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Everything posted by bikergal

  1. Good news about the epilepsy. Sounds like you and Steve had a great night out
  2. Hope you all have a great time
  3. Prawn and mayo sarnies and voddy and coke make me feel Party on, Hev <'> <'> <'>
  4. bikergal

    sunny day

    Been sitting out in the sun studying today Haven't done that in ages was great...
  5. Happy birthday Mumble Have a great day ! <'>
  6. bikergal

    my positive thread

    Done some serious studying today...read 3 chapters about very complex stuff But I've taken some of it in! Well done with the furniture Smiley I can never put stuff together these days coz like you said the bits never fit together properly and I'm a weakling! Good luck with the wardrobe... <'>
  7. Hi and welcome. A couple of books I found useful are "The Complete Guide to Asperger Syndrome" by Tony Attwood and "Asperger's and Girls" by Tony Attwood/Temple Grandin. I've also trawled the net for more info on the ways girls present and found some interesting reading.
  8. Take care of yourself <'> I find stress and anxiety become more intense when I do anything involving people...I really cannot make sense of what they do/don't mean and whether any social overtures are positive/negative etc and this makes me want to withdraw if I can't make a final decision on what people have meant I drive myself crazy!
  9. bikergal

    my positive thread

    Feel a bit better today
  10. That's great news, enjoy! We heard from FF a few weeks ago, dd1 got a bike which she loves and money for family trips. Most of that will go on 3 trips...planning to take them to London zoo, Longleat and Woburn safari park . Like you, I couldn't do that without FF money.
  11. Thanks Karen and Mumble Will let you know how I get on. This is doubly scary because it's also the first annual review. I've got some questions for the school re english as dd1 got level 5 3 years ago and her latest report says she's a 5.7 now which I don't think is an awful lot of progress really. English was her best subject. Dd1 says there is a ta in that lesson but she goes off to work with others because she says dd1 doesn't need her. Anyway I will try to say some positive things as she has made progress in other subject areas. Poppy, I'm in Norwich too. Would be interested to hear how you get on. Is your review soon?
  12. Help! Have meeting early next week, have only just received the letter and details from school asking for my input. I hope to have someone coming with me to the meeting but it's probably too short notice to meet up and go through things Mentions lower anxiety levels...erm I think not....she's just very controlled and self contained at school. Her behaviour at home definitely indicates otherwise. I'm concerned that school think she's independent and age appropriate with things and she isn't (can't go out alone, doesn't bath or wash herself or get herself drinks, has terrrible separation anxiety). My concern with this is that the impression may impact on any help I may try to fight for in the future...eg transport to college and appropriate help in college. Also mentions she isn't distracted by noise; her sensory sensitivities are smell and touch. There is also a remark about executive function and slow information processing which scarily says seems to affect her in maths but not in language! I'm rather cynical about such remarks, don't trust the Senco to have dd1's best interests at heart. Educationally, she is doing ok though is rather bored. A lot of the work is easy as she's been put in the lower sets where the ta's are...this is the standard answer when I've questioned this before. So I feel there are low expectations of her and obviously her educational needs are not being met? Sorry to have rambled on. Please, anyone who has any knowledge/experience of year 9 annual reviews...help would be very much appreciated.
  13. Know how you feel Donna , I'm feeling a bit like that at the moment But Hev's right, we'll bounce back again. Hope you're having a better day <'> <'> <'>
  14. bikergal


    That's great news Pearl <'>
  15. bikergal


    Hi Julie and welcome
  16. Hi Lee, welcome to the forum
  17. Hi Alan, welcome to the forum. I'm in Norfolk too, was dx last year. Glad you found us
  18. bikergal

    my positive thread

    Won't have to cook this weekend, am going to be looked after for a change
  19. bikergal


    If I had the room I'd quite like a drum kit. I can wish can't I ! Forgot to mention my animals though they feel more like a way of life than a hobby
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