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Adam Mars

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Everything posted by Adam Mars

  1. Above the text box where you type your post, below the "Other styles", "Fonts" and "Sizes" drop-down menus, there's a row of icons. The one on the far right is "Insert media". Click on it, then type the URL of the video you want to embed (you can just copy and paste the URL from YouTube or wherever the video is).
  2. There is a deadline, but forms will be accepted after the deadline (and the award backdated) if you have a good reason for not getting them in on time. Having a mental illness - and ASDs count as mental illnesses - is automatically a 'good reason'. So in effect, you have no deadline.
  3. That's why they give you a police officer to help carry it.
  4. Very adventurous. I normally serve vanilla ice-cream with venison. Or mashed potatoes.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZfI1pqgdEA
  6. I have over sensitivity to bright light, being touched, the feel of certain materials, high-pitched noises, the sound of vacuum cleaners (at least, that's what I tell my wife) and cold. But I have no appreciable sense of smell, very dulled sense of taste and a usefully high pain threshold
  7. Walked past George Square twice today and I thought I saw Brad, but it turned out to be my reflection in a shop window.
  8. I Will Survive (Gloria Dylan) - John Otway
  9. Three 7 year old buskers (lead, bass and drums) doing a passable Smoke on the Water sequeing into Iron Man. Passable for 7 year old buakers, anyway. I'd bottle them off if they were at Glastonbury.
  10. Johnny Cash "The Man Comes Around"
  11. "I've met the man in the street, and he's a " - Sid Vicious.
  12. "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave" by the Butthole Surfers.
  13. Gesualdo's "O vos omnes" by the Monteverdi Choir (Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducting)
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Karl-Liebknecht-Stra%C3%9Fe+13,+Berlin,+Deutschland&aq=&sll=52.521852,13.408111&sspn=0.001753,0.005284&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Karl-Liebknecht-Stra%C3%9Fe+13,+Berlin+10178+Berlin,+Germany&ll=52.521938,13.407671&spn=0.000438,0.001321&t=h&z=20&iwloc=lyrftr:h,2510340086045449150,52.521938,13.407671
  15. "If that doesn't equate to joining up random dots to make the picture you want to see I don't know what does."
  16. You will. It can be more difficult - and a longer process - for parents to know and understand their ASD children than their NT children. It's a more difficult and longer process for an ASD child to know themselves than it is for NT children. It's a more difficult, longer journey but it still has a destination which will be reached eventually...and like most long, difficult journeys the arrival is all the sweeter.
  17. Both, I think. He reminds me of me, and certainly the things you describe are typical of autistic spectrum disorders...not sufficient in itself for anyone to seriously suggest a diagnosis, least of all on the interwebs, but certainly enough to suggest that it might be worth asking your GP to refer you to someone who can. Whether a diagnosis will be helpful is something only you can judge - although you'll find people here willing to argue both sides. A lot will depend on the people who will have to respond to the diagnosis - educators, principally - and whether they respond constructively. And that's something you can't know until after the diagnosis has been made. It would be worth trying to contact parents in your school catchment area (do catchment areas still exist?) who have children who have a diagnosis of an ASD and seeing what their experiences are of schools', teachers' and education officials' responses. Forewarned is forearmed, and having four arms is cool.
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