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Everything posted by Mike_GX101

  1. Sounds like he's going through quite a tough time then; give him a break! Kids can end up in the middle of family breakdowns and it isn't a nice situation to be in especially when other family members might be arguing within earshot. It is not a happy situation to be in. Do you have a friend or other relative who can maybe look after him for a bit while things get sorted at home? Some times taking them out of that stressful situation can do wonders for both their self esteem and their mood.
  2. Hi, I'm having difficulties applying any changes to messages I have posted (infuriating!!). I can click the "edit" button but then I cannot click the "save" button in order to apply those changes. This means I cannot make any changes even within the first 4 hours of posting. Is anyone else experiencing these difficulties? Thanks Mike
  3. Did you get any kind of dizziness/ear blockages when you had your particularly lethal dose of tonsilitis?
  4. Obviously in that kind of a case it would yes but if it were antibiotics for healing an infection one could live with and the antibiotics caused drowsiness and brain fog perhaps worse than the infection it were treating then I was certainly think twice. I mean, some aren't just anti-biotic, some are anti-human!
  5. I just hate this over-generalizationing thing that it's always the person with autism that has the problem and no one else. No one ever bothers to read into the bigger picture. Infuriating!
  6. Another thing I used to enjoy doing when I was a kid was exploring hospitals so big they could swallow some towns - such as the General Hospital in Northampton (where I lived for about 7 years - i.e. the town, not the hospital LOL!). Did you know for example that the main corridor of Northampton General Hospital is about a mile long?!? LOL I also love exploring the old ruins of castles (even now) - especially the really big ones such as the one at Caernarfon. And of course old underground vaults too; I'm one of a very few number of people who has seen first-hand some of the old underground tunnels situated under Northampton dating back to Medieval times. And believe me they're spooooky!!!!
  7. LOL - just don't get your shoe laces trapped!
  8. For example ever thought of sibling rivalry? Many parents are unaware of the nuance's of rivalry within their family. For example it might be something like having a sense that someone else is getting their own way more often, getting more attention for whatever reason, etc etc. If for example your son does feel like that towards his younger brother and perhaps if he thinks there is something detrimental to being non-neurotypical such as being less popular then anything the younger one does potentially aggravates it - even a kiss on the neck! It's a reaction to a feeling that one is being pushed out and the one doing the pushing is rubbing it in. Believe me, that kind of a feeling is very alarming and depending on the personality of the one feeling that way the conflict can be dealt in any number of ways including fighting especially at that age. Now I'm not saying this is what it is but based on the limited description of the problem you have provided this is a possibility.
  9. Of course aggression itself doesn't come from nowhere. It is usually a response to something as per cause-and-effect. Find the cause and root out the problem.
  10. I think confusion is the wrong term for it although fog is closer to it I suppose as if you have cotton-wool-on-the-brain LOL! I have to think in advance before taking any antibiotics...if I have anything important such as job interviews coming up I don't take them unless it's life threatening that I don't. It's a case of weighing up how serious things will be if I don't take them straight away to how important it is to having a sharp head for dealing with important things being thrown at me from all directions.
  11. Isn't it the old nature vs nurture debate - just because one reaches 18, it doesn't mean nurture/shaping stops. Shaping happens to us all however we live our lives and the same with those on the spectrum. But a good start in life would definitely provide a more positive template to be carried on in the later years...whoever you are. I suppose in your case though JeanneA would it not be worth trying to understand the source of Glen's aggression and anxiousness? Yes some of it might be the autism but there's a lot of other sources it could be from such as from peer pressure, the pressure of finding a job, the recession, money worries, girlfriend worries, the fear of loneliness (which was always on my mind at that age), fear of rejection, etc. Understanding goes a long way but uncertainty does not!
  12. LOL - I love them except when stuck behind people who find them an excellent time to have a social get-together and I cannot get past them grhhh!! When I was kid though I used to enjoy go up the descending ones especially the quicker-pace ones LOL. I also remember the ones from the car park to the ticket booths at Disney Land Paris too when I was about 12 - wow that was pretty cool! Anyone else been on that?
