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Everything posted by col

  1. ROFL Oh yeah, she tried to pull the wool over my eyes a couple of times!! She wanted my daughter to attend one of their local units and i told her you havn't got a speech therapist there only a locum and she said something about the locum now working there properly. Well when i went to visit the unit to say why it was unsuitable it turned out that none of the staff knew about the locum getting the job.
  2. Hummm i think i can guess at the Lea case worker's name?? L.C??? Glad it went well and yep they are such a bunch of liars
  3. col


    Don't feel sorry for making that incompetent LSA cry. Her tears are nothing compaired to the ones you have shed over the years.
  4. NO My daughter's old unit is under fear of closure due to the fact that LEA'S have made it harder for children to be assessed and have stopped referring children with severe language disorders out of borough to her unit. The plight of the unit was even in the daily Telegraph newspaper health section. The hospital that assessed both my girls with verbal dyspraxia is unable to see my son as my local PCT is unable to refer him due to potential costs!!
  5. My other DD was a 2 and 3. The only surposed reason why i was able to get a statement for her (even tho we had a sendist date- the lea withdrawn} was that i chose a school out of borough. She is mainstream with 12.5 hrs support, SALT and specialist teacher once a week. She has got ADD>ADHD and speech and lang disorder (verbal dyspraxia) and delayed receptive and expressive lang.And hopefully getting tested for dyslexia if the specialist gets her butt in to gear! (and that was fun asking for that assessment!) I am so dreading going through this again in a couple of years time with my son who is now 29mths old. He has delayed/disordered language and sensery interagation. The doc wrote that she can see a lot of similarity between him and DD who is ADD>ADHD. He tends to scream alot and bash his sisters up quite a bit..... I'm just worried the way the government is going there is going to SFA support for him when the time comes.
  6. Humm go and have fun kicking their butt to the kerb!! I'll be celebrating your win tomorrow as you know we both have the same LEA. They withdrawn when i toke them to SENDIST, they said it was because i choose to send middle DD to a school out of borough so the money came out of a different kitty.
  7. not sure on what the 1% actually means.(As differnent ppl use's it in different ways) But my DD who hasn't been assessed for ASD YET!! but she does have severe speech and lang disorders+social communication disorder and when she started at her unit nearly 4 yrs ago (now at special school) she was tested at 1%. Later on that year having chat with the SALT and head was told that she is not a mainstream secondary school canadite. And that i faced the possibility of sending her away to residential when she gets older. I have come to terms with the possibility over the last 3 and a half years but oh boy it felt as i just got hit by a shovel. That to me is what i think 1% is. Children who are very severe and long term.
  8. My dd is able to go to situations happly for example she just changed school's. But when she has been there a little while and gets in to a routine she gets upset if something changes within the routine. she will tell other children off if they mess her routine up. She does now show eye contact but it still rather limited. She over friendly with other parents. Will hug them and paw at them. Toke an ep non verbal test last Jan and in one of the tests scored 99% , did a similar test 3 mths later ( different ep) and scored in the higher average. Get's upset if something goes missing for instance, came home without her homelink book and before she step out of transport was telling me about it and that i have to write on a bit of paper. Next morning she came in to me with a bit of paper. Will talk about school constantly especially in the holidays. Is sensitive to noise and will cover ears and scream (she has improved, she used to hit out at other children at school). school link book a few mths ago say she is aloof from the other children. gets up if she spills her drink and says i'm never going to drink juice again. mouths shopping trolleys and counters. bites bottom lip and nails. flick her hair behind her ears or hair in mouth... have to shout her a few times to get her attention. And her school thinks all this is caused by her severe speech and language disorders
  9. Pink, Hillingdon criteria is bad enough!! When my middle daughter got assessed 3 yrs ago they just changed it!! To 1 % or less. Have no idea what it is now but i don't trust them as far as i can throw them!! And now they must be going "oh no" as last month i signed an early notification at CDC and "said that they are just going to love me!!" And DR P.W just smiled!!
