday but he had an appointment at GOSH so went bk today. new SENCO started yesterday so hoping shes better than the last one
  10. received the report from Matthew comm paed today. Matthew has been referred for ADOS assessment and OT to help with sensory and motor skills and a motor skills workshop. also have writen to the teacher to get a report on how he is at school, the letter states he has a signifcant high score for hyperactivity and high ADHD index. kind of feels ###### having it all in writing, hes sent us copys of everything, letter to his pead, letter to teacher, letter to OT and letter to the team who do the ADOS asssessment. been a pretty panic couple of weeks since diganosis Matthew was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel diease on tuesday so started treatment for that. if info on the ADOS assessment the better please
  11. multi disciplinary assessment apprently there will be alot of people observing him ie OT, SALT, PAED etc
  12. Matthew is 4 years 7 months. he been having problems since he was 9 months old, 1st started with noises and has continued since. hes symptons are poor concentration and behavoiur, poor motor skills, poor eye contact, hand flaps, obsessions, needs routines, senstive to noise (covers his ears), senstive to clothes, doesnt play or talk to his peers at school. very hyperactive the list goes on. yes matthew is at school has been since september. hes only there part time at the mo, hes just going onto school action plus and they r writing up a IEP now. what concerns u about ur dd? how did u get on with ur app?
  13. thank you so much guys tbh im not sure how i feel, guess as things start moving forward with all the app's etc then i guess it will hit home matthew has stopped being sick but poor samuel is still puking but he kept some milk down this morning so fingers crossed, he puked in pur bed last night so at 11pm had to change all the bedding etc, then at 4am puked in his cot so then had to change all that oh the joys hey does anyone have any experience with a MDA?
  14. hello i think i recognise u from somewhere else its me natalie with holly, matthew and samuel welcome i only joined recently after some much needed info i know what a struggle u have had
  15. oh no im sorry ur app was cancelled yesterday i came to see how u got on. really hope they get there bums into gear and sort out another appointment. hugs xx
  16. firstly thanks for the messages on my nervous for tuesday thread well yesterday went very well obv very hard but the relief is now so huge Matthew has been diagnosed with ADHD, Dyspraxia and is on the austic spectrum. he now needs to have a MDA to see where on the spectrum he is , and also been referred to OT to help with his fine motor skills and sensory probs. he also needs bloods to check for fragile x and chromsone problems. it was so nice to finally be listened to. he was shocked that hes traits where not mentioned in the referral by his paed and said that should of set alarm bells ringing. anyhow finally after 4 years of battling we have answers. hopefully will help the school as well, the paed is going to write to them to get a more detailed background etc. dont think its sunk in yet though, not had time to think about it, as mathew has been puking since 10pm last night and then samuel started at 6am this morning yuk.
  17. hi thank you joe and matthew r of similar age then, matthew is 5 in july. do u have an app date yet or u still waiting i know what u mean u wait so long to get here and now its round the corner u realise this may be ur only chance to get help good luck
  18. Hello and Welcome my son is 4.5 years and yet to be diagnosed but r on the lines of Aspergers and ADHD. sorry u have found it hard with the eduation, ive come to realise over the last few weeks how stressful it is esp when u dont know what is right or wrong.
  19. we have been waiting for this day to come for years and now its 2 days away im starting to feel really scared, nervous, maybe expecting to much. Matthew is having a social communication assessment done, we r at breaking point now so really need something. i have no idea what to expect, what they r going to do. as hes not being seen in the normal place, children r assessed at, the behaviour worker isnt sure if he will then be referred there where a load of people will be to see him. sorry abit of a pointless post
  20. mumble- thank you http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=20198 here is my intro briefly explaining about my son. sometimes he hurts himself and screams like hes severally hurt, where others hes not bothered at all, he does have alot of sensory issues so could well be linked to that when the hand flapping started at 2 he use to do it when nervous or anxious, then it seemed to disppear for abit, but has come bk for about a year now, he will do it if hes excited, anxious, has something he dont like one of his medcines hes on, but i would say the last couple of weeks he does it alot more. he doesnt hand flap as much at school, i have asked but at school hes more arms flying around and hitting the other kids (not on purpose though) hes due to have a social comunication assessment on 10th feb, as he has alot of austic traits there is concern about ADHD to
  21. Nicky- thank you, no we have had no meeting at all, with SENCO, teacher etc. its only been bits here and there when we pick him up or us having to keep asking what is going on, didnt help SENCO was off from oct til beginning of jan so obv has a huge backlog, but onbv thats not my problem, appriate cover should of been found and it wasnt. as we have parents evening coming up im goign to ask if SENCO can be present, so try and find out what is going on, im assuming she wants us to lie so the paed isnt on her back to get it done quicker. thank you again
  22. mumtothree


    hello and welcome
  23. its been quite a hard couple of weeks, having more problems with the school and im fed up of it. SENCO called me last week, as i wanted to know what the hell was going on, especially due to the them not being able to help etc as hes under 5! anyhow SENCO said she has observed him and he does need alot of help, i asked if he was on a IEP and tbh i dont think i got a proper answer. we r due to see the comm paed on 10th feb and she asked me to lie to them and tell them he is on school action plus, hes not yet but will be when shes done the paperwork, i asked her y i should have to and she said its justa matter of sorting out the paperwork. so y cant i just say that to the paed so by him going onto school action plus, he must be on school action, however we have had no input on anything, no copies, no meetings is this the norm? she was meant to call me bk but hasnt typical. hes been very hyper in class, arguing with the teacher quite alot lately, missed out on some play time as he hasnt done what he was meant to in class. he had a accident at school on thursday, he bumped his head and nose, instead of it calming him down they said he was so hyper after, running round the classroom as they r trying to get him to the office, its quite a nasty mark, they said the force he it the table at it shoudl of dazed him but didnt. hes hand flapping seems to have got constant as well, any ideas on ways to try and help him control it abit better? so school action plus? what exactly happens? weve been told Ed phys wont be able to assess him for some time, so i took it upon myself and called them, obv never heard of matthew, but took down the details and asked us to get the comm paed to send a copy of there report to them, so they have him on file. its soo hard to keep going and fighting esp when i have 2 other children. we have quite a busy month coming up, we have the behaviour support worker round on 5th (although not found her that useful), then have the assessment on 10th as well as parents evening on that day to, then on 24th we r up to london for an app at GOSH, so this month would be either very depressing or alot achieved. sorry for the moan
  24. hello and thank you all for ur replies i know its going to be a very long and stressful journey ahead just soo frustrated its taken so long to sort out and try and get him and us the help
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