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Everything posted by RainbowsButterflies

  1. LOL it's not good when you want them to get something though. 'It's over there' 'Where?' 'On the sofa. Look at where I'm pointing!'
  2. Just having a moan - I'm getting worse. The bones in my left foot are now dislocating when I put my shoe on.
  3. My two really don't seem to understand when you point at something.
  4. I use distraction techniques a lot, both to cope with stress and anxiety, and to cope with pain.
  5. My whiplash case was out of the ordinary as it caused me quite serious permanent injury, but they arranged physio for me, got full medical reports and then I eventually got compensation. If you are still in substantial pain - I would recommend that you get some physio, either through your GP or through the insurance company. A medical report (#2) either on its own or with the physio will build a better picture for your compensation claim - and the other party's insurance will probably insist on one anyway.
  6. Supported in what way? What do you need help with in particular?
  7. This morning I asked my 27 month old to count his fingers. His response - '1, 2, 3, 4, thumb'!!
  8. Wow - this is an old post! If anyone's interested - still not getting taken seriously by HV *rolls eyes*. Seeing the paed again next month but from what the HV said about the report she sent to her she's only keeping her on the books to reassure me. Why do our kids have to get to breaking point at school before anyone will listen? *sighs*
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