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Everything posted by krystaltps

  1. krystaltps


    and don't let the bedbugs bite (especially on the bum! - have to say that every night to R and E... if I don't terrible things might happen ). Hope you feel better in the morning.
  2. krystaltps

    Oh lordy!

    I sooooo want that game!
  3. Good! Remember you know your boy best, you know the effect that the uniform has on him, you have to deal with the "fall-out". It doesn't matter what he wears, uniform is superficial to his learning needs. Here are some inclusion quotes that may help in your battle. In 1996, the Centre for Studies in Inclusive Education (CSIE) profile of the features of an inclusive school stated that education authorities and school management must understand that inclusion has the power to restructure school systems and policies. The school system/policy should be altered to suit the needs of the child, not the converse. An inclusive school will "actively promote understanding and a positive appreciation of the diversity of individuals and groups within society" and will "promote success and self-esteem by taking action to remove barriers to learning" ("Count us in", SEED, 2003). This one is Scottish, but it still applies south of the border. Your son's uniform is a barrier to learning.
  4. krystaltps

    Oh lordy!

    It has it's drawbacks, SG. I am now banned from emptying the bin while multi-tasking, as I have binned far too many things I'm not supposed to. AND that's just one example. But... at least it LOOKS tidy .
  5. I used to have an all-in-one, Hev. But I wouldn't recommend it (unless I am just particularly unlucky with clothes-washing apparatus ). The dryer takes ages, and they don't seem to last as long. Plus, as Pearl says, you can't do both at the same time. Wouldn't recommend a condenser dryer either though. That's what I've got at the moment - you pay twice the price and never get to use it because you're always waiting on the man coming out to fix it! AND it still puts condensation on my floor! My mum says it's all my own fault however - I wash too much apparently!
  6. krystaltps

    Oh lordy!

    I'm a bit like Smiley... but I do it all in a mad multi-tasking frenzy that lasts about half an hour. THEN I can put the kettle on and sit. No wait, the kettle gets put on while I'm finishing the ironing. Multi-task - it's much faster.
  7. krystaltps


    Wondering if we can pass germs through the forum ! I have been fighting something off for about a week, but I think I'm starting to give into it - legs are not wanting to take me anywhere and head is thumping with the things that are happening in my ears. At least I've just got tomorrow at work, then I'm off. There are almost no staff in school - out of 6 SEN teachers, there were only 2 of us in today, and almost no assistants in the academy. Primary seems to be ok though. I remember my first year of my undergrad being particularly sicky. My post-grad was ok though, because by that time I had my kids - they forage for all the germs and share them with you - a great way of building up your immune system. Well done SG on getting your assignment finished while ill.
  8. <'> <'> Have done a similar thing before. Left all of our wedding present gift vouchers (about �400 worth from lots of different people) in the post office. A very kind lady handed it to the staff. I was so touched by her honesty that I sent her some vouchers as a thank-you. So there are honest people out there! The information you lost benefits nobody other than you and DD, so chances are it will have been handed in to lost property or similar. Fingers crossed....
  9. Oh Mumble <'> <'> <'> . Not really got anything to add to the great advice already given. Relax as best you can tonight, try to put future events out of your mind for now. I think Lya's advice about the card is good. If you had been able to give something like that to the station staff, it could have helped enormously.
  10. Is that Charlie in your avatar? Cute, cute, cute!!
  11. I can totally relate to all of it! It's wonderfully organised and can be really useful (it goes down well at work "wondeful organisational skills"), but it can get stressful as well. I get stressed if things are out of alignment, my eyes keep being drawn to it and I fight to keep my hands from sorting it. After DH has been to the supermarket, I have to sort the cupboards so that tins are lined up with labels facing out according to type, etc. I do the clothes thing too at night . I'm not as bad as I used to be due to the combination of the kids and work. It's definately something I have passed down to R - he does it with toys, sweets, cards, etc. C on the other hand, is a flurry of chaos and wouldn't know an organisational skill if he met one in his soup! Clare - I do that too
  12. I have been planning a trip to Ian Jordan for a while, Mumble Rocks. Silly really, as he's only a quick hop across the water for me (about an hour's travel), so now that I'm part-time, I really should make an appointment. Especially after tonight - he walked straight over the top of his brother who was lying on the floor doing his homework, he genuinely hadn't noticed him sprawled copiously over the floor. He has coloured sheets for reading... so maybe it's magic glasses that are needed!
  13. From what you've said, your DS sounds pretty much like C. C loves to get the twinkles to lie on him or he builds dens on the sofa or armchair with all the cushions piled on top. He has never slept unassisted, and only gets to sleep now with melatonin - but it doesn't always keep him in bed, he is often up around 2-3am. He also loves squeezy-hugs . So it might be a good idea to consider a weighted blanket. I'll let you know how I get on - I've emailed Ryansmum about her blankets.
  14. Good idea, that way it's decided and there's no backing out when the wine wears off . Failing that, Baggy and I will come with you, as long as you bring the wine
  15. That was a brave journey! I couldn't imagine doing that with C and no twinkles to help diffuse the situation and no DH to prop us all up. Even the simplest journey with C involves a lot of planning and packing: DS, games, books, variety of Pokemon items, change of clothes for when he pukes, wipes and plastic bowl, mild sedative for me ( only joking). Hope you have a lovely time, Elun <'>
  16. Fantastic news, Clare. And, well done Connor
  17. Ok, thanks Tally. I wasn't sure. If anyone fancies private messaging me with their weighted blanket shopping sites, it would be very much appreciated.
  18. THAT's what I was trying to say. I just took longer to get there
  19. krystaltps


    Life? The forum is my life ! At least since I went part-time. But you're on Kilimanjaro, Clare. I so want to be there. It makes you look important!
  20. Oh, Elun, it's a tricky one. On the one hand you really want to see your friend, do something for you, on the other hand.... I'm trying to think what I would do in your situation. I usually don't take C to visit people, as he finds it so distressing, so I've not really been in that situation before. I am however aware of the use of bad language without comprehending its meaning or understanding its impact. My gut reaction would be not to go... but then I never go anywhere. Reason tells me that he'll pick up the language eventually anyway - with C it started in P.4 and this year it has gotten a lot worse. It is inevitable. I always pick him up on it in a gentle way, explaining that the language is not appropriate and why. It takes a good few times to get it through to him. And I suppose you could just explain to his teacher, etc where he has got it from and how you would like it dealt with. There, I've talked myself into it... and I'm not even going
  21. krystaltps


    That IS fast. You've moved up a mountain from me now. I'll have to get climbing!
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