  10. Hi, Im a newbie but some of you may already know me from other boards. I have got 3 child DD 8, DD 7 and DS 2. It's DD 8, that i am concerned about. My son last month had a multi displianary assessment where i noticed the OT queried ASD but later ruled it out. Which made me wonder and i looked at sites and read all the signs and symptoms and it was a lot like reading about DD 8. DD 8 attends a specialised speech and language school as she has got severe speech and language disorders and social communication disorder. Last month i wrote a note in her link book expressing my concerns and recieved a phone call. Her teacher fells that she does indeed have a lot of traits which she can write about in reports but she doesn't feel that getting the dx won't help change her statement and in the amount of support that she is getting. I don't really care about the statement i told her as i just want to know, purely for peace of mind. So that i don't have to spend my life watching her grow up and wondering and for her in turn when she becomes an adult and wonder... As i personally KNOW how if feels not to be given a confirmed dx (i had speech therapy on/off until i was 16-18). Later on sent the school an e-mail. It has been on my mind this week so wrote a message in her homelink book just asking if she's getting assessed or not. got an reply I don't care about her statement as i have already mentioned and i know the procedure for getting assessed for things. But i just wanted the school consultant paed to assess her as i heard that the consultant paed team had assessed another little boy at the school. And this cosultant paed works at GUYs (although had it stuck in my head that she worked at GOS) she specialiseds in Speech and autism. So if my daughter was, she would be able to tell. She would be more qualified then my local CDC paed. I got a little bit annoyed and wrote maybe slightly nasty reply back to the teacher Any way got a message from the head when she came home from school yesterday. First time i read it, it seemed ok but when it started to sink in, i now feel that they are trying to fob me of again. I don't care about the "formal label" I don't care if my daughter has got 100 "formal labels" at the end of the day she is still the same DD8 that i love and cherish. I just want to know if she is or not so that i can stop getting stressed about it. So that i can stop crying my eyes over the fact that i DON'T know. I just feel that i can't be happy with them hinting at the possibiltiy in reports without know the truth...does that make sense?? (At the moment she is worried that she can't find her sister new lunch box that i got her sister for school) told her it's ok as it's saturday, her sister doesn't need it. Half an hour ago she split her juice, ang got upset had a cry and said tearfully "im never going to drink juice again?" Now is that due to her speech disorders or the fact that i feel that she may be ASD?? I don't think she is severe ASD maybe mild-moderate. I'm no good at meetings as i have really bad problems in trying to get my thoughts together and express how i feel. In a way that other people will understand. I also can't think of questions to ask and have proplems later trying to remember what happens in the meeting when asked by another person. This is why i prefer to write things down, even though my writing is really bad and it may come across to the others as if i having a conversation. There has got to be a reason why the school is unwilling, can help wonering if they are worried that they will upset my LEA so that the LEA may decide to stop paying for my daughter or the LEA may stop referring children there., Or that i may decide to take my daughter out of the school (which i won't). Although i'm going slightly off topic here.... DD7 is manistreamed with support she also has speech and lang disorder and ADD>ADHD. Since summer term of reception, she's now in year 2 have though that she could be dyslexic. She has a specialist teacher who she see's once a week, lsat year the teacher was concerned about DD7 hearing as she didn't seem to be paying attention. (Hearing got checked- okay). 5 mths ago expressed concern about eyes (eyes checked-fine) then 1mth ago got asked to get her eyes checked again and this time wrote a letter and OMW it was glad that i didn't read it at school as i was fuming. IT was classic dyslexia signs. Optican was not impressed, she checked dd7 eyes last time and again dd7 eyes sight is just a tiny bit longsighted but otherwise very good eye sight. The optican wrote a letter recommending that DD7 got tested for dyslexia. Spoke to DD7 LSA who said "she's doing really well and doesn't have any other signs" She rang the special teacher up who said that dd7 does have dyslexia traits and is teaching dd7 as if she IS dyslexia. But i feel that she was trying to back peddle by saying that she was waiting until DD7 turned 7. So i have been worrying over her the last few years and telling the specialist teacher/lsa my suspicions. IF they told me that they couldn't test her until she got a certain age i would of been happy with that. WHY is it that school are unwilling to test pupils that show traits when parents express concerns?? Sorry it's long
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