  13. Take the definition of animal kingdom to include anything from insects, snakes, spiders, lions, tigers, sharks, whales, zebra's, gazelle's, horses, goldfish, cats, dogs, mice, rabbits, foxes, donkeys, pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, geese, swans, sparrows, bats, frogs, toads, cuckoos, viruses, bacteria, germs, sea urchins, rays, jellyfish, ringworm, earthworms, ants, scorpions, stick-insects, aardvarks, beavers, bees, wasps, buffalo, butterflies, caterpillars, chimpanzees, roaches, cranes, crabs, crocodiles, doves, elephants, flies, gnats, gorilla's, hornets, leopards, lemurs, moose's, octopuses, panthers, parrots, pelican's, penguins, raccoons, sheep, shrew's, tapir's, walrus's, weasel's, wren's, woodpeckers, yaks, sand dollars, sea lions, seals, salamanders. rooks, reindeer, ravens, rats, quelea's, turtles, ponies, pigeons, seagulls, pelicans, panda's, bears, oysters, ox's, owls, okapi's, mules, narwhal's, otters, opossums, oryx's, ostrich's, newts, mosquito's, moles, meerkat's, manatee's, ducks, mink's, magpie's, lyrebirds, loris's, llama's, lobsters, locusts, larks, kouprey's, komodo dragons, koala's, kangaroo's, jackal's, jay's, jaguar's, iguana's, hyena's, hummingbirds, hippopotamuses, herons, rhinoceroses, hawks, hedgehogs, guanaco's, grasshoppers, grouse, gophers, gnu's, gaur's, giraffe's, albatrosses, camels, gerbil's, ferrets, falcon's, elands, eagles, dugongs, echidna's, doves, dolphins, dogfish, tyrannosauruses, coyotes, cormorants, cod, chinchilla's, clams, chamois, caribou, barracuda's, armadillo's, apes, anteaters, alpaca's, alligators, etc etc Plus I suppose you could also include the plant kingdom of which there are many... Please provide an explanation as to your answer.
  14. Who knows, maybe you still can. Just aim for something more you and who knows what the future will bring for you 2013 and beyond!
  15. Dreams tend to fall into very fixed categories such as being chased, being late, winning or losing something, falling, flying, etc and each one is a metaphor for something - e.g. a dream of falling may mean something isn't quite right in your life and you're getting that "sinking feeling" and almost is a warning for you to do something to stop that happening so you need to do some homework to work out where you're falling/failing in your waking life - have a note pad next to your bed, jot down every dream that streams through your head and analyse it all say once a week. Dreaming about things like a house is like dreaming about your ego and different rooms meaning different parts of that ego. It's all very interesting and the thing is, dreams are like the language of the unconscious mind and learning to tap into them can be incredibly useful. Who needs words when you've got pictures that tap straight into your mind via metaphor?
  16. Just be careful which star you aim for and don't get disheartened if you don't reach it - perhaps you need a star a bit more realistic to aim for.
  17. Stop chasing goals you cannot fulfil and be yourself; choose your own path, your own destiny.
  18. You're going through an identity crisis.
  19. It's all these dull days we keep having when the sun doesn't shine - they said only last week in the news that the jetstream was shifting north and we were in for some summer weather (given it is summer and all) but it didn't last too long did it because it's dropped back down again - when will it end?? I have off days and I noticed they quite often follow the course of the weather - when it is hot and sunny I'm usually happy and feeling energetic and when it's cold and wet I'm the opposite and feeling low on energy! I might have to emigrate to Australia if it carries on like this! LOL
  20. It's another one of these sub-syndromes that sits within Aspergers Syndrome but which never quite explains the parent syndrome in itself and never really quite gets to the core of the problem, rather like a which can be zoomed in on forever thereby denying the observer the truth indefinitely ensuring we're always stuck in a state of uncertainty about ourselves especially when it comes to seeking out solutions to our problems.
  21. You were polishing your coat hangers?!? Are you kidding me?!?
  22. Maybe it's a case of not being able to regulate our emotions that we're out of touch with and this means that when we do meet someone from long-time-past we are not sure what to do with that sudden flush of adrenaline caused by our elation/surprise/jubilation and our bodies go into fight/flight and we avoid it. Other people would of course embrace their long-time-lost friend and the emotions would be discharged and they'd probably go and have a drink and share some wonderful experiences and some not so good ones and then they'd part and be warmer inside for the encounter. Meanwhile we're drumming our fingers heavily on the table at home wondering what could have, should have been and we're hating ourselves for not allowing ourselves that opportunity and of course our emotions ever remain locked in a jar never getting the chance to be discharged, recycled and ultimately invigorated; we become locked in a kind of eternal void of what-could-have-been's. And that is quite depressing as we can only ever blame ourselves.
  23. While I love eating a nice large Cadbury's bar of chocolate once in a while and I also like a bit of Bourneville I detest the stronger stuff as it actually makes me feel dizzy and ill. The trick is not to eat too much cocoa because believe it or not the effects of over eating it are similar to getting drunk on alcohol only with the added treble laxative effect the following morning which might well leave you heavens above!
  24. I did about 15 lessons (with long gaps in between due to moving house) and I got to the point where the instructor seemed to be taking me for a ride a bit and telling me I wasn't ready even though I could clearly see that I could and was driving. As it happens I requested to be put forward for the practical and passed with flying colours as I also did with the theory and hazard awareness test before it. The moral of this is to judge for yourself when you are ready otherwise you might end up paying more than you need to.
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