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Everything posted by lindy-lou

  1. Oooh yes thats a bit freaky!!
  2. Aw did she enjoy it?India went out to play at school too,when she came home she has got a bottle of sun cream (waterproof i may add) and covered herself head to foot,next doors swing,seesaw and slide,the dog,1 of our cars and the front door in it
  3. Hope your all enjoying the beautiful weather,has been 25 degrees here in cumbria,is wasp city though im terrified of them
  4. I cant catch it,i dont have a cage or anything!!I rang the RSPCA who have taken my name and number for if its reported missing and rang local vets too,i think its come to my garden as i have a lot of bird feeders in my trees at the back of the garden,i have 3 cats so i dont want to try and entice it further in or it may end up as lunch It has been and gone 3 times but i havent seen it for a few hours so im hoping its gone home now, Its made my day!!
  5. lindy-lou


    Oh wow kirstie Have you got a raincloud over your head too? aw what a terrible time hun,hope it gets sorted as quick as and as cheaply as possible!! <'>
  6. Aw sorry to hear that viper <'> must be awful if you had pinned your hopes on it,did they give you a reason for turning you down?I think paula's advice is very good,im sure it will happen in time,and going for a wee in another toilet is a huge achievement on the way there,Try not to be too downhearted about it x
  7. i woke up,went down to make a cuppa,opened the back door for the pup and look what was in my garden!!! isnt it beautiful!! Wow,i was absolutley gobsmacked,what a lovely way to start the day!
  8. I wouldnt go in the house,i would sell the ticket on ebay!!I dont think the trashy paper have got it right carole,apparently if any details of housemates get leaked they lose them and use standbys,but ...we shall see
  9. I cannot wait!!I hope they just choose normal people instead of trying to put the wackiest bunch together they can,last years was the worst yet I LOVE this twist to it this year,how exciting,watch this if you havent seen it before.... http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/m...s/B/bigbrother/
  10. lindy-lou

    Missing Hev.

    Nice to see you back hev <'>
  11. oh poor little man,how awful for you not being with him,i hope you find someone to look after your others so you can go and be with him. <'>
  12. Great!! Hope he enjoys learning to drive as much as i am!!
  13. I can only say yes to this topic really I am hoping that a sibling closer in age will be good for india,she does get on with her older sisters ok-ish but they dont "play" with her.
  14. oh how sad poor girl fought so hard,rip hayley x
  15. Oh how awful for the poor little girl and her family,they must feel cursed,i will say aprayer for her tonight
  16. best of luck Kris,give em hell x
  17. I will be finding out what the sex is at 20 weeks,im too impatient to wait full term lol!! Adamsmum i took a pic of my scan pic with my digital camera and then uploaded it to photobucket and resized it there,then you use the image url and insert it by clicking on the little tree above where you write in the posting box and adding the image url in there,hope you can do it
  18. Ok here He/she/it is!!best i could get a pic with camera,but you can see the baby
  19. lindy-lou

    My scan

    Well....I dont think my daughters name...India ...would be considered very british
  20. Had my 12 week scan today,all is great,baby wriggling around and kicking away,had my dates put back by almost 2 weeks,which is a bit impossible really,as "technically" i know i couldnt have conceived then,but never mind,im just delighted that baby is alive and well,have some fab scan pics which i will show you when hubby gets home with digital scan
  21. aw is alright girls,i just felt a bit cheeky
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