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Status Updates posted by Mike_GX101

  1. A great win for Alberto Contador in La Vuelta! Just wondering who's going to win the Tour of Britain now...

  2. I present with autistic tendencies and with questions to ask I'm looking forward to being granted the ability to join in on the forums.

    1. Mike_GX101


      I was first introduced to Asperger's Syndrome about 5 years ago when someone noticed that I had similar traits to one of their relatives who has Asperger's Syndrome. At first I was highly sceptical and fought against this idea; but I have since learned to recognise where my traits are.


      I have always had difficulty integrating with peers of my own age face-to-face and this presented me with a lot of anxiety issues and difficulty developing as others my age have. While I ha...

    2. Mike_GX101


      ...While I have developed strategies to help me counter many of the difficulties I faced particularly at school I still find unstructured social gatherings such as those found in pubs stressful and do my best to avoid them if I can.


      I have lots of questions and think these forums would help me. I also hope to be able to help others.


  3. If topping your pancakes with peanut butter is your idea of true happiness A-S Warrior you haven't lived!

    1. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      oh ive lived, but theres nothing like melting peanut butter on top of a homemade pancake ;)

  4. Is looking out the window at the dark cumulating clouds and wishing for the Great British summer to come back!!!

    1. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      where are you at? its about 30d where i am

    2. darkshine


      I think the south are gonna be boiled by the sun and the north are gonna get periodically soaked and be cooler....


      If you believe the weather forecast that is...

  5. Just added Web of Trust http://www.mywot.com/ link under "Other computer issues" for future reference should anyone need it again.

  6. Just noticed: I've just made the 100,000th General Discussion section reply!!!!

  7. Just realised the 'send me a message' doesn't work - the three bleeps just continue to chime at the top but nothing else happens LOL!

    1. darkshine


      Just checked to see if it works for me and it does... if it's annoying then you could start a post in the "forum matters" section and see if a mod or admin has a solution.


      Can you send messages the long way (through your message box?).

  8. Need someone to talk to? Then check this link out: http://www.samaritans.org/talk_to_someone/phone_calls.aspx

    1. Special_talent123


      I call them, its free if u dial 116123 and there mobile number too. But they are okay with that, had to explain to my GP that they say its okay for me to use but i need more than that

    2. Mike_GX101


      Good ST but it wasn't specifically aimed at you. Lets just say I was getting a little concerned about one of our other members

  9. Shivering a little...can't believe how cold it's gone!!! Brrrr.....

    1. Mannify


      Hmmmm, agreed. And wet, too.

    2. Mike_GX101


      Some people might be swimming out of bed this morning - sending them lots of luck after all the rain we've had...


  10. Spent an hour trying to cure a bad headache with massage and then spent 4 hours trying to overcome dizziness I got as a result of the massage!

    1. Mannify


      I had a bad experience with a non-consensual head-massage recently.

  11. Thought: without senses to experience things there would be no sense of meaningful consciousness (i.e. no 'I')

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darkshine


      Without communication and interaction (i.e requiring 'others') is meaningful consciousness meaningful at all or is there any point in thoughts or thinking?

    3. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      sounds like you all need to join me on a forum break! wow!

    4. darkshine


      Oh yeah - your forum break is like a busman's holiday (for forum usage) lol

  12. Unsure of a link? Check it with http://www.mywot.com/ before clicking it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LancsLad


      A-S Warrior that is from someone who was paranoid about people looking repeatedly at his profile page, lol.

    3. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      have you seen how many views ive got?

    4. LancsLad


      That is what comes with celebrity status mate, put it down to sex appeal, I would!

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