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Everything posted by Jessica's_mum

  1. Hi Tylers mum sorry to interupt this posting but just wondered if you could post the website again. thanks
  2. Daniel actually said to me a few weeks ago when his tics where bad, that its like I need to do it and know I'll feel better for a bit after I have done it but then I feel guilty because someone may have seen me, I can understand this feeling as I also had tics as a child but not to the extent of Daniels. We have also video'd the tics to take with us to the appointment when it comes through, I showed the video to a lady whos son also has ts and she said theres no mistaking that for anything else as hes the double of her son. Videoing is a very good idea along with the diary/list of tics.
  3. Hi I have two boys with tic disorders, one of them also has ocd and hyperacusis a couple of people have even mentioned aspergers. Ts can be dignosed with as, ocd and many other comorbid conditions its certainly not unusual for a child with as to also have ts. In order for a diagnosis of ts the tic have to have been present for over 12 months and also be at least one vocal tic and multiple motor tics. One of the boys is more effected than the other and his tics come in a long list but here is an example of what he has going on right now, blinking, rolling his eyes, neck twisting, head jerking, shrugging his shoulders and making a huh sound, his tics started with gulping and blinking at the age of 4 which is a very common way for them to start and then begin to involve more muscles such as shoulders, arms, head, legs etc.. He is now 9 The boys tics can be worse after school or when nervous or excited but tend to follow a waxing and waning pattern. I think the best thing you could do is keep a diary of the tics and also mention them at the next appointment so they have a record of it Can I also recommend this link to you so that you will be able to chat to other parents whos children have ts and also there are a few on the board whos children have aspergers with ts. My boys have just been referred to cahms and after the initial appointment we now go on the waiting list for diagnosis of ts Hope this helps a little and will look out for you on the other board if you post http://tourettesyndrome.forumup.co.uk/inde...ourettesyndrome
  4. To have a diagnosis of tourettes there has to have been mulitple motor tics such as facial tics, shrugging shoulders and one or more vocal tics including things like grunting, throat clearing and sniffing present for over 12 months which wax and wane and the tics change. I think its terrible that they have never actually said to you whether he has this.
  5. Darky well done for your persistance and for the strength to stand up when so many said there was nothing wrong and you knew you were right...you are an inspiration <'>
  6. Thanks very much for your advice, I will stick around and have a read of other peoples views and experiences, I have just started keeping a diary. When I took her to preschool before they had changed the routine to going straight outside to play she was not happy at all and one of the staff come over and said oh she doesnt like this bit, its ok Jessica you can go back inside, she was fine as soon as she was back inside its strange because at home she loves to play out but at school she doesnt like it. Anyway thanks again
  7. Hi all Iwas given this link from a friend on another site, I have had a few issues about my little girl and someone mentioned to me it sounded like aspergers, I have to be honest I dont know anyone with aspergers or maybe do but havent realised and I dont know what I'm looking for so if its ok I will tell you a little about Jessica. She is my third child and is 4 yrs old, I also have twins aged 9 who have tic disorders (possible tourettes but not as yet diagnosed) the twins have displayed vocal and motor tics for 5 yrs now but the consultant is reluctant to say its ts even though the criteria is met because according to him it doesnt effect them enough, so they have a diagnoses of chronic tic disorder at the moment. Jessica was a healthy weight at birth but very demanding and spent a lot of time just crying, she didnt sleep through until after 2 yrs old, she has never been very confident with people, and for the first yr would not even as a tiny baby be held by anyone else other than me by the time she was 1 she would go to her dad too. If people speak to her family or otherwise a lot of the time she just puts her head down and ignores them, they just think shes very shy which sometimes she appears to be but other times she looks as if shes bubbling with confidence. The first time I became a little concerned about Jessica was last september when she went back to preschool, they had introduced a new thing when she went in she had to find ehr name and put it in the pot, for weeks she kept telling me she didnt want to go and the staff even said she was not her usual self and had been seen wandering round looking sad at times, it all came back to the introduction of a the new pot and name thing, it took her 4 weeks to even consider picking up her name and even now she most of the time will just refuse to do it and I end up having to do it for her. She also didnt like the fact she had to sit down on the mat when I left her, they have recently changed this to just being able to go in and play which Jessica has taken too very well. She has shown some signs of tics over the last yr but at the moment I'm still working out whether they are or not given her age, she has had throat clearing come back twice and also licking, she went through a phase recently which lasted about a month where she licked all her toys, me, her dad and brothers, my coat, the railings at school and even once licked the outside bin. Thankfully this seems to have passed and the licking is now rare perhaps once a week or fortnight. She has a set group of friends at school who she gets on very well with, she does hit her brothers a lot but not had any reports that she is doing this in school as I know she just cant cope with being told off. She seems to get on well with her teachers in school but out of school she will put her head down and refuse to talk to them. The last couple of days she has been doing a high pitched scream..not constant but a various times such as yesterday it was when the bell rang at school and three times on our walk to her preschool which is 5 minutes away. I'm not sure what else if anything I need to be looking at or whether she has any signs of aspergers, hope you can help, any advice would be appreciated. Thankyou